National Landcare Programme
National Landcare Programme Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Round 2015-16 List of Successful Projects
Grant recipient / Project Title / Purpose / GST Inclusive Value(where GST is applicable) / Grant Funding Location
Acacia Park Consulting / Central Flinders Soil and Pasture Re-hydration Project / The project aims to increase the skill and knowledge of landholders to implement landscape rehydration measures on their properties in the Central Flinders Ranges in South Australia. / $22,206 / Quorn, SA 5433
Ag Excellence Alliance Incorporated / Increasing the Effectiveness of Extending Sustainable Agriculture Research by Farming Systems Groups / The project will deliver workshops aimed at building greater industry capacity in sustainable farming and understanding on the value of agricultural extension activities currently undertaken in southern Australia. / $54,890 / Burra, SA 5417
AgForce Queensland Industrial Union of Employers / Improved Awareness and Best Practices to Deal with Fodder Weeds Across Droughted Queensland / The project aims to identify and manage the unintentional introduction of invasive weeds through fodder importation in drought affected areas of Queensland. / $55,000 / Brisbane City, QLD 4003
Agribusiness Yarra Valley Incorporated Formerly Centre Agriculture & Business Yarra Valley Incorporated / Composting Trials for Soil Health and Resilience Improvement in Vineyards in the Yarra Valley / This project is focussed on assisting farmers to implement ground level solutions to improve the health of the soil they farm. / $16,671 / Castella, VIC 3777
Agriculture Kangaroo Island Incorporated / Variable Seasons: Improving Land Management Skills of Kangaroo Island Farmers so They Survive and Thrive / This project aims to increase the capacity and resilience of farmers on Kangaroo Island to deal with variable seasons and facilitate the adoption of proven management practices. / $43,030 / Kingscote, SA 5223
Applied Horticultural Research Proprietary Limited / Building Prosperity and Sustainability by Demonstrating Reduced Tillage, Functional Cover Crops and Compost to Vegetable Growers in Victoria / This project is focussed on building the capacity and skills of vegetable growers in Victoria to farm sustainably. / $54,450 / Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Australian Forest Growers / Multi-Purpose Trees - Building Landowner Capacity for their use in Sustainable Land Management / This project focusses on encouraging the agroforestry industry in a number of regions across Western Australia. / $55,000 / Macquarie, ACT 2614
Barkly Landcare and Conservation Association / Farming Smarter: Connecting Barkly Farm Businesses to Information in a Remote Landscape / The project will deliver a workshop to support farm businesses located within the remote and vast Barkley Tableland region of the Northern Territory. / $19,320 / Tennant Creek, NT 0861
Barrabaroo Landcare Incorporated / Empowering Farmers to be More Productive and Sustainable - Building Capacity in Understanding and Managing Soil Fertility / The project aims to empower farmers to make sustainable decisions about soil management. / $12,636.36 (Nil GST) / Cobargo, NSW 2550
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network Incorporated / The Green Line - Demonstrating New Methods of Shade and Shelter Construction to Farming Enterprises in South West Victoria / The project will develop two revegetation sites on public land that will demonstrate new methods to create shade and shelter for agriculture in a Victorian Volcanic Plains linear remnant area. / $46,950 / Warrnambool, VIC 3280
Birchip Cropping Group Incorporated / Precision Agriculture - The Sustainable Approach to Farming in the Southern Mallee / This project is focussed on the use of variable rate technology in the cropping industry across a number of regions in Victoria. / $41,039 / Birchip, VIC 3483
Border Ranges-Richmond Valley Landcare Network Incorporated / Maintaining Natural Resources and Productivity on Richmond Valley Farms / The project will deliver workshops aimed at increasing biodiversity and soil health knowledge to cattle producers, dairy farmers and small farming properties in the Richmond Valley. / $29,040 / Kyogle, NSW 2474
Bruie Plains Landcare Group / Pathways to a Bright Future in Agriculture / This Holistic Grazing Management Course will support landholders from the Central West and Western NSW regions, which also includes two field trips. / $11,000 / Trundle, NSW 2875
Brunswick Valley Landcare Incorporated / Keeping our Land Productive - Farmers Sharing, Learning and Planning for a Sustainable Future / The project will deliver a series of workshops and field days in Northern NSW that will cover topics about improving soils and water quality, sustainability, planning and increasing biodiversity. / $19,083 / Brunswick Heads, NSW 2483
Burdekin Productivity Services Limited / Accelerated Adoption of Innovative Practices for Burdekin Young Grower Group / This project will assist a group of young sugarcane growers in the Burdekin region of Queensland to improve their knowledge and technical skills around controlled traffic, reduced tillage, irrigation scheduling and fertiliser management. / $18,950 / Ayr, QLD 4807
Cambooya Landcare Association Incorporated / Identification and Management of Acid Soils in Southern Queensland / The project will assess the impact of soil acidification on agricultural productivity and improve its management in southern Queensland. / $55,000 / Cambooya, QLD 4358
Carnarvon Growers Association Incorporated / Demonstrating and Communicating Best Management Practices for Horticultural Production in the Gascoyne Region / This project is focussed on demonstrating and communicating best management practices for horticultural production in the Gascoyne Region, Western Australia. / $55,000 / Carnarvon, WA 6701
Centralian Land Management Association Incorporated / Promoting and Creating Healthy Landscapes in Central Australia using the EMU Process and Best Practice Soil Conservation Techniques / This project builds the capacity of land managers to plan and execute soil conservation and rehabilitation works using best practice methods, including the use of the Ecosystem Management Understanding process. / $55,000 / Alice Springs, NT 0871
Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Incorporated / Capacity Building for Sustainable & Biological Farming in the Bellingen/Coffs Harbour region / The project will deliver a series of workshops to farmers on sustainable and biological farming topics in the Coffs Harbour and Bellingen Shires. / $12,000 / Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Incorporated / Local Blueberry Industry Market Segmentation Research to Improve Targeting of Behaviour Change Tools for Best Practice / The project will address fertiliser management and improved irrigation management for the large new plantings of blueberries and other high value horticulture crops on the Coffs Harbour Coast. / $45,400 / Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
Conservation Farmers Incorporated / Conservation Farming Field Days / This project will deliver a number of grower-group workshops on conservation farming across Northern NSW and Central Queensland that will target the cropping industry. / $27,500 / Toowoomba, QLD 4350
Corrigin Farm Improvement Group / Improving Soil Health through Establishment of the Perennial Legume Lebeckia on Non-Wetting Deep Sands / This project aims to improve cereal and pasture production on the deep white sands in the Corrigin area that are currently producing low yields. / $39,000 / Corrigin, WA 6375
DairySA Regional Development Program Incorporated / Leading NRM - Facilitating New Thinking, Adoption and Sustainability / The project will deliver a tailored leadership programme for young professionals in the South Australian dairy industry. / $43,500 / Lucindale, SA 5272
DairyTAS Board Incorporated / Supporting Sustainable Dairying in Tasmania (North) / This project is targeted towards new and expanding dairy farms in Northern Tasmania. It will involve the delivery of the Fert$mart program, which is an established program that involves the roll-out of the dairy industry's national nutrient management guidelines. / $44,500 / Burnie, TAS 7250
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries / Optimising Nutrient Management in Vegetables for VR Applications / The project includes the establishment of a participatory research project relating to nutrient uptake monitoring of key vegetable crops in the Kalbar region. / $49,990 / Brisbane, QLD 4000
Depview Pty Limited T/Tee Bindaree Family Trust / Comparing Methods to Regenerate Wildlife Corridors and Restore Productivity Using Swales and Treelines / This project will establish a demonstration site for future field days with 1,500 metres of swales on a highly degraded native pasture paddock in Bindaree, NSW. / $18,070 / Garnant, QLD 4702
Derwent Catchment Natural Resource Management Committee Incorporated / Derwent Catchment Pasture Information Hub / This project will establish a pasture information hub through the collection of data from a number of different farms across the catchment area. / $31,360 / Hamilton, TAS 7140
Desert Uplands Build-Up and Development Strategy Committee Incorporated / Tried & Tested: Good Grass Experiences of the Desert Uplands / This project focuses on investigating and documenting strategies that landholders have used, or may be able to use, to successfully manage lands that have been subject to extreme climatic events over the last ten years in the Desert Uplands Bio-region of South Australia. / $48,500 / Barcaldine, QLD 4725
DigsFish Services Proprietary Limited / Establishment of a Community Oyster Gardening Initiative to Facilitate Shellfish Reef Restoration in Pumicestone Passage / The project will, by using the development of oyster beds, improve estuarine productivity and water quality that is centred on the Pumicestone Passage in South East Queensland. / $51,010 / Banksia Beach, QLD 4507
Farm Tree and Landcare Association Incorporated / Your Land, Your horses - Sustainable Horse Property Management Workshop Series / Through a series of workshops, the project will demonstrate the environmental and horse health benefits of the Equicentral System to owners of small horse properties in the Yarra Valley. / $6,590 / Melbourne, VIC 3000
Farm Tree and Landcare Association Incorporated / Containing Stock to increase Productivity in Dry Times / This project will help farmers to reduce soil loss and land degradation, and support them to be more resilient during tough times in the Wimmera, Victoria. / $38,500 / Horsham, VIC 8009
FarmLink Research Limited / Soil Moisture Education for Landowners to Avoid Erosion and Achieve Productivity Outcomes / This project is designed to improve landholder understanding of soil moisture conditions by establishing yield modelling and analysing and interpreting data. / $55,000 / Temora, NSW 2666
Flower Association of Queensland Incorporated / Cut Flower and Foliage Industry - Natural Resource Roadshow / This project will deliver workshops that aim to inform flower and foliage farmers on how to better manage their natural resources. / $45,124 / Cleveland, QLD 4163
Gascoyne Catchments Group Incorporated / Landcare with Cows: Restoring Landscapes and Increasing Heifer Fecundity / The project will demonstrate how degraded soil areas in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia can be rehabilitated whilst simultaneously increasing heifer fecundity, which will address a major constraint to pastoral cattle production in Western Australia. / $53,600 / Carnarvon, WA 6701
Greening Australia (WA) / Sharing Knowledge for Sustainable Agriculture: Biodiverse Native Plant Fodder Systems in the WA Wheatbelt / The project will deliver a number of workshops and field days across the Western Australia Wheatbelt to deliver information about mixed native plant fodder systems, including design and integration into existing farm businesses, on-going management, implementation costs, benefits and estimated annual returns. / $16,430 / Shenton Park, WA 6008
Greening Australia Limited / Empowering Farmers to Identify and Control Buffel Grass to Protect Production Values in Native Pastures of the Southern Flinders Ranges / The project will deliver a series of farmer workshops including demonstration events relating to buffel grass identification and control in the Southern Flinders Ranges. / $54,680 / Pasadena, SA 5042
Gwydir Valley Cotton Growers Association Incorporated / To Report and Extend the Key Outcomes of a Rotation Trial to Improve Productivity and Soil Quality in North West NSW / This project will improve the level of information that is available on cover crops (including legumes) to farmers in the North West New South Wales. / $17,300 / Moree, NSW 2382
Hart Field-Site Group Incorporated / Sustainable Farming from the Start / The project will deliver a series of workshops targeted for young farmers about the importance of sustainability in farming. / $37,032 / Clare, SA 5453
Innisfail District Cane Growers Organisation Limited / Demonstrating Methods for Controlling Five Loss Pathways of Nitrogen in Sugarcane Farming whilst Maintaining or Enhancing Productivity / The project will establish a number of demonstration sites on commercial cane farms in the Innisfail region in order to highlight the methods, advantages and economics of using different types of nitrogen fertilisers to; improve nitrogen use efficiency, reduce inorganic nitrogen loss to the environment and improve cane yields. / $13,780 / Mourilyan, QLD 4858
Irrigation Australia Limited / Demonstrating the Benefits of Variable Rate Irrigation through a Community of Practice / This project focuses on demonstrating the benefits of Variable Rate Irrigation to irrigators through the development of a community of practice. / $34,450 / Mascot, NSW 1460
Kaniva District Landcare / Reducing Agrochemical Dependence through Directional Sowing Techniques in Kaniva / This project will demonstrate the advantages of east-west directional sowing as a technique to assist in the control of weeds, which will increase productivity in cereal crops in the Kaniva region. / $29,900 / Kaniva, VIC 3419
Kooloonong-Natya Landcare Group Incorporated / Improving Production through Sustainable Practices on Deep Sands in the Mallee / The project will identify the underlining constraints and management practices that have contributed to the poor growth and production on deep sands in the Victorian Mallee. / $33,000 / Piangil, VIC 3597
LachLandcare Incorporated / Healthy Soil for Healthy Farms / This project will include a range of training events throughout the Lachlan River Catchment, they will provide information to farmers on soil management including managing soil fertility, structure and carbon through improving grazing management and developing property plans. / $54,626 / Forbes, NSW 2871
Lower Blackwood Catchment Land Conservation District Committee / "Farming The Lower Blackwood" Field Day / The project aims to deliver a field day to provide farmers with information on managing natural resources and best practices for sustainable farming across a range of agricultural industries. / $5,500 / Karridale, WA 6288
Lower Eyre Agricultural Development Association Limited / Managing Soil Acidity on Lower Eyre Peninsula through Development and Delivery of Best Practice Management Growing Productivity and Sustainability / This project includes the development of an innovative pH mapping program for the Lower Eyre Peninsula and investigating the most effective treatment of low pH soils in this area to improve productivity and sustainability. / $54,310 / Port Lincoln, SA 5606
Mackillop Farm Management Group Incorporated / Managing Sub Soil Acidity through on Farm Extension / The project builds on an extension workshop carried out in October 2015 to look at subsoil pH and total dissolved solids levels as restrictive layers to root growth of pasture and cropping on sandy soils in the upper south east region of South Australia. / $21,960 / Padthaway, SA 5271
Macquarie Valley Landcare Group Incorporated / 'Smashing Solar Power Barriers for Irrigators' / This project will reduce barriers for irrigators in adopting solar power in the Central West region of New South Wales. / $9,500 / Dubbo, NSW 2830
Mallee Sustainable Farming Incorporated / Mallee Sustainable Farming Conference 2017: 'Sustainable Mallee Farming: Part of the Global Food System' / The project aims to hold a conference that allows farmers, scientists, consultants and policy makers to discuss how the Mallee production system relates to international markets and identify where the global opportunities exist for Mallee farmers. / $53,300 / Irymple, VIC 3498
Mallee Sustainable Farming Incorporated / Assisting Mallee Farmers to Implement Productive, Profitable and Sustainable Paddock Rotations / This project will increase the adoption of productive, profitable and sustainable paddock rotation techniques in the low rainfall Mallee region of Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales. / $54,856 / Irymple, VIC 3498
Map IQ / Increasing Best Management of Deep Soil Acidity in the Eastern Wheatbelt of WA / This project is focussed on managing deep subsurface soil acidity in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia. / $20,130 / Bassendean, WA 6054
Mary Valley Country Harvest Cooperative / Towards a Future of Sustainable Agriculture in the Mary Valley / The project targets relatively new landholders in the planned Traveston Dam catchment area in South East Queensland. / $18,250 / Dagun, QLD 4570
Mid North Grasslands Working Group / Improved Production from Well Managed Native Grassland Management in the Mid North of SA / This project will increase the knowledge of land managers in mid-North South Australia regarding current best practice techniques in grassland management. / $49,082 / Clare, SA 5453
Mid-Loddon Sub-Catchment Management Group / Increasing the Knowledge and Capacity of mid-Loddon Farmers to Successfully Integrate Sustainable and Profitable Crop and Sheep Production / The project will deliver integrated and sustainable crop and livestock based farming system education to mid-Loddon farmers. / $20,284 / Bendigo, VIC 3554
Mingenew Irwin Group / The Benefits of Cell Grazing in the Northern Agricultural Region / This project will aim to demonstrate the economic and environmental potential of cell grazing in the Northern Agricultural Region of Western Australia. / $33,250 / Mingenew, WA 6522
Mitchell and District Landcare Association Incorporated / Box Gum Woodland - Upper Maranoa Catchment - Managing Woody Regrowth and the Impacts of Buffel Grass / The project will support improved management of natural vegetation communities through a property planning process, with a focus on the application of fire in a landscape where introduced grasses are changing fire behaviour. / $35,057 / Mitchell, QLD 4465
Monaro Farming Systems CMC Incorporated / Soils for Life - Monitoring to Manage the Fragile and the Fertile / This project will improve soil management and address poor sulphur levels in the soil, which has been identified as a constraint to production in the Monaro area. / $28,100 / Bombala, NSW 2632
National Indigenous Pastoral Enterprises Proprietary Limited / Natural Capital Accounts for Rangelands to Underpin Payments for Ecological Services / The project will provide pastoralists in the Rangelands with a way of quantifying the ecological impact and benefit of land management decisions. / $55,000 / Curtin, ACT 2605
National Rural Women's Coalition Limited / E-Leaders Grow, Innovate and Sustain Program / The project aims to provide an integrated learning and community awareness program for a number of rural women around Australia. / $39,254 / Canberra, ACT 2601
New England North West Landcare Network Chairs Incorporated / 18th Annual New England North West Landcare Adventure: Feeling The Pulse / This project will deliver a range of extension activities including the 2016 Landcare Adventure which will increase the knowledge and understanding of landholders and community members relating to natural resource management and sustainable agricultural issues within the New England Natural Resource Management region. / $20,600 / Armidale, NSW 2350