Helensburgh and Lomond Area: Literacy Twilight Session

Monday 7 February 2011: JLB Primary School, Helensburgh

Summary Evaluation

1. Please identify the stage you are currently working at

Pre-school = 26Primary 1 = 17Other = 6

(NB some staff involved at more than one stage)

2. Were you aware of the Local Authority Reading Initiative before this session


3. Please rate on a scale of 1 – 5, with 1 being the lowest rating and 5 the highest, how worthwhile you felt this session was for you



4a. Please give an example of one aspect of your own good practice that you shared with your group:

10 participants – games and activities for phonological awareness including pass the parcel, alphabet card games, sequin letters for treasure hunt, initial letter object bags / sound tubs

8 participants – wide availability of books including stories on the promethean board, book week, developing children’s own books, use of floor books, lending library

6 participants – development of rhyme and rhythm including highlighting rhyming words in rhymes, use of the promethean board for interactive rhyme, pictures / 3D objects to create nursery rhymes, rhyme wall, music to identify rhyme

5 participants – paired reading

3 participants – parental involvement in literacy development

3 participants – outdoor learning including traditional playground games

Other good practice shared with the group:

Robot reading

Sign – in wall

Picture recognition to song

Sahara box

Travelling teddy to encourage home discussion and note taking

Resources for developing letter knowledge

Active learning activities

Integrating literacy throughout the playroom

Talking boards for describing stories

4b. Please give an example of one good idea you gained from working with colleagues:

6 participants – outdoor learning including letters on leaves, story trail, literacy walks

6 participants – developing knowledge of rhyme including nursery rhyme of the month with class and home focus, mistakes in rhyme, rhyme sack

6 participants – knowledge of letters including letter stones in the sandpit and alphabet eggs, Sahara box to explore letter writing

5 participants – environmental print including children helping with labelling, name labels, alphabet frieze with names and words

3 participants – lots of new ideas!

2 participants – literacy development across the curriculum in the P1 classroom

2 participants – talking story boards

Other good ideas gained included:

Paired reading

Taking teddy and notebook home

‘Shared start’

Story trail

Lower case letters for keyboards

Menu recipe cards

Sound bags

Alphabet sequins for letter hunt

Ideas to develop syllabic and phonemic awareness

Phonic chimps

Active learning

Interesting ways of developing literacy in everyday situations

4c. Please give an example of one idea that you would like to develop further as a result of sharing practice with others:

6 participants – developing knowledge of nursery rhymes including working on rhyme in general, having a rhyme of the month, persisting with nursery rhymes5 participants – use of technology including audio tracks to enhance literacy, education city, recording children’s stories, use of word processing

5 participants - development of stories including making story bags, story boards, talking story boards, children making their own books, story trails outside

2 participants – environmental print specifically lists of words and children’s names under alphabet on the wall

2 participants – talking tambour for recognising syllables

2 participants – outdoor activities

2 participants – initial sounds in sandpit

Other ideas that participants would like to develop further were:

Paired reading / reading together

Increase awareness of alliteration using games

Children helping create signs around the classroom

Developing more traditional ideas

Exposure to letter names at an early stage

Building children’s confidence with literacy

Robot reading

Book Trust Rhyme Time challenge

Sound sacks

Literacy Twilight Evaluation / 7 February 2011 / Helensburgh 1