CheppingViewPrimary Academy SCITT

Case Studies MP1 – upload by December 7th, 2017


To adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils. (TS5)


Select 3 pupils from your class. If possible, one child with SEN or one child with a disability, one child with high ability and one child with EAL. If there are no children with EAL in your class then choose one child who is pupil premium or one child with low ability.

For those doing the maths specialism; choose one child with identified mathematical difficulties in addition to a child with SEN and a child with high ability.

Produce 3 case studies of these individual children over the course of this term, using the format below. Once completed, please upload as an evidence bundle for TS5 a/b/c/d and possibly for TS8b/c/e TS4d TS6b/c/d

Obtain information and advice from your TT or other members of staff. (TS8b)


For each child:

  1. Present a general profile of the child which may include a selection or all of the following, some of which will already be collected by the school:
  • General information about the child (first language, favourite subjects, what they like or don’t like about schooletc.) You may wish to ask the pupil some questions, informally.
  • Key stage/end of previous year assessment levels for English writing and reading, maths and any other data for subjects such as science, SPAG and phonics
  • Current targets, new targets as set
  • Information/notes from IEP/EHCP
  • Have they been identified as having one of the four broad areas of need as outlined in the SEND code of practice: communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health difficulties or sensory and/or physical needs?
  • Any interventions which are in place
  • Any support which is in place (TAs/LSAs)
  • Reports/records from parents evening
  • Attendance and behaviour records
  • Reading age and other internal tests
  • External agencies involvement
  • Medical information
  • Reflect on who you went to for information, advice and specialist support (TS8b)
  • For a pupil accessing SEN support, meet with the SENDCo and complete the trainee question form. Include as part of the evidence bundle for case studies.
  1. Spend time working individually with these children or as part of a group. Choose to focus on either English or maths (For maths specialism; choose maths). Write reflective notes on:
  • Where they sit in the class and how this impacts their learning
  • How are lessons planned or adapted (with examples) to address potential areas of difficulty and to remove barriers to learning?
  • Are any resources provided? How effective are these?
  • How are lessons differentiated and personalised to meet individual pupil needs, allow access to the curriculum, promote high expectations and secure expected or better progress?
  • Are there any factors which inhibit that child’s ability to learn?
  • Do they have any particular social, physical or intellectual needs?
  • What is their attitude to work?
  • How are they motivated?
  • What is their behaviour like?
  • What learning strategies/teaching approaches do they respond to?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  1. Obtain examples of work and marking over the course of the placement (dated - in English or maths) and reflect on pupil progress over time.
  • Include examples of your marking and feedback
  • Include examples of pupils responding to feedback (TS6d)
  1. Include any data/ assessment records of meeting targets/objectives and results of summative assessment (TS6c)
  1. Plan and teach lessons/sequence of lessons in English or maths. Include:
  • Lesson plans showing how you are differentiating your lessons and personalising the learning to meet the needs of these pupils
  • Did you develop any specific resources for these pupils? If so, reflect on their impact on pupil learning
  • Reflect on the progress of these children in each lesson in achieving the lesson objective. Did learning take place?
  • Reflect on how successful the planning was in achieving pupil progress?
  • Reflect on what worked well? What could you do differently? (TS4d)
  • How do you know whether they made progress or not?
  • How do you use the school’s assessment data or targets to inform your planning? (TS6c)
  • During the lesson introduction – how do you check that they have understood?
  • If relevant, how did you deploy your LSA or TA? Was this effective in securing pupil progress? (TS8c)
  • Reflect on formative assessment strategies you usedto secure pupils’ progress? (TS6b)
  • Reflect on using the graduated approach? Assess –plan – do – review?

6. Reflect on any communication with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and well-being, including parent’s evening, showing understanding of needs (TS8e)