MINUTES 13th MAY 2014
Present: Mme Basnett, Mrs Botha, Mrs Davies, Mrs Dighton, Mrs McKinney, Miss Millan, Mr Ronane, Mr Sayer, Mrs Snell, Mrs Venn, Mrs Winfield, Mrs Wright.
- Minutes of the previous meeting:
The minutes of the last meeting 23rd January 2014 were reviewed and approved.
- Matters arising:
There were no matters arising from the previous meeting,
- Quiz debrief:
The Quiz was a great fundraising success and raised £1856 profit – more than double the previous year.
Mrs Venn noted that all monies for the auction were sent in without prompting which was very helpful.
Mrs McKinney suggested that donors of raffle and auction prizes receive a thank you from the children. Mme Basnett to organise.
- Finance update:
Mrs Venn gave a financial update. With the final balance for the quiz and outgoings for the playground chippings, the balance in the bank is £4,100. The May Fayre could raise an additional £1,000.
In addition £179 is in a deposit account. Mrs Venn believes this was a past Gift Aid payment which does not appear in the accounts.
Expenditure is planned for refreshments at Sports Day and other events. Options for using the remainder of the money were discussed including allocating £100 per class to reduce the cost of outings or saving it and putting it all towards the cost of the pantomime next year. The planned nature garden is a longer-term project.
An online account will be set up to enable money to be moved between accounts. Two signatures will still be required to move money out of the account.
- Next fundraising events:
Summer Fair
The BBQ company is not available although they have offered to supply the rolls, meat etc. It is estimated that 2-300 burgers were sold last year. The possibility of doing the BBQ in-house was discussed.
Wheatley RFC will be invited again.
Phoenix Cards confirmed.
Osborne books TBC
Photographer TBC
Ice cream van TBC
Pony Rides - Mrs Davies to talk to Mrs Wooten
Bouncy Castle - Mrs Davies to contact Bucks Inflatables
PTA stalls: Splat-the-Rat, Mr R in the Stocks (Mrs Snell), Horse Shoe Throwing, Buzzwire, Cake Stall, Teas, BBQ (Mr Sayer plus three others), Teddy Tombola (Mrs Dighton and Mrs Botha), Bottle Tombola
Class stalls: Coconut Stall, Bowling, Books, Penalty Shoot
Pre-school: Hook-a-Duck
ParentMail to request cakes, teddies, bottles (any bottles – wine, bubble bath etc). Children to be dressed in Wild West theme. Mme Basnett to organise.
- Any other business:
There was no other business.
Date of next meeting: TBC