3628 NW 23rd Terrace, Apt. 101 Home Phone: 205 613-3054

Gainesville, FL 32607 E-mail:

Curriculum Vitae of

Kimberly Fleming Wingard


Ph.D. 2017. Completed Courses: Proseminar, Introduction to Quantitative Methods,

Classical Sociological Theory, Contemporary Sociological Theory, Quantitative

Research Methods, Death and Dying in Old Age, Qualitative Research Methods,

Advanced Quantitative Methods, Family Theories, Research Design,

Application of Theory, Medical Sociology

M.A. 2011, Sociology, Middle Tennessee State University. Thesis title: Alcohol Consumption, Mental Illness, and Suicide: An Ecological Study. Chair: Kevin D. Breault, Ph.D.

B.S. 2009, double major in Sociology and Psychology. Magna cum Laude. Jacksonville State University, Alabama.


2009 Phi Kappa Phi, Honor Society for Academic Excellence

2009 Alpha Kappa Delta, Honor Society for Sociology

2007 Psi Chi, Honor Society for Psychology

2006 Phi Theta Kappa, Honor Society for Two Year Colleges


2012-2016 University of Florida- Graduate Teaching Assistant. Courses Taught: Introduction to Sociology, Marriage & Family, Family Violence

2014 University of Florida- Graduate Assistant Athletic Tutor. Courses Taught: Introduction to Sociology

2009-2011 Middle Tennessee State University- Graduate Teaching Assistant.

Duties included preparing and grading exams and assignments, preparing powerpoint presentations, lecturing, conducting study and discussion sessions, assisting students, using Respondus to format and import exams to be taken online, and reporting and recording grades. Courses Assisted: Introduction to Sociology, Criminology, and Juvenile Delinquency.

2009 Jacksonville State University- Sociology Tutor, Academic Center for Excellence.

Duties included teaching classes with student athletes in groups of five to twelve, coordinating classes to coincide with the course schedules while making up for material missed before tutoring sessions began, and assisting students one-on-one in preparing for exams and course projects. Courses tutored: Drugs and Society, and Sociological Theory.


Wingard, Kimberly F. and Kevin Breault. “Alcohol Consumption, Mental Illness, and Suicide: An Ecological Study.” Multivariate linear regression is used to examine the relationships between suicide rates, alcohol use, mental illness, and other indicators of social integration in the United States through the use of aggregate data at both the state and county levels.

Wingard, Kimberly L. and Monika Ardelt. “Depression and Suicide among the Elderly: How is it Different from that of Other Adults?” Multivariate linear regression is used to examine the relationships between depression and the elderly, and how it varies from that of younger adults.

Ardelt, Monika and Kimberly L. Wingard. “Wisdom and Spirituality: Their Differential Effects on Older Adults’ Spiritual Behavior, Well-Being, and Attitudes toward Death.”

Wingard, Kimberly L. “The Effects of Interpersonal Relationships on Grieving among Hospice Patients and their Family Members.” A combination of qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys will be used to determine how the history of individual relationships affects anticipatory grief.

Wingard, Kimberly L. “Billy Joel: The Sociological Side of the Entertainer.” A content analysis of the sociological wisdom within the musician’s works.

Wingard, Kimberly L. “The Effects of Health and Social Integration Status on Depression: How Do Older Americans Differ from Other Adults?” Ordinal logistic regression analysis is used to determine factors that contribute to increased depression among the elderly compared to younger adults.

Wingard, Kimberly L. “Suicide Trends: The Effects of the Recession.” Time series design and ordinal logistic regression analysis are used to examine the effects of the recession on suicide trends in the United States to determine which age groups are most vulnerable to help determine where suicide prevention efforts should be concentrated during economic decline.

Fleming, Kimberly L. “A Tale of Two Criminal Justice Applications: Puerto Rico and Singapore.” A cross-cultural comparison of criminal justice theory application is used to argue the outcome advantages of restorative justice and reintegrative shaming when compared to deterrence theory.


2011-13 Reviewer for Eliot Werner, editor for Thinking Strings’ Interactive Explorations, “Revealing Criminology” by Maureen Outlaw.


2015 Organizer: “Sociology of Aging.” Mid-South Sociological Association; “On the Edge of Theory and Practice: Sociology without Borders,” October 21-24th, 2015, Lafayette, Louisiana.

2014 Certificate of Completion for The Graduate Teaching Assistant Development Program in Technology- The University of Florida Graduate School and Teaching Center

2014 Certificate of Completion for The Graduate Teaching Assistant Development Program in Pedagogy- The University of Florida Graduate School and Teaching Center 2010 “She Asked for It: An Analysis of Rape Myth Acceptance of College Athletes” Mid-South Sociological Association. Baton Rouge, LA. with Tina Deshotels and Monica Thompson.

2014 “A Tale of Two Criminal Justice Applications: Comparing Puerto Rico and Singapore.” Mid-South Sociological Association; November 7th, 2014. Mobile, Alabama.

2014 “Moderator: Language and Lyrics in Global Perspective.” The Florida Society of the Social Sciences 9th Annual Conference of the Social Sciences; March 29th, 2014.

2014 “Social Integration and Health Effects on Older and Younger Adults.” The Florida Society of the Social Sciences 9th Annual Conference of the Social Sciences; March 29th, 2014.

2013 “AKD Teaching and Learning Symposium at MSSA.” Mid-South Sociological Association; October 25, 2013. Atlanta, Georgia.

2013 “The Effects of Health and Social Integration Status on Depression: How Do Older Americans Differ From Other Adults?” Mid-South Sociological Association; October 25, 2013. Atlanta, Georgia.

2012 “Supporting Rape: Gender and Rape Myth Acceptance” Mid-South Sociological Association. Mobile, AL. with Tina Deshotels.

2010 “Rape Myth Acceptance among College Athletes at a Southern University.” Social Science Symposium. Murfreesboro, TN.


Mid-South Sociological Association

American Sociological Association

Southern Sociological Society

Graduate Assistants United

Florida Education Association


Monika Ardelt, Ph.D.

Department of Sociology and

Criminology & Law

University of Florida

3219 Turlington Hall

Gainesville, FL 32611-7330

Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox

Department of Sociology and

Criminology & Law

University of Florida

3219 Turlington Hall

Gainesville, FL 32611-7330

Constance Shehan, Ph.D.

Department of Sociology and

Criminology & Law

University of Florida

Center for Women’s Studies and

Gender Research

304 Ustler Hall

Gainesville, FL 32611

Barbara Zsembik, Ph.D.
Department of Sociology and

Criminology & Law

University of Florida

3219 Turlington Hall

Gainesville, FL 32611