Exploring Careers For Your Personality Type

(a guided internet lesson based on web sites as of July, 2002)

developed by Regina Risi, AVID LA County, Region 11

What is your dream job/career? ______

Day 1

1.  Enter www.lifecolorsonline.com in the URL locator box.

2.  Click on the words “Life Colors Lite” at the top left of the screen.

3.  Scroll down and take the quiz.

4.  Click on the box at the end when you are done.

5.  Now you have your “life colors” personality profile. Print this page, read it, and keep it with this lesson.

6.  Enter www.careerkey.org/english in the URL locator box.

7.  At the middle left of the page, click on the yellow letters “you.”

8.  To the left of the page, click on the yellow letters “Take The Career Key.”

9.  You will now go through several pages of checklists and answering questions. Complete each page as accurately as possible and click the “Continue” box at the bottom of each page when you are ready to move on.

10.  When you have finished the Career Key measure, you will get your results. You will have a score for each of the following personality types:







11.  Read the information on this page and fill in your score for each personality type above. Your highest score (or scores) is your personality type.

12.  Click on the yellow letters “next” at the bottom right of the page.

13.  Read more information about choosing jobs that match your personality, then click on “next.”

14.  Now you can investigate specific jobs that match your personality type. Click on the personality type for which you had the highest score.

15.  Check off the boxes of jobs that interest you. If you had a high score for more than one personality type, then click on that box at the bottom of the page and add more jobs to your list. When you are finished, click on the box that says “done.”

16.  You now have a list of jobs. Print this page (be sure to “click here for a printer friendly version”) and keep it with this lesson. Click on any of the job titles on your list, and you will be linked to a description of that job on the Occupational Outlook Handbook website. We will research a job in Day 2 of this lesson. For now, circle one job on your printed list that you want to find out more about.

17.  Click on “your choices . . .” in the blue letters (if you are in the printer friendly version) above your list of jobs. You should now be at a page that has “your choices” with white letters and a list.

18.  Now click on the second item in this list “learn about Career Key measure and Holland’s types.”

19.  Under “learn about the Career Key measure,” click on the yellow letters “Holland’s Personality Types and career choice.”

20.  Read the information on this page, then click on the yellow letters “Holland’s Six Personality Types.” Read the description of your type (your highest score or scores). How does this description compare to your “life colors” personality description? Make notes below about what is similar and/or different.

Similar Different





21.  Now for the last question of the day . . . look back at your list of jobs that you printed. Is your dream job (that you wrote down at the beginning of this lesson) on that list? From what you have learned today about personality types, why do you think that your dream job did or did not end up on your list. Write a couple of sentences below.




Day 2

1.  Enter www.stats.bls.gov/oco in the URL locator box.

2.  This is the Occupational Outlook Handbook website (mentioned in Day 1 of this lesson). Look back at your list of jobs from Day 1. Enter the title of the job you circled in the box at the top of the page for “Search by Occupation.” Click on “Go.” (Note: If you do not get any matches in your results, you may have to try a different or related job title.)

3.  Your results will give you a lot of information about the job you are researching. Take Cornell notes from that information. Be sure to include something from each of the subheadings (nature of the work, working conditions, etc.). Keep your notes with this lesson.

4.  From what you have learned about this job, how does it “fit” you in terms of your personality? your goals? your values? Write a few sentences answering these three questions.








