The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Patient and Carer Advisory Group
Tuesday 11 August2015, Board Room, Chelsea, 1830-2030
In attendance:Nicki Murtagh (Head of Therapies), Min Cheung (Patient and Public Involvement Manager, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre), Sarah Rushbrooke (Deputy Chief Nurse)and Craig Mortimer (Quality Officer)
Action39/15 / Welcome from the Chairman
x welcomed members and staff to the meeting in particular new member x
40/15 / Notes of Thursday 11 June 2015for agreement
The notes were agreed.
Matters arising
41/15 / 29/15: effectiveness and way of working workshop, part 2
Following the discussions at the workshop it was confirmed that x is leading the development of an introductory pack and x will be the lead for attracting new members. Introduction of a videolink between Sutton and Chelsea for two meetings a year was confirmed; it was thought helpful if members let Craig know which site they will be attending when the meeting is videolinked.
It was agreed that at a future meeting the list of Trust committees/projects with PCAG representation be presented again. It was suggested that perhaps a time limit be applied to the terms of members attending as PCAG representatives on Trust committees/projects.
Members debated how frequently representatives on Trust committees/projects should report back to the membership.
There was discussion about how it feels to be a member of the group. It was agreed that x will lead on making the group feel less like a club. / All
Agenda items
42/15 / Therapy services strategy
Nicki Murtagh, Head of Therapies, presented the draft rehabilitation strategy for the Trust. The strategy will cover five years. The strategy aims to raise the profile of rehabilitation and reflect recent work carried out nationally. All rehabilitation services have been reviewed by an external assessor to identify the level of clinical expertise, education, research and influence. Strengths and gaps in the services have been highlighted. Patient comments have been reviewed. As new systems of care are suggested questionnaires and focus groups will be used to collect patients’ views for each area. The meeting supported the use of focus groups. One of the aims of the strategy is to reach patients earlier in their time with the Trust.
Members suggestions for inclusion in the strategy included patients being told of the options for rehabilitation earlier, integration of psychological support into the service and involving carers and the patient’s family to encourage the patient to undergo rehabilitation. The avoidance of acronyms was urged. Nickiwill return to a meeting as the strategy develops. / NM
43/15 / PCAG terms of reference for agreement
x presented the group’s terms of reference for re-adoption. The meeting considered whether there was a better term to describe who are members of PCAG rather than Patients, carers and members of the public. It was agreed that the terms of reference will be presented for approval with the induction pack at a future meeting.
44/15 / Membership leaflet
It was agreed that x will review the comments received from members and revise the PCAG leaflet accordingly. It was agreed that the leaflet will be presented for approval with the induction pack at a future meeting. / FS
45/15 / Patient literature review panel
Deferred until after the Patient Information Service has been reorganised. / LAG
46/15 / RM Magazine
x reported. x and x have met with the editor of RM Magazine. PCAG-inspired content will be included in articles throughout the magazine. x and x will be told which articles are going into each edition and invited to add a PCAG angle where relevant. It was suggested that PCAG be described as a proactive group that makes positive changes for the benefit of patients.
47/15 / Trust Innovation Forum
x and Sarah Rushbrooke (Deputy Chief Nurse) reported. The Innovation Forum is a new committee that develops small ideas and initiatives suggested by staff and patients to improve the experience of patients and the working of the Trust. For example, the display of a live bus timetable is being worked on with Transport for London and the electronic telephone directory is being rationalised.
Any other business
48/15 / Mock quality inspections
Sarah announced that mock quality inspections will take place in the Trust on 30 September and 6 October 2015. A range of staff will take part in the unannounced inspections.
49/15 / Feedback about this meeting
xfedback her observations about how the meeting went. x felt the meeting started well with members indicating to the Chairman that they wished to speak, but this broke down as the meeting progressed. The agenda was probably too long. Monica felt that considerable time was spent being advised about or discussing matters that could have been dealt with outside the meeting. All the points were important but some did not need to be raised there or in the way they were. The role of the group to improve the experience of patients was forgotten.
50/15 / Date of next meeting
Wednesday 30 September 2015, 1830-2030, Board Room, Chelsea, videolinked to the Committee Room, Sutton