Methacton School District
Arcola Intermediate School
Eighth Grade English Department
September 2016
Dear Parents,
This year Arcola Intermediate School, following its goal of career orientation, is continuing a program called “Job Shadowing.” However, the department has made a few slight adjustments to the project requirements, so as to meet the needs of our students. The components of the assignment have been chunked into smaller, more manageable portions with specific due dates.
The purpose of job shadowing is to put the student in contact with the world of work and to engage the student in relevant and purposeful career exploration. It is the intent of the program to help the student focus on relevant and purposeful career opportunities before entering the high school. All eighth grade students will choose an individual or individuals to follow for a period of at least four hours at his/their place(s) of employment, according to the student’s HOLLAND code.
The HOLLAND code is one way of exploring careers by looking at occupations according to occupational interests. John Holland conducted research that divided job seekers into six broad personality type categories: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. All the types have both positive and negative qualities – none is better than another. The HOLLAND code is a generalization, not likely to be an exact fit. However, it might help you discover where you can find occupational satisfaction. These careers can fall within the strict HOLLAND code or within just one of the letters of the code. Please note, that your child is not limited to these careers in their future endeavors or as part of the Job Shadowing requirements. These are just some careers that meet their interests and talents at this point in time and will help guide them in your decision making for this particular assignment.
Students will complete the HOLLAND survey on Naviance in school in order to find their code. Students will record their HOLLAND on the attached handout and will list a number of careers that fall within their HOLLAND code and are potential careers for the future. Students may use, as well as Naviance, to complete this handout.
Please note, that although the job of a parent is highly respected, one cannot shadow a stay-at-home parent. These observation hours may be completed at any time after school, on weekends, and on vacation time during the months of September through March. Students should not shadow on a school day. It will be considered an unexcused absence. The student may choose to accompany a parent, friend, or relative. However, the individual observed must qualify as part of the student’s HOLLAND code. It is the responsibility of the student to make all arrangements. In the event that the student is having difficulty finding a representative within their HOLLAND code, the student must see their English teacher. The observation hours need to be completed by Friday, February 24, 2017. The student will need to complete the attached consent form, including the signature of the career representative. This will be worth ten points.
When observing your career representative in action, be sure to consider the following. These items will need to be addressed in the oral presentation.
Ø job title and a description of the job
Ø required education/training
Ø necessary school subjects and/or skills
Ø one aspect of the career that came as a surprise or one aspect of the career that you learned, not having known before
Ø career representative’s opinion of the job and advice for those pursuing this career
Ø your reaction to the job shadowing experience
Finally, the student is to prepare an oral presentation, including a technology related visual. Each student is required to present the job shadowing experience to the class. This will include an oral presentation of five to six minutes, highlighting the six bulleted items listed above.
The oral presentation is assessed for the appropriate time allotment, the inclusion of all requirements listed above, posture, eye contact, voice, and correct grammar/language usage of the speaker. The oral presentation is to be supported by a visual aid. The visual aid may include one or more of the following:
Ø Diagrams or charts technology related or generated (These items should be creatively displayed and should include some explanation.)
Ø Power point presentations (Limit the information present on the slide to key words and phrases. You will not be able to read from your slides. You will need to expand upon the ideas without the aid of your Power point.)
Ø Google Slides (Limit the information present on the slide to key words and phrases. You will not be able to read from your slides. You will need to expand upon the ideas without the aid of your Google Slides.)
Ø Prezi (Instructions and the means to create a Prezi can be found at
Ø Computer graphics (Although some job sites may not allow you to take pictures or video, feel free to use computer generated pictures. However, please limit your use of clipart. Use pictures that may truly reflect the work place.)
Ø Video of the job (Edit video prior to presentation in class)
Ø Other approved forms of technology. (Please see the teacher for permission.)
The visual supports the oral presentation and should be referenced during the presentation several times. Meaning, you need to point to your visual and make connections between your visual and the content of your presentation.
In early March, all students must provide a black/white copy of all slides or a link to the necessary materials. Should the file not open, the student will be allowed time to make adjustments if the technology fails to operate appropriately.
Visuals will be due on Friday, March 10, 2017. Visuals turned in late will be penalized. Five points will be deducted per day and will be taken from the overall presentation score. Oral presentations will begin at the teacher’s discretion thereafter. The oral presentation and visual will be worth a total of 100 points.
****Should you finish with your observation hours and the visual early, an opportunity will be given for you to present in January. Scores, however, will not be recorded until all presentations are finished in March.****
You will find a signature form that indicates that you have read the letter and understand the intent and requirements of “Job Shadowing.” We would hope to have your support so that the program may be a success. Please notify your child’s English teacher if you have any questions prior to signing this form.
Please be aware that the department has made a few slight adjustments to the project requirements, so as to meet the needs of our students. The components of the assignment have been chunked into smaller, more manageable portions with specific due dates.
Job Shadowing Due Dates and Points Possible
HOLLAND Form is due ______, and is worth 10 points.
Job Shadowing Consent Form is due Friday, February 24, 2017, and is worth 10 points.
Visual/Oral Presentation is due Friday, March 10, 2017, and is worth 100 points.
Eighth Grade English Teachers
We realize this assignment is a requirement of eighth grade English and must be completed according to the due dates above. We understand that visual items are a requirement of the project. Visuals can include pictures, video, brochures, business cards, and other such company materials.
Please detach and return the signature form to your English teacher by ______.
Student Name ______(Please print) Class Period ______
Parent Signature ______
Methacton School District
Arcola Intermediate School
Eighth Grade English Department
Most Commonly Asked Questions About Job Shadowing
1. Does my child have to participate in this program?
Yes, this is an English requirement for all eighth grade students and meets the Pennsylvania Career Exploration Standards.
2. Why was my child chosen?
The eighth grade students must explore the world of work in conjunction with Arcola’s career awareness goal. It also provides some early preparation for high school and course selection in the late winter.
3. What does Job Shadowing have to do with English?
The purpose of the program is to focus the student of the world of work. English class helps the student to fine tune both written and verbal communication skills which are needed to complete job applications, resumes, and interviews.
4. Can my child follow more than one career representative?
Yes. The requirement of shadowing for four hours may be divided between two different career areas that may interest your child.
5. Does my child have to spend four consecutive hours shadowing?
No. The student may divide four hours at his/her convenience as long as it is agreeable to the career representative.
6. Who may my child shadow?
Students may shadow an individual in a career of interest who falls within the student’s HOLLAND code, provided that they have parental permission. Suggested career representatives include parents, other family members, friends and neighbors.
7. How does my child satisfy the requirement if he/she is unable to find a career representative?
Your child should see his/her English teacher for some possible contacts.
** If you have any questions, please have your child contact his/her teacher.
*** Please check with your career representative about an appropriate dress code for the job shadowing site visit.
***Please ask for permission before taking pictures or video at the job site. Visual items are required in the presentation to showcase the career.
Methacton School District
Arcola Intermediate School
Eighth Grade English Department
Job Shadowing HOLLAND Form
Using Naviance and
Twenty Points Possible
Realistic _____ Investigative _____ Artistic _____ Social _____ Enterprising _____ Conventional _____
My HOLLAND code is (top three numbers) ______.
The first letter of my code, _____, is defined as______
The second letter of my code, _____, is defined as______
The third letter of my code, _____, is defined as______
Attached or listed on the back are ten careers that fall somewhere within my HOLLAND code and are careers that I’d be interested in Job Shadowing. These careers can fall within the strict HOLLAND code or within just one of the letters of the code. Please note, that you are not limited to these careers in your future. These are just some careers that meet your interests and talents at this point in time and will help guide you in your decision making for this particular assignment.
Methacton School District
Arcola Intermediate School
Eighth Grade English Department
Job Shadowing Consent Form
Friday, February 24, 2017
Ten Points Possible
Student name______
HOLLAND code______
This portion is to be completed by the Career Representative.
Career Representative Printed Name______
Career Representative Signature______
Job Title______
Company Name______
Business Phone______
Date Observed ______Hour(s) Observed______Representative’s Initials______
Date Observed ______Hour(s) Observed______Representative’s Initials______
Date Observed ______Hour(s) Observed______Representative’s Initials______
Date Observed ______Hour(s) Observed______Representative’s Initials______
Would you be willing to serve as a resource in job shadowing again? Yes______No ______
Thank you for your participation in this assignment.
Maria Brittingham, Joan Craver, Eileen Corrado, and Anne Yost
Methacton School District
Arcola Intermediate School
Eighth Grade English Department
Things to Consider and Note while on the Job Site
Did you take pictures or video while on the job site, remembering to ask for permission before doing so?
Did you grab a menu, brochure, business card, or other company related materials?
Did you gather enough visual items to showcase the career in your presentation?
Did you record enough information about the above topics to fill the six to seven minute presentation?
Questions to Ask and Consider during/after Observation Hours
Questions to be answered by the Representative
Ø job title and a description of the job
Ø required education/training
Ø necessary school subjects and/or skills
Ø career representative’s opinion of the job and advice for those pursuing this career
Questions to be answered by you, once the observation hours are completed
Ø one aspect of the career that came as a surprise, one aspect of the career that you learned, not having known before
Ø your reaction to the job shadowing experience
Methacton School District
Arcola Intermediate School
Eighth Grade English Department
Presentation Rubric 100 possible points
Time (approximately five to six minutes) ____/10
Job Title/Description ____/10
Required Education/Training ____/5
Necessary School Subjects/Skills ____/5
Surprising Aspect of the Career or Learned Aspect of the Career ____/5
Career Representative’s Opinion and Advice ____/5
Your Reaction ____/10
Voice ____/5
Posture _____/5
Eye Contact _____/5
Correct Grammar/Language (avoid like, um, etc.) ____/10
Expression ____/5
Neatness/Appearance/Creativity of the Technology ____/10
Reference to Oral Presentation ____/10
Possible Points ____/100
Points lost for late or missing components ____
Total ____/100