
Each and every movement in each and every sport contains a great deal of physics. In some sports, such as swimming and cross-country, the winner of a competition is determined by who can move the fastest average speed. Other sports, such as basketball, figure skating, and ultimate Frisbee, the success depends on accuracy, technique and team work.


Students will design a ppt presentation analyzing the physics of a sport or physical activity. Students will design a ppt presentation researching information related to the sport.

Analyze a Sport

Select a sport or physical activity that you would like to study. Choose a sport you can actually play or observe. Suggestions for sports are listed below.

  • soccer
  • swimming
  • volleyball
  • golf
  • wrestling
  • auto racing
  • basketball
  • biking/cycling
  • skateboarding
  • running (track)
  • football
  • tennis
  • softball
  • baseball
  • hockey
  • javelin throw
  • high jump
  • weightlifting
  • skiing
  • gymnastics
  • pole vaulting
  • snowboarding
  • ult. Frisbee

A.Completing Research: Please take notes and be prepared to hand in your

notes. They maybe hand written or electronic. (see attached sheet)

Explain in detail the physics ofspecific actions or movements in your sport.

  • Include pictures, diagrams, arrows and descriptions to clearly illustrate these actions.
  • Include the physics terminology you have learned in class. You may include other related physics terminology that we have not yet addressed (but are directly related).
  • You can include something that makes the physics in your sport unique compared to other related sports. You can include the history of the sport as well if you have time.

If you are not finding information, and you have checked all of the recommended resources

listed please ask for assistance! If you need help with your bibliography/citations, please ask!

B. Slide Format

For the sport of your choice, research the following information and include in your

presentation. Each number represents one or more slides.

  1. Include a title page with Name of the Sport and your name.
  1. Describe the objects in motion in your sport. Do people move around a lot? Do they move in straight lines or do they change directions? Is a ball, projectile, other equipment the focal point of the game?
  1. Explain how speed is a part of your sport, such as the speed of a served tennis ball or speed of the runner. Describe how this speed is controlled by the athlete or is changed by their actions or movements. Think if acceleration is involved.
  1. Find at least one example of the Physical Laws (Newton’s Laws)of motion in your sport. Describe each example as clearly as possible. Use terminology learned in class. (Example: speed, velocity, acceleration, freefall acceleration, gravity, air resistance, projectile motion, etc.
  1. Other Physics concepts related to your sport. (Include information for at least 2 or more of the following that relate to your sport- You might need more than one slide to accomplish this.)
  • What forces are involved in your sport? Use arrows to depict the forces acting upon the athletes in the sport.
  • How does weight or mass affect your sport? Does added weight or mass have an advantage or disadvantage? Are there weight classes to your sport?
  • Consider the role friction plays in your sport. In what circumstances is friction desirable? Undesirable?
  • Consider how differences in the atmosphere and gravity between the Earth and on the moon would affect the play of your sport.
  • Describe the parameters (measurements) of the game or sport. Do these parameters affect the play of the sport. Do they limit the success of the winner?
  1. Using your understanding of the physics involved, describe several specific things that an athlete could use to improve performanceor improve the outcome of this sport.
  1. Include a Bibliography/Citation slide which has citations for the resources you used. You should aim to use information from 2 sources.

Additional Slides- Only add these slides in when the others are complete.

+ Include some physics aspect that makes the motion (speed, velocity, acceleration, freefall, etc) in your sport unique compare to other related sports (use comparison/ statistics (numbers))

+ What is the history of your sport? When and by who was it invented? How much has it changed since it was invented? Is there anyone that has made a great impact or contribution to the sport (explain)

+ a SHORT (less than 1 minute) video clip; must be previewed by the teacher before presentation.

Format Guideline (Reminders)

  1. Total of 7-10 creative slides. ( this includes the title and Bibliography slide)
  1. Make sure the background does not distract from the information (text) you will be using.

Do not include too much text on anyone slide. Include diagrams, pictures, and illustrations

that relate to your sport. You will lose points if you include unrelated or inappropriate


  1. Make sure all terminology and units included are correctly used in your presentation! (example: Velocity: 23 m/s NOT 23 m)
  1. Save the presentation to your student drive. You may save to your own personal flashdrive, BUT also save to the sd22 google drive or sd22 portfolio.

Rubric for Project: Physics In Sports Name:

Sport Researched:





Notes (electronic or written)

  • Demonstrates research was used to create the ppt.
  • Information in the notes were used to create the ppt.
  • Handed in at the time of the presentation
/ 4

Format followed:

  • 7-10 slides
  • Slide Format #1-7 ( additional optional) included
  • Title and Bibliography/Citation slide included
/ 6

Quality/Effort of Research

  • Media time was used appropriately to construct a thoughtful presentation (loss of pts for wasting time and being told to complete the assignment)
  • There is evidence of research- notes have been taken. (attach notes to this rubric) Information was not pasted from one source to another.
  • Correct usage of Spelling and Grammar
/ 8

Content of Presentation

  • Information included in the ppt relates to the sport as instructed.
  • Pictures, diagrams, etc. enhanced the presentation
  • Physics Terminology used correctly
  • Quality and effort is demonstrated by the content information included.
  • Additional Material is present.
/ 20

Format Guidelines

  • Presentation completed on time.
  • Presentation is readable and appropriate for the audience.
  • Presentation is in your own words.
/ 6
Score out of pts

PHYSICS IN SPORTS PROJECT – Suggested websites

  • Lots of information here but lots of distractions too. If you know you won’t be distracted and are interested in Skateboarding, Cycling, Surfing,
  • Lots of information of different sports here.
  • This link has videos on the following sports: Track and Field, Gymnastics, Tennis, Archery, Golf, Freestyle BMX
  • There is a lot of information on a wide variety of sports here. The site requires a lot of reading.

YOU MAY GOOGLE the key vocabulary in order to find relevant information.

For example: Physics of Horse racing, Newton Laws of Motion, Speed in Horse racing, Kinetic energy,


As part of the grade for this project you will be asked to hand in your notes. You can cut and paste any information you think you will be using. You will be expected to put the information into your own words. Don’t simply CUT and PASTE onto the ppt.

  1. You will be making an electronic copy!! There will not be enough time to hand write notes for this presentation.
  2. To help you keep track of the information you have researched you should include the link for the site (ctrl + c) the web address and then ( crtl +v) onto your note document.
  3. You should number or label which slide if it helps!