S.2 Agriculture Holiday work Term 3 2013

Vegetable growing


1.  Examples of vegetables that belong to the Amaryllidaceae family are

A.  Egg plants, Irish potatoes, Chilli pepper

B.  Pumpkins, cucumber , water melon

C.  Carrots, parsley, celery

D.  Onions, Leeks garlic

2.  Knowledge of families to which different vegetables belong is important since

A.  It helps in planning rotations so that crops that can be attacked by the same pests and diseases do not follow each other in the rotation.

B.  It helps in marketing different vegetables according to their perishability

C.  A variety of vegetables make the meal attractive and stimulates the flow of digestive juices

D.  To supply the various vitamins and mineral salts.

3.  Onions can be propagated both by bulbs and by seeds. Give one advantage and one disadvantage easily attacked by disease

A.  Advantage – high yielding

Disadvantage – easily attacked by disease

B.  Advantage – fast maturing

Disadvantage – low yielding

C.  Advantage – cheap

Disadvantage – slow growing

D.  Advantage- planting materials are readily available

Disadvantage- slow growing

4.  The best soils for growing onions are

A.  alkaline clay loams

B.  slightly alkaline sandy loams

C.  slightly acidic deeply cultivated sandy loams

D.  acidic deep and fertile soils

5.  Onions grow best in warm areas with moderate rainfall. In Uganda the chief producing areas are;

A.  Kasesse, Ntungamo and Rukungiri

B.  Masindi , Gulu and Masaka

C.  Higher slopes of Mt Elgon Kabale Bufumira

D.  Southern Busoga, Kasese , Mubende

6.  One of the reasons onions should be planted in the nursery bed first is

A.  to ensure bulb development is not disturbed

B.  To facilitate placement of seed at a depth that will allow proper bulb development

C.  To protect the delicate seedlings against harsh weather conditions

D.  To prevent weeds from developing in the garden.

7.  The nursery where onions seeds are to be sown should be cultivated to a fine tilth and levelled

A.  To ensure rap[id bulb expansion

B.  To allow even germination of seeds

C.  To facilitate proper water infilteration into the soil

D.  To control erosion in the onion garden

8.  Seedbeds for onions should be raised especially where onions are grown in areas of high rainfall

A.  To control erosion in the garden that would carry away the plants

B.  To facilitate drainage so that onions do not get Bulb rot disease

C.  So that onions are planted raised above the water table

D.  So that manure can be well incorporated.

9.  The organic manure that produces the best results when onions are grown is

A.  Green manure and compost

B.  Green manure and saw dust

C.  Saw dust and compost

D.  Farmyard manure and tobacco chaff

10.  Thinning weak/ damaged or diseases seedlings should be done

A.  When seedlings are about to e transplanted

B.  When seedling bases have started thickening into bulbs.

C.  When seedlings are still small and the soil is wet

D.  When there is need to transplant the seedlings elsewhere

11.  When transplanting seedlings it’s important to position the seedlings roots.

A.  At the same depth they were in the nursery

B.  At a depth where they can easily transpire

C.  In the relation to the size of bulb you want it to develop

D.  Well into the seed box

12.  Frequent light watering the seedlings lead to three of the following, which one doesn’t it lead to?

A.  Concentration of all roots in the top few centimeters of soil.

B.  Leaching of plant nutrients

C.  Destruction of roots by surface hoeing

D.  Frequent wilting of seedlings

13.  To ensure onions do not compete for light and nutrients the should e put at a spacing of

A.  13cm x 10cm

B.  10cm x 13cm

C.  10cm x 10cm

D.  6cm x 10cm

14.  Care should be talking when lifting onion seedlings for transplanting so that they do not get damaged by

A.  holding them lightly by the leaves

B.  scooping out seedling when roots are still well embedded in soil

C.  handling seedlings gently by the stem

D.  Cutting of some of the very long roots.

15.  When the seedling is placed in a new hole in the main garden

A.  Its watered and mulched

B.  manure is added , its mulched and watered

C.  manure and top soil are added and mulched

D.  hole is filled with top soil and made firm its watered and shade is provided

16.  The best way to weed onions is by

A.  spraying herbicides for total distribution of weeds

B.  hand hoeing to remove weeds with their roots

C.  hand pulling to avoid damaging the shallow roots

D.  slashing to avoid soil erosion

17.  Earthing up in an onion garden involves

A.  Remove earth from between the crop rows to create paths

B.  pulling and softening of soil around the bulbs to facilitate bulb expansion

C.  treating earth against soil borne pests and diseases

D.  mixing compost manure with soil around the bulbs to ensure they enlarge.

18.  Thrips are the most dangerous pests of onions. they damage the plant by

A.  making leaf tips wither and causing white blotches on them

B.  eating off most of the foliage

C.  cutting the plants at ground level

D.  laying eggs in the plant and adults hatch out to eat the roots

19.  Two diseases of onions that are common when growing is under excessively humid conditions are

A.  Bacteria soft rot and bulb rot

B.  bulb rot and downy mildew

C.  purple blotch and leaf blight

D.  purple blotch and root knot disease

20.  Bacterial soft rot can be effectively controlled by

A.  crop rotation

B.  proper spacing to minimize infection by contact

C.  thorough drying of bulbs before storage

D.  spaying using copper fungicide

21.  Onions are ready for harvesting at

A.  3-3 ½ months depending on variety

B.  2 ½ - 3 ½ months depending on variety

C.  3-4 months depending on variety

D.  4-5 months depending on variety

22.  The framer would know onions are ready for harvesting when

A.  leaves turn brown and begin to dry

B.  leaves remain green but bend over

C.  bulbs begin showing above the soil

D.  bulbs turn deep red

23.  It is best to time planting so that harvesting of onions can be done during the dry season so that

A.  gardens can be prepared so that other vegetables can be sown as soon as the rains begin.

B.  bulbs arte not easily bruised

C.  bulbs can have 3-5 days of drying in the sun and do not end up regerminating

D.  bulbs cannot easily rot.

24.  Processing of onions after harvesting involves

A.  washing the soil off and drying the bulbs

B.  drying, the remaining leaves twisted off and the bulbs are sorted to remove bad ones and grade them according to size

C.  soil washed off, roots cut off and dried for 2 weeks.

D.  washing, sorting storing and packaging.

25.  Packaging onions involve

A.  putting them in air tight sacks

B.  heaping them in wooden crates together with tomatoes.

C.  tying them in bundles and putting them in well ventilated bags.

D.  packaging them in polytthene bags

26.  Onions are usually in research because

A.  they are widely grown in Uganda

B.  they are easily accessible

C.  they can easily be cut in thin slices

D.  their cells can easily be extracted

27.  Onions are used in reduction of diseases like

A.  high blood pressure , malaria typhoid fever

B.  cough, stomachache, headache

C.  heart diseases, stomachache, malaria

D.  cough, boils heart diseases

28.  The mild favoured white onion that are best for making salads are known as

A.  Red kano

B.  Texas Early Grano

C.  Red Burgundry

D.  Mammoth

29.  On the diagram of onions below which is the foo storage organ for the crop

30.  Part A in the diagram above is important because of

A.  making plant food by photosynthesis

B.  can be used for propagating one plant

C.  it is only part of the plant that can be eaten

D.  it keeps the whole plant succulent

Answers to Amaryllidaceae / Alliaceae

1 / D / 11 / A / 21 / D
2 / A / 12 / B / 22 / A
3 / B / 132 / A / 23 / C
4 / C / 14 / B / 24 / B
5 / A / 15 / D / 25 / C
6 / C / 16 / C / 26 / D
7 / B / 17 / B / 27 / D
8 / B / 18 / A / 28 / B
9 / D / 19 / B / 29 / C
10 / C / 20 / C / 30 / A