Ten Top Questions Freshmen Parents Ask

10. How do I buy books?

Buying your Textbooks:

Download the 2011-12 booklist from the Cathedral website. (Choose option #4 on the revolving button in the bottom right corner of the home page.) All book-purchasing information is located there. You may purchase your student’s books from a variety of resources, including MBS, online new/used sources, and fellow Cathedral students who previously took your student’s classes.

The summer reading booklist is also located on the Cathedral website in the same location.

9. Transportation: How do I get my child to school and back? After-school activities?

§  Car-pooling

§  Student Drivers – suggestions to pay back student driver - $1.00/one way or purchase a weekly gas card for driver

§  School Van or Bus – in registration packet

§  After School – encourage the student to bring home some student names from extracurricular activities to see if anyone lives near you

8. How do I change my child’s academic placement?

§  Contact assigned freshman/sophomore advisors:

Mrs. Laura Weaver (A-G) – 968-7319

Mr. Greg Bamrick (H-N) – 968-7327)

Mrs. Taria Butler (O-Z) – 968-7369

Note: Advisors are not in their offices full-time until August. Thank you for remembering that we do not change schedules based on requests for specific teachers.

7. What is Mothers’ Club? What else can I do to get involved?

§ Mothers’ Club – strengthens community among the Cathedral family by providing opportunities for service benefiting the students, faculty, and the school in general

§ Look for information packet this summer and sign up for activities of your interest;Dads are welcome, too

§ Meetings are open to all parents.

§ Can also volunteer to assist with various activities (ie school events, social events for moms to get to know one another, service events, etc)

§ Meetings alternate between mornings and evenings.

§ Strengthens the Cathedral Family network through Freshman/Sophomore and Junior/Senior Parent Meetings, and Summer Neighborhood meetings

§ Parent contract to unite all parents

§ Parents can also get involved through all other extra-curricular activities, i.e. band, sports, theatre, etc.

6. How do I find out about tryouts, camps, and club meetings?

§  Sports/Club Calendars

§  Call the school office: 542-1481

§  School announcements and weekly parent email

§  School web page - www.cathedral-irish.org. Choose the “on campus” tab

§  The Insight magazine, posted on website and link given in current principal’s email each Wednesday evening

5. How do I found out about current and upcoming events? What are other means of


§  Principal’s email – sent out every Wednesday; Not receiving it? Contact Sr. Lynne Matteson (Mr. Worland’s Administrative Assistant) at or at 968-7383.

§  Insight Magazine, posted on website and link given in current principal’s email each Wednesday evening

§  Blue Book

§  School website

§  Other means of communication: sports information hot line (543-4942, ext. 8), Meet-the-Teacher Night, Parent-Teacher Conferences, announcements (found on website), Megaphone (student newspaper)

4. Who, What, When, Where, How? - Student Directory (Blue Book)

§  Student Handbook – dress code, school rules and consequences, clubs, activities

§  Calendar – academic year, late arrivals, free days

§  Phone numbers and addresses of all students

§  Athletic schedule of contests (not tryouts or practice schedules)

§  Directions to other schools for extracurricular events

§  For your students, a daily place to keep a record of all assignments

3. How did you get to know parents and students? - Old and New Friends

§  Remember: Parents are making friends, too

§  Someday your child will want to go to a home you know nothing about – get involved now!

§  You will meet parents through your child’s extra-curricular activities or through the Cathedral Mother’s Club

2. What do I do if I am concerned about my child’s academic progress? What if he is struggling?

§  Talk to your student. Ask questions of him/her.

§  Contact the teacher via email or phone. Set up an appointment involving your child and the teacher if issues continue.

§  Contact your child’s counselor.

1.  Who will my child sit with at lunch?

§  Don’t worry! Most freshmen are in lunch with only freshmen and sophomores. It usually only takes a few days for everyone to find a group to sit with during lunch.

§  If this remains a concern, please talk to your child and call the counselor.