Evaluations: Network Development Training

Induction for New Members of Statutory and Working Groups

19-21 May 2011, Leuven

Overall DRAFT! summary: (17replies from17participants)

Positive response with highest appreciationfor the knowledge gained and organisers’ preparation, advancing, strengthening network, matching needs,slightly less on matching needs, strengthening national networks, and speakers.

Strong appreciation of logistics/hotel/venue and food.

Neutral area – own preparation (with 5saying neutral preparation).

On comments: the overriding negative comment is that it was too packed with programme/info. The overriding positive comments were on the getting together, the pack, the preparation.


Question 1: Advancing EAPN objectives:16/17

Question 2: Strengthening EAPN NN: 16/17

Question 3: Match your needs: 16/17

Question 4: Gain knowledge: 17/17

Question 5: Application: 16/17

Question 6: Organisers’ preparation: 16/16

Question 7: Facilitators & guest speakers: 16/17

Question 8: Methodology: 16/17

Question 9: Visit in Brussels: 13/17

Question 10: Your preparation: 11/17

Question 11: Logistics: 14/16

Question 12: Venues: 15/17


Question 5: Application: 1

Question 10: Your preparation: 1 & 5 neutral

Question 12: Venues: 1

Please indicate ratings for the following questions related to this meeting:

Excellent / Good / Neutral / Bad
  1. Did the workshop help advance EAPN and the Social Inclusion Working Group’s objectives?
/ 8 / 8 / 1
  1. Has this meeting helped to strengthen EAPN National Networks and European Organisations?
/ 4 / 12 / 1
  1. Did the event match your needs?
/ 5 / 11 / 1
  1. Did you gain relevant knowledge and information?
/ 11 / 6
  1. Will you be able to apply such knowledge and information in your work and for the network?
/ 6 / 10 / 1
  1. Preparation by organisers (including mailing of documents)
/ 12 / 4
  1. Facilitators & guest speakers
/ 8 / 8 / 1
  1. Methodology
/ 5 / 11 / 1
  1. Visit & work in Brussels
/ 4 / 9 / 4
  1. Your preparation and participation
/ 1 / 10 / 5 / 1
  1. Logistics (including interpretation, rooms, other)
/ 10 / 4 / 2
  1. Venue, accommodation, food
/ 8 / 7 / 1 / 1

In your opinion what were the strengths and weaknesses of this training and each session?


-Getting together to learn together (x3) makes us more confident in our work for EAPN

-Handy to have had the pack & gone through it (x3)

-Written material & lectures well prepared (x2)

-Informative (x2)

-Well-organised and good choice of themes (relevant info)

-Now have the link to EAPN-EU

-Interactive sessions

-All sessions were great


-Too much information (x5)

-Little time for person-to-person exchange of ideas (x2)

-Not enough time for short working groups (x2) to speak of issues & help fix it in the head

-Meeting the Commission could have been better presented & prepared

-Day 2 should have been the whole day in the office to take time with the staff

-Trip to Brussels took too much time

-1st session would be better started in the morning leaving first bit for socializing

How could we organise such events better in the future?

-Shorter days

-More time for reflection/interaction

-More in-depth about specific areas/items instead of little bits about many areas

-Compress the information

-Less packed programme (x2)

-Not such a long 2nd day

-More info about EU institutions & their specific competences

-Focus more on policy and other specific issues & less on exchange between members – generally new people lack direct experience but sharing is still important

-Visual overview of the political decision-making process

-More time is needed

-Strong communication & good cooperation

Other comments, suggestions on training or specific workshops/topics covered:

-Staff was good (x2) – didn’t mind explaining things

-Sian was very impressive in her presentation & passion

-Will keep in touch with people, taking thoughts & ideas home

-Liked Tanya’s exercise

-I look forward to working with the secretariat!

-I am really satisfied.

-Thank you!