Saddleback College Classified Senate

Minutes of January 12, 2011

AGB President’s Conference Room

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Russell Hamilton, 12:17 PM.

Approval of Agenda

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Maria Miller.

The motion was seconded by Lisa Austin.

Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of December 1, 2010 was made by Linda Wood.

The motion was seconded by Maria Miller.

Motion carried.

Old Business

There was no old business discussed.

New Business

Fundraisers Suggestions – Russ Hamilton asked that any suggestion for fundraising events be e-mailed to him.

Activity Suggestions –Mark Kruhmin and Linda Wood offered suggestions of hosting on-site seminars for employees. Topics suggested was “Dealing with Difficult People”, and software training sessions.

CSEA Representative – Russ Hamilton stated that he is seeking a new representative to the CSEA chapter to replace Mike Engels. Catherine Ayad is considering filling the position.

Officers Reports

President – Russell Hamiltonreported that a 4CS Retreat is coming up at Mt. San Antonio College. He suggested that Don Mineo join him in attending the event. The conference coming up in Ventura also now has on-line registration available.

President Elect – Don Mineo stated that the Campus Police officers didn’t receive notification of the holiday luncheon in December. He asked that they be included in future mailings.

Past President – Mark Sierakowski had no report.

Secretary – Alan Cherrythanked Laura Toscano for taking minutes at the December meeting in his absence.

Treasurer – Mark Kruhmin reported that two employees in the Research & Planning Office requested funds to attend a conference in Pomona at $400 each.

A motion to approve the funds was made by Russ Hamilton.

The motion was seconded by Eric Hilden.

Motion carried.

At Large – Laura Toscano had no report.

Strategic Planning Groups

There were no reports.

Committee Reports

Academic Senate – Marlene Sais reported that the last meeting dealt with the hiring process.

Accreditation Steering Committee – Russ Hamilton stated that no meetings have been held. They are waiting for the final accreditation evaluation.

4CS – Comments were covered in the President’s report.

CCLC Board of Directors – RussHamilton reported that a director’s meeting will be held at the end of the month.

Facilities Committee – Marlene Sais reported that the committee will meet in February.

Food & Beverage – Linda Davies stated that they will be meeting in February.

Foundation Board of Governors – Russ Hamilton reported that they will be meeting at the end of the month.

Outreach – Marlene Sais reported that they are planning to meet next week.

SunRays – Laura Toscano stated that greeting cards for signatures will now be left at the information desk in the SSC lobby.

District Committee Assignments

Board Policy & Administrative Regulations – Don Mineo reported that meeting dates and times have changed.

District Resources Allocation Committee – Russ Hamilton stated that they are to meet on Friday.

Student Information Systems–Committee hasn’t recently met, although there have been problems reported with Blackboard this semester.


The meeting was adjourned by Russell Hamilton, Sr. at 1:11 PM.

Senate Members Present:

Russell Hamilton Sr, President / Catherine Ayad
Don Mineo, President Elect / Santos Garcia
Mark Sierakowski, Past Pres. / Marlene Sais
Alan Cherry, Secretary / Nicole Ortega
Mark Kruhmin, Treasurer / Eric Hilden
Laura Toscano, At Large / Linda Davies
Maria Miller / Lisa Austin
Suzanne Anderson