The Caravan Club

Cheshire Centre

Notes For New Ralliers To The Centre

To All New Ralliers With The Cheshire Centre

Welcome to your first Cheshire Centre rally.

We hope that you will enjoy your weekend with us and that it will be the first of many enjoyable rallies with the Centre.

You will have been met on arrival at the rally field by the families who are acting as the Rally Officers on this particular rally.

It may be that you have rallied with another centre and that you are visiting Cheshire for the first time. If this is the case you will, no doubt, have some idea of what to expect on the rally.

On the other hand you may be completely new to rallying and to caravanning in general. The following information is to let you know what the normal run of things on the Cheshire Centre rallies.

One other person who will introduce himself / herself to you during the course of the weekend will be the Centre Chairman, or a member acting as the Chairman, for the weekend, on their behalf.

1. Arrival: On arrival on the field you will be given an envelope with your name at the top. This contains the details of the rally, the programme for the weekend and the timings of opening and closing Flag. Details of where to find the water point, where to empty your chemical toilet along with other information specific to the rally will also be in your envelope. There will also probably be a family quiz / competition for your children.

2. Flag: At opening Flag the ralliers gather to meet each other, informally. There is usually a drink and biscuit provided, so you need to take your own cup with you.

3. 5 MPH: We impose this speed limit on the rally field for safety reasons. It is very easy for a child to step out from behind caravans and it is too late once an accident has occurred. Always remember, that child may be yours.

4. Discipline:Parents are responsible for the safety and behaviour of their own children and to ensure that they do not cause damage or discomfort to others either on site or off site. Please ensure that any ball games, riding of push bikes or flying of kites takes place well away from the caravans and power cables in the case of kites. Good relations established with landowners and locals can easily be destroyed by unruly or inconsiderate behaviour.

5. If You Have A Dog: Always keep you dog on a lead whilst on the rally field. Your dog may be well behaved but if one dog is seen to be off the lead then the feeling is “why not mine”. Always exercise your dog around the edge of the field so that the spoiling of the ground is limited and ensure that you “poop and scoop” at all times.

6. Chemical Toilet Emptying Points:An emptying point will always be provided and will usually be signed “Elsan”.

7. Drinking Water Points:Will be provided and these will be signed. Never fill your toilet with water at the drinking tap for obvious reasons.

8. Waste Water:Containers are normally emptied around the edge of the field. Please confirm with the Rally Officers.

9. Dry Waste: This should be taken home with you.

10. Yellow Flag:We hope that this will never have to fly on a rally. This flag will only be flown if the Rally Officers and the Chairman consider that the conditions of the field will deteriorate due to the weather being bad and the cars are cutting up the surface. Whilst the yellow flag is flying there should be no vehicle movement without authorisation from the Rally Officer.

If you are having difficulty moving your car or caravan, do not cut up the field unnecessarily but go and see the Rally Officer and he will arrange help to get you off the field.

11. Quiet:It is normal for ralliers to get together in the evening for a drink and a bite to eat. This is what rallying is all about, but we ask that the noise be kept down after 11 p.m. for the sake of other ralliers and our immediate neighbours.

12. Generators:These can be a source of annoyance to other people. The Centre rules restrict generator use to a maximum of a 3 hour period between the hours of 10.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. except for medical purposes or by Rally Officers for an organised event, but no later than 11.00 p.m. At all times, generators should be used with due consideration to other ralliers and not left unattended.

13. Closing Flag:This is to thank those who have made the rally possible and for the awarding of prizes etc. Members will also be up-dated on forthcoming events and developments in the Centre. Remember to take your cup for a drink. If you cannot stay for closing Flag, please apologise to the Rally Officers. It is considered to be bad manners to leave the rally whilst Flag is taking place.

14. Complaints:If you have any legitimate complaints please refer these to the Rally Officer or a committee member, immediately.

On leaving please remember to stop at the Rally Officers caravan and thank them for organising the rally.

March 2012 1