Community GardensMini Grant
The Community Gardens Mini Grant program is a collaboration between the Albion Community Foundation and Albion Economic Development Corporation. The goal of the CommunityGardensInitiative isto 1)servepopulations that do nothave adequateaccess to fruits andvegetables, 2)improvenutrition througheducation, and 3)achievebetter health outcomesfor Albion area residents through sustainablecommunitygardens. Small grants willbe awarded to organizationslocated in Albiontohelpcurrentgardens orcreatenew communitygardens. The vision for the CommunityGardensInitiativeis to createaspacethat willpromote and support ahealthy lifestyle for people in thecommunity as wellas benefit to thosewith limited food access.
This is a one-time grant opportunity with a pool of funds totaling $6,500.
Up to $500 may be requested to support existing gardens. New garden projects may request up to $1,250.
Grant funds areto be used forthe creationof newgardensor enhancing current gardensthrough the purchaseof neededsupplies.
Applications aredue April 29th at 5:00pm.No late submissionswillbe accepted. (instructions on next page)
- Anyorganizationlocated within Albion. Examples of eligibleorganizations includebut arenot limited tochurches/places ofworship, schools, nursing homes, andworksites.
- Priority will be given to entities participating in the Faithful Families SNAP-Ed program.
- A suitable amountofgrowingspacemustbe available on which to construct thegarden (i.e., equivalent to a4ft x8ftx16in garden plot).
- Theremustbeon-siteaccess to awater source.
- Theremustbe an organizedgroup orvolunteers willingand able to maintain the garden(i.e.youth group,BoyScouts, employees).
- Thegarden must be builtonthe organization’s property, or a written agreement with the property owner must be included with your application (i.e. property owned by the Calhoun County Land Bank).
Grant Funds:
1. Thegrant can fundsupplies for construction of the garden only;these allowable expenses include:
a. Seeds/seedlings b. Soil
c. Lumber
d. Irrigationsupplies e. Compost supplies
2. Thegrant cannot fund equipmentincluding:
a. Shovels
b. Hammers c. Tractors d. Labor
- Applications will onlybeaccepted fromorganizationsthat have approval from their management/boards toapply forfunding.
- Applicant must provide proof of approval from management/board(i.e. letter, email,
- Applicants must satisfyalleligibility requirementsof this grant.
- Once chosen, awardeeswillbenotified by email.
- Recipients willreceive thetotal fundinguponaward. Recipients who do not complete allgrant requirements will be ineligible forfuture funding opportunities.
- Recipientswillbe required to submita final evaluation report by November 1, 2016.
Application Guidelines:
1. Complete the application in its entirety.
2. Attach aphoto of theproposed area and sketch ofplan.
3. Submitted application should be no morethan four (4)pages includingtheattachments.
4. Application must be typed, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.
6. Submit completed application via email to or by mailor hand-delivery(in sealedenvelope) to:
Patrick Lopez
Albion Economic Development Corporation
PO Box 725
Albion MI 49224
7. Ifyou havequestions pertainingtothis fundingopportunitypleasesend anemail to Pleasedo not contact viatelephone.
CommunityGardensInitiativeMini-Grant Application
OrganizationInformationName ofOrganization:
Primary Contact Information
Name of applicant
(ifdifferent fromprimary contact)
Volunteers &Population Served
Estimated numberof staff/volunteers to work on
this project(include general publicin your estimateifappropriate)
Estimated numberof people to beserved(include
general publicin your estimate)
Project Information:
- ProjectGoals and Objectives: Describehow theCommunityGardensMini-Grant willimpactyour organization and communitymembers. Please address the followinginyour answer: access to produce, education ofproper nutrition, and overallhealth benefits.
- Project Action Plan: Describeyour plan of actionforthis project;includeaphoto of theproposedarea and sketch detailingdimensions of theproposedgarden. Please address the followinginyouranswer: appropriatewatersources, drainagesystems, space, adequate sun coverage, and fencing (if applicable); and proximitytoyour organization, the population to be served,and othersources of produce(i.e.,grocery store, othergardens).
- Project Yield: Describewhatyou plan to grow for this project and howitwillbeused. Please address the followinginyour answer: proposed growingseason(s) forthis project, educational opportunities, etc.
- ProjectReach:Describewhich population groupsyou plan to engagein theCommunityGardens Initiative. Please address the followinginyouranswer: children,adults, elderly,and otherpopulations as appropriate(i.e., low income, health risks).
- ProjectMaintenance:Describehowyou plan to maintain theCommunityGardensInitiative; includehow you willmonitor progressand identify areas of improvement. Pleaseaddress the followinginyour answer: access to volunteers/groups forthe proposed growingseason(s), management ofthe initiative (includingvolunteers), collaboration with other organizations, and criteriaforconsideringthisgarden a success.
- Project Sustainability:Describeyour plans forcontinuation and sustainabilityof theCommunityGardens Initiative oncethe fundingperiod has ended. Please address:volunteers/groups, fundingsources (i.e., grants, fees, donations), and plans for future education/trainingopportunities.