CalWORKs Work Experience/Community Service Program
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Alameda County Social Services Agency (SSA)
Request for Proposals (RFP)
2008 /2009 CalWORKs
May 29, 2008—9:30 a.m.– 11:30 a.m.
Alameda County Social Services Agency
Oakland Conference Room, 2nd Floor
2000 San Pablo Ave.
Oakland, CA94612
June 3, 2008—1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Alameda County Social Services Agency
California Poppy Room, 2nd floor
24100 Amador Street
Hayward, CA94544
June 18, 2008 @ 3:00 p.m.
Alameda County Social Services Agency
Contracts Office, 4th Floor
2000 San Pablo Avenue, OaklandCA94612
ATTN: John Tran or Marcia Mayberry
RFP and BID Process:John
RFP Contents:Tim
CalWORKs Work Experience and Community Service Program RFP
Release of Published RFPMay 14, 2008
RFP Bidders’ ConferencesMay 29, 2008 (Oakland)
June 3, 2008 (Hayward)
Deadline for RFP Responses to CountyJune 18, 2008 (3:00 P.M.)
Announcement of Contract Funding RecommendationsJune 30, 2008
Deadline for AppealsJuly 8, 2008 (3:00 P.M.)
Final Awards by Board of SupervisorsJuly 22, 2008
Estimated Contract Start DateAugust 1, 2008
- Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………..……………….page 5
- Participant Eligibility page 5
- Funding Availability and Funding Periodpage 6
A. Purposepage 6
- Services……………………………………………………………………………………………………………page 6
- Description of Employable CalWORKs Clientspage 7
A. Proposal Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………….page 9
B. Program Requirements……………………………………………………………………………………… 10
C. Service Delivery Requirements…………………………………………………………………………… 12
D. Funding Parameters……………………………………………………………………………………………page 13
E. Deliverables…………………………………………………………………………………………………………page 14
V. BIDDERS’ PROPOSAL INFORMATION..………………………………………………………………page15
- Cost of Developing the Proposal……………………………………………………………………………. Page 15
- Proposal Terms and Conditions……………………………………………………………………………. Page 15
- Successful Proposal as Part of Contract Services……………………………………………………. Page 15
- Pre-Contract Implementation Assessment page 16
- Compliance with Applicable Regulations page 16
- Additional Reporting Requirements page 16
- Discrimination and Confidentiality page 17
- Applicable Federal Costs Standards page 18
- References page 18
- Proposal Evaluation and Scoring page 19
- Awarding of Fundspage 19
- Appeals Process page 20
- CountyProvisionspage 20
VI. Specific RFP InformatioNpage 23
- Bid Submission page 23
- Term/Termination/Renewalpage 24
- RFP Bidders’ Conference Dates, Times and Locations page 24
- Funding Levels page25
- Eligibility for Contracted Services page25
F. Eligible Bidderspage 25
G. Basis of Funding page 25
H. Proposal Format page25
I. Language Access Requirements page 26
J. Proposal Rating Criteria page 26
K. Payment Methodologypage 28
Attachment 1:Glossary of Terms page29
Attachment 2:SSA RFP Activities and Timeline page 30
Attachment 3:SSASelf-SufficiencyCenter Locations and Language Needs page 31
Attachment 4:SLEB Certification Instructionspage32
Attachment 5:SLEB Affidavit page36
Attachment 6:SLEB Subcontracting Information Sheetpage38
Attachment 7:First Source Requirementspage39
Attachment 8:Community-Based Organization Master Contractpage41
Attachment 9:Insurance Requirementspage49
Attachment 10:Audit Requirements page51
Attachment 11:Language Access Requirements page53
Attachment 12 RFP Response Package page54
Attachment 12.1:Proposal Submission Formpage55
Attachment 12.2:Agency Summary/ Description Sheetpage57
Attachment 12.3:Project Activities / Servicespage58
Attachment 12.4:Statement of Organizational Capabilitypage59
Attachment 12.5:Proposal Project Teampage62
Attachment 12.6:Project Budget and Narrativepage63
Attachment 12.7:Payment Methodologypage64
Attachment 12.8:Bid Acknowledgmentpage65
Attachment 12.9:SLEB Request for Preferencepage67
Attachment 12.10:Debarment and Suspension Certificationpage69
A. Introduction
The Alameda County Social Services Agency (SSA) is soliciting proposals to develop, implement, and monitor countywide unpaid Work Experience and Community Service (WE/CS) Program opportunities for participants in AlamedaCounty’s California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids or CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Program. Total project funding is estimated at 534,000 for the period beginning August 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009 and is expected to serve approximately 240 participants. The SSA intends to award a total of two WE/CS contracts through this Request for Proposals (RFP) process. To better facilitate service delivery, the SSA has divided the County into two regions—Regions 1 and 2 (see definitions in section titled “Funding Availability and Funding Period” on Page 6 of this document). A maximum of $315,000 is allocated for Region 1 while $219,000 is earmarked for Region 2. Successful bidders will be paid on a cost reimbursement basis per activities detailed in this RFP.
The SSA’s Employment Services Department (ESD) administers a variety of programs and services for CalWORKs recipients and will administer the WE/CS Program.
The SSA, through collaboration with local public and private non-profit agencies, has traditionally provided CalWORKs services through its WE/CS program. Through this RFP, ESD seeks to expand and diversify the WE/CS program assignments as well as the service delivery approaches for serving hard-to-employ CalWORKs WTW participants, including limited and non-English speaking participants, and CalWORKs WTW participants with limited work history. While projects proposed must be consistent with the ESD’s requirements, bidders are encouraged to develop innovative approaches to enhance AlamedaCounty’s ability to move CalWORKs WTW participants into employment and self-sufficiency.
Work Experience (WE) activities are an integral part of the CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Program and are designed to help participants who have limited work experience, a sporadic employment history or limited marketable skills, to practice and upgrade their job skills in a non-paid work position under close supervision, thereby enhancing their employability for unsubsidized employment. WE plays an important role in meeting required participation rates as CalWORKs participants not exempt from work requirements must be working and/or participating in services that will assist them in increasing their employability.
Community service (CS) activities are also a vital element of the CalWORKs WTW Program and are tailored to meet a participant’s individual circumstances. CS activities are also non-paid and designed to serve as a substitute for work activities to meet a participant’s individual needs. These activities usually are assigned to CalWORKs participants who have been unable to find unsubsidized employment for the purpose of helping them meet their work participation requirements. CS activities are applicable whether CalWORKs participants need supplemental work-related activities or a “bridge” activity between CalWORKs-approved activities.
A. Participant Eligibility
SSA Employment Services Department (ESD) CalWORKs staff will determine eligibility for all participants enrolled in programs described in this Request for Proposals (RFP). Participants participate in an assessment process in order to determine educational history, work history, skill level and aptitudes, resulting in a Welfare-To-Work (WTW) Employment plan to obtain unsubsidized employment. ESD CalWORKs staff will also provide case management services for eligible participants prior to referral to the Contractor, including the authorization and payment of any supportive services needed to participate in assigned activities. Examples of supportive services are childcare and transportation. ESD CalWORKs staff will be solely responsible for CalWORKs participant referrals to programs under this RFP and will designate the number of hours participants are required to participate.
B.Funding Availability and Funding Period
It is estimated that $534,000 will be available to fund the Work Experience and Community Service (WE/CS) Program for the two aforementioned geographical regions of AlamedaCounty. Region 1 is comprised of the northern and central portions of AlamedaCounty and is served by the Social Services Agency’s (SSA’s) San Pablo and Eastmont Towne Center Self-Sufficiency centers. Region 2 is comprised of the southern and eastern portions of AlamedaCounty and is served by the SSA’s Hayward-based EdenAreaSelf-SufficiencyCenter and its two satellite offices in Fremont and Livermore. The SSA will fund two qualified proposals under this RFP solicitation, one for each region. All awards are subject to funding availability. Final contract amounts are subject to contract negotiations with the Alameda County Employment Services Department (ESD). State and federal funding levels are uncertain and subject to change. The actual funding allocation may be increased or reduced and the agencies selected through this RFP may be required to increase or reduce planned program expenditures accordingly. The SSA may exercise its authority to terminate WE/CS contracts at any time if contractors do not meet contract performance targets or if contractors act in a manner that places the SSA at fiduciary risk. Funding for the contracts offered through this RFP is budgeted for the fiscal year beginning August 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009, and may be renewed for up to two more years, depending on funding availability and performance. No obligation or commitment of funds will be allowed beyond this grant period.
All WE/CS contracts will be performance-based and earned amounts will be payable by the specific payment methodology described herein. Proposals shall comply with the SSA’s CalWORKs program requirements. Visit the CalWORKs website: for more information,including the SSA’s requirements, conditions, and process for accepting, reviewing, assessing, and awarding contracts.
Work Experience (WE) is an unpaid work activity performed by CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Program participants. It involves work that otherwise would not have been done by employees in the public (including government) or private, non-profit sector.
Community Service (CS) is also an unpaid work or work-related activity performed by CalWORKs WTW participants who are unable to find unsubsidized employment sufficient to meet their required WTW participation hours. It involves work that otherwise would not have been done by employees in the public (including government) or private, non-profit sector.
The services to be provided under the Work Experience/Community Service (WE/CS) Program must include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Orientation of individuals referred by Alameda County SSA CalWORKs WTW staff
- Identification and development of WE/CS assignments/activities, skill sets, and site agreements in the public (including government) or private, non-profit sector
- Development of diverse occupationally-specific WE assignments/activities geared to areas of study or interest of participants
- Development of ongoing “Drop-In” WE/CS assignments/activities for participants who are between activities or who need additional hours. A “Drop-In” WE/CS assignment/activity is an ongoing endeavor intended to accommodate a high turnover of participants
- Creation of short-term “Bridge” WE/CS assignments/activities for participants who may be in school or training and now have intermittent breaks. Bridge WE/CS assignments/activities are intended to be short-term and geared to a participant’s field of study.
- Placement of participants in WE/CS assignments/activities, monitoring and overseeing supervision of participants at the WE/CS sites, including job placement and retention services. Monitoring includes ensuring participants are actually performing assignments/activities in accordance with site agreements; that participants are properly supervised by site supervisors, ensuring there are no safety issues; and acting as an intermediary between participants and site supervisors in the event of disagreements or disputes involving the participants.
- Training and support for site supervisors and participants to ensure that participants significantly enhance their employability and that site expectations are met.
- Work and life skills counseling as needed to enhance and maintain satisfactory attendance and enhance employability of CalWORKs participants.
- Job development for all participants including those that have been identified by the ESD as having six months or less to remain on cash aid.
- On-site support and assistance on an individual or as-needed basis.
- Culturally appropriate services for monolingual and limited English-speaking and/or other population groups.
- Placement of participants into unsubsidized employment, providing necessary retention services.
- Case management, in cooperation with SSA ESD CalWORKs staff and contractors, to assist participants in identifying their needs and removing barriers that prevent them from achieving self-sufficiency and satisfactory personal, family and workplace goals.
Service providers shall ensure that any applicant who does not meet enrollment requirements of the Work Experience/Community Service Program or for other reasons cannot be served, shall be referred back to the Social Services Agency. Bidders are encouraged to expand on the scope of services listed above. The ESD is seeking creative service delivery approaches that will enhance the long-term employability of participants often considered difficult to serve.
C.Description of Employable CalWORKs Clients
As of March 2008, approximately 9,451 Social Services Agency (SSA) CalWORKs participants were employed and/or enrolled in some form of CalWORKs employment-related activity. Participants receive services through one of the SSA’s three major Self-Sufficiency Centers (SSC) – and two satellite offices in the Tri-City and Tri-Valley areas -- according to the participant’s residential zip code (see RFP “Attachment 3”). Participants living in Berkeley, for example, are served by the San Pablo Ave. SSC located in downtown Oakland and participants living in San Leandro or South Hayward receive services through the SSA’s Eden Area SSC located near downtown Hayward. CalWORKs participants living in eastern AlamedaCounty receive services through two SSA satellite offices in Fremont and Livermore(visit for the addresses of the above identified SSA offices).
Note: Please see the Table on Page 9 for demographic information on SSA CalWORKs Participants Enrolled in Employment Services.
All individuals scheduled for referral to the SSA’s Work Experience/Community Service (WE/CS) Program must have the CalWORKs Assessment activity completed before they can participate in the program. Employment Services Department (ESD) CalWORKs Welfare-to-Work (WTW) staff will also calculate the number of hours of required WTW participation for each CalWORKs WE/CS Program participant to be referred. The following individuals will be targeted for participation in the WE/CS Program and will be referred to service providers by ESD CalWORKs WTW staff.
- Individuals who have Work Experience or Community Service designated as a CalWORKs activity in their respective Employment and WTW plans.
- Individuals who need additional work activities in order to meet CalWORKs requirements. These individuals will need a limited number of hours per week to supplement the hours that they already spend at work and/or in other activities.
- Re-referrals from CalWORKs participants that stopped attending Work Experience for a period of time and need to re-enter this work activity in order to fulfill their required hours of participation.
- Non-English speaking or limited-English speaking individuals who may require specialized services and sites.
- Individuals who need to develop workplace skills or additional employment experience while participating concurrently with other activities as part of their WTW Plan.
- Individuals who have specific barriers preventing them from obtaining self-sufficiency and full-time employment including but not limited to legal issues (such as a criminal record), lack of H.S. Diploma/GED, limited work history, inadequate reading/math/language skills, learning disabilities, medical conditions, emotional/mental health issues, substance abuse issues, domestic violence and other family issues, lack of appropriate work clothing, and lack of housing.
Demographics of SSA CalWORKs Participants Enrolled in Employment Services(n=9,451)
Gender / # / (%) / Ethnicity / # / (%)MaleFemale / 2,027
7,424 / 21%
79% / BlackWhite
Other / 4,593
1,284 / 49%
AgeRange / of Active Cases of Active Cases / Language
64+ / 2,663
28 / 28%
<1% / EnglishSpanish
Other / 7,965421
521 / 84%<1%
Source:Alameda County Social Services Agency: Office of Data Management
Note:“Black” refers to persons from the African continent or persons of African-American descent.
“White” refers to persons from, or descended from, the European continent, including
Asia Minor and Russia.
- Proposal Overview:
- Proposals shall specify how the bidder intends to meet the activities and deliverables identified in this RFP’s Scope of Services, in addition to the SSA’s quantitative performance targets assigned to this RFP. Public and private non-profits and for-profit organizations that can demonstrate expertise and success with providing Work Experience and Community Service programs are strongly encouraged to submit proposals.
- For the purposes of this RFP, the SSA defines Work Experience as an unpaid work activity for CalWORKs participants who have not found unsubsidized employment sufficient to meet their required Welfare-to-Work (WTW) participation hours. Work Experience, under the supervision of the worksite supervisor/manager, provides participants with “on-the-job” work skills to acquire training and accepted work habits in a professional work environment. As mentioned previously, the SSA strongly suggests that contractors place participants in work assignments relevant to their occupational goals, as listed in their WTW Employment Plans.
- The SSA defines Community Service asanunpaid work-related activity for CalWORKs participants who are unable to find unsubsidized employment sufficient to meet their required Welfare-to-Work (WTW) participation hours. Community Service can substitute for work activities to meet a participant’s specific circumstances – whether the participant requires supplemental work activities to meet her/his work participation hours or needs a “bridge” activity between CalWORKs approved activities. As with Work Experience, the SSA again recommends awarded contractors place Community Service participants in activities commensurate with their employment goals described in their individual WTW Employment Plans.
- Program Requirements:
- Work Experience/Community Service (WE/CS) assignments will provide participants with the opportunity to meet their work activity requirements while gaining valuable work experience in proven market demand jobs. The purpose of the WE/CS Program is to afford CalWORKs participants an opportunity to gain work skills while developing good work habits and work maturity skills that will lead to unsubsidized employment.
- Work Experience/Community Service is an unpaid work or work-related assignment in which the participant is “working” for her/his cash aid and food stamps.
- An individual’s maximum hourly Work Experience (WE) participation requirement will be calculated by dividing the value of her/his monthly grant, including Food Stamps, by the state’s minimum wage and dividing again by 4.33 weeks in a month. Social Services Agency (SSA) Employment Services Department (ESD) CalWORKs’ staff will determine a participant’s maximum WE hours. Any balance remaining to be filled in the mandatory 32-hour per week (35 hours per week for two-parent families) participation standard may be met in other program components, such as vocational training, GED/H.S. diploma classes, (Vocational) English as a Second Language, mental health, and substance abuse services.
- Work Experience/Community Service sites will offer work in an occupation related to the participant’s Employment/Welfare-To-Work (WTW) Plan. The maximum Work Experience assignment will be three (3) months with an option for a 3-month extension (unless the 60-month time limit is reached). Extensions may only be granted after consultation with and approval by SSA Employment Services Department (ESD) CalWORKs WTW staff. Community Service assignments may last for up to 60 months.
- Efforts will be made to accommodate the approved job/career goal of each participant.
- Prior to referral to an assignment at a faith-based site/organization, participants will be informed of their right to choose an alternative provider, in the event the participant objects to the religious character of the site/organization.
- Participants will be transitioned into unsubsidized employment prior to reaching the lifetime 60-month limit of assistance.
- Contractors will closely monitor participant performance, including problem resolution between the participant and the Work Experience/Community Service (WE/CS) site supervisor or other issues the participant may have regarding the placement and work experience.
- If the initial Work Experience (WE) placement does not result in unsubsidized employment at the end of a 3-month participation period, it can be extended for up to 3 additional months and/or participants may be required to accept a subsequent placement at another suitable WE site.
- Participants will be under close supervision with systematic monitoring of progress. Feedback to participants on their performance will be consistently provided.
- Contractors must work closely with SSA CalWORKs Employment Counselors and Career Development Specialists to recruit Work Experience/Community Service (WE/CS) Program participants for vacant WE/CS assignments. Recruiting efforts may include e-mail, presentations to SSA staff and/or distribution of printed program marketing/promotional materials.
- Work Experience/Community Service Program assignments must:
- be developed in local public (including government) and private non-profit
sectors only;