Translator : PHAM HONG SON
2011 - 2012
On Google Books you have read some of my ideas presented in the booklet entitled Oh! Viet Nam, My country(the English Version), and now with some more thoughts incorporated with some excerpts taken from the abovesaid booklet I am going tomake up another onewith a new title Viet Namof Tomorrow , ShallIt Share The Destiny of Champa?of which the Vietnamese version has been posted on Google Books some time ago. Now, the English version will be coming up for readers of little understanding of the Vietnamese language to know something about Viet Nam, my country, then and now, and, in a near future, certainly… In this new booklet I am jotting down my thoughts I have had about my country then, now and to morrow by relating Viet Nam to some news and facts I have heard with my ears and witnessed with my own eyes from Viet Nam in-land and from everywhere in the world... Whenever my thoughts coming up I jotted them down …and to begin, here are some ideas about Cosmos I have read from the Theological Studies written by the great Evangelist J.D. Olsen.
@The World is from the Greek word Kosmos, litterally means order of this world. Jesus teaches that Satan is the Prince of this world. How does Satan have this kind of authority? We cannot have a correct answer. Nevertheless, if a study is performed carefully concerning the leading principles in the realms of commerce, politics, social and international affairs, who dare deny Satan’s manipulative role in our Universe? We often see competition and fraud in commercial domain, dictatorship and oppression in political realm, poverty and ignorance in social area, and envy and war in international field. From where come all those matters, if not from Satan’s manipulation? Truly, he is the Prince of power in this dark world.
@ I am only an ordinary man being released by God the Most High from the Communist imprisonment, like a brand plucked from the fire(Xechariah 3:2NASB). As a refugee of the Communists I left the land of my forefathers, nowI am living in exile overseas. I am tormenting forSatanhas many times sifted my country, he hasunsparingly and tirelessly caused dramatic scenes and terrible tragedies to our beloved nation from generations to generations.
I am writing just forremembrance and for reminding my friends …
The present Vietnamese Authorities are only Satan’s faithful servants, this Demon has directed and permitted the VN Communiststodeprive a man of justice inthepresenceof the Most High(Lamentations 3:35 NASB). They think that they are as right as a trivet, theywill flingthe truth to the ground (Daniel 8:12).They pant after the very dust of the earth on the heads of the helpless(Amos 2:7 NASB). They are guests of a robber-hosted copious banquet, they drink a delirious booze, then they will be boozed soon and they will vomit what they have swallowed, they will fall down and shall sleep a thousand year sleep.
I am a guy denuded of all critical ability, uncouth in political analysis, vulgar in economy and militarism. I am not a researcher of matters in the World so as to present any observations or ideas. I am not a supporter nor an advocate of the movement of living together with the Communistsforknowing theabsurdity of the problem. No compromising acts may exist among the Communists and they never show mercy or pardon to anyone even the dead in the graves.
Do not be sad with this saying, the past of our Vietnam fatherland through the years 1945 till 1975 and up to now as you can see it. The on-going present, and maybe to later time, when you look back to yourself, how can you say without your past eye-witnessing, ear-hearing and non-comprehension? Can you really read the tea leaves? How can we have any comments on the matters that have been so secret that nobody could get access nor think about? How can we know when standing by and with what do we tell others? The past, the present happenings we have not known totally, how can we know about the future? Then, we had better not make observations, evaluations andraise our voice…
I still remember my father’s words, saying: HO CHI MINH was the first who introduced the Communism to Vietnam to fulfill the orders of the International Communists with his Three-No Satanic doctrine. In 1920, he was one of the founders of the French Communist Party. In 1930, he was the founder of the Indochina Communist Party. He was the one who maliciously sowed the poisonous seed on the Vietnam soil, deceived the anti-French patriots and seized power on June 19, 1945 (The Viet Minh didn’t know they had been exploited)
On September 2, 1945 he read the Declaration of Independence of the Republic Democratic of Viet Nam.
Knowing that the people hated the Communist regime and might come incommensurable consequences, Ho Chi Minh was making a lying promise, he solemnly declared in front of the people that he would dismiss the Communist Party of Indochina on November 11, 1945. Thereafter, a lot of people were dead because of that lying and deceiving promise.
On March 6, 1946 Ho and the French signed an Agreement and used the French to exterminate and slay mercilessly all the patriots.
On December 19, 1953 Ho signed the Land Reform Lawfrom which was proceeded a brutal campaign of accusation thathundreds of thousands innocentpeople were accused of being landlords and slain, hundreds of thousandsotherswere isolated, spied on andwithered away and died on their native soil.
The dead in battle are less miserable than the dead of starvation. Tightening the purse strings was the governing policyof the VN Communists. The Vietnamese people had been victims of that governing policy for long. It’s truly a cruel and barbaric ruling pattern!
After their victory at the battle of Đien Bien Phu, the deceptiveViet Minhwas unveiled, the league shouldchange its face and took another name. On July 20, 1954 Ho Chi Minh and the French signed the Geneva Accords dividing Viet nam in half at the 17 parallel. The North Viet Nam was in chaos, millions of people left their home, land andall possessions behind and went down to the South to escape the Communist catastrophe.For they all knew that sooner or later HCM would impose the Communism upon the North Viet Nam in pursuance of the International Communists’commands.
Nowadays, the Communists are still tracking the footsteps of their masters, they are struggling and killing one another for envy and greed. Actually,they discountall the sentiment of comraderythey had when living side by side in the bloody and without issue warof the previous days. They didn’t care about their fellowmen’s miserable life. Oh, such is“Old Ho”, who once was called godfather of the nation! It’s he who imposed theamoraland degenerate Communism upon the heads of thedocile and indulgent Vietnamese; It’s also Ho who made his people live in pain, misery and in disgrace in too manydecades. How ironic and ridiculous the “to impoverish the people”doctrine is!
Ho Chi Minh was a rogue who didn’t mind about the love for the family, the nation and for the Heavenly Father. He used his demagogueryand the mask of “national liberation” to seduce myriads ofnaïve people, from intellects to vulgar people. He introduced the degenerate doctrine that lagged behind many generations of the nation, he deprived the people of human rights but his mouth always speaksloudly this slogan nothing is more precious than independence and liberty. Betraying his own words he used several intrigues to destroy freedom, with all his evil intentions he impeded the way to God of His believers. His talent in persecuting, beating and bashing, annihilating people was impeccable. His victims were his friends, colleagues and foes alike. His wishes were to redden in blood the Vietnamese nation with hostility under Satan’s direction.
When Ho Chi Minh passed away, his funeral was majestic and crowdy, therewere present all kinds of people, friends and enemies, aborigines and foreigners, with free will or no. Soldiers guardedhis tomb day and night. Does it seem strange to you? A cruel and relentless guy, an evil hero in fraud and murder, in sowing terror, in killing like Ho, but the Communists praised and worshipedlike an idol.It is not unusual, is it? The truth is totallyhidden!How painful it is!
Ba Đinh, the award Satan confered tohis faithul servant Ho, and currently Ho is laying immobile there, is an eloquent vestige showing thatSatanblindedHo andmade him insensitive to human emotion and feeling so that he brought the evil Communism to Viet Nam and caused never-ending enmity and struggle between the North and South of Viet Nam.
Ho Chi Minh was only one of Satan’s servants, Ho had to carry outhis Master’s plan with no wrongdoing allowed, and had Satan’s favor,but presently, Ho is only an inactive entity that remains motionless at Ba Đinh square and become an amazingly attractive object thatcaused the curiosity of many peoplein and out-country of Viet Nam.People have the opportunity to visit and contemplate a truly ugly beast thatever spread terror over the Viet Namnation and implanted all kinds of sins and iniquities in the hearts of the people of Viet Nam. Satan is domineering this world, he is the leader of the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. He is the sower of contention, hereditary hatred and the permanent opponent of God.
A hatred heart is blinded before error and wrong, instead, hatred brings forth strife, strife produces war, war leads toruin and devastation, then only seen are disorder and wicked practices, how can love and mercy be exposed? When hatred invades human heart how can people see God’s grace and mercy ?
Furthermore, after the Geneva Agreement was signed, many people withrew into the jungle to launch the war of Resistance, many others followed the Viet Minh to regroup into the North Viet Nam, they allwere hooked and could not be released. They never knew that theywere putting their heads intothe running noose that the Communists had set beforehand. Realizing that Ho Chi Minh ensnared them, they couldn’t help but endured and made themselves slaves of the Communists. Those who stayed in the South continued to be against the Republic of Viet Nam. They didn’t know that on the other side of the 17th parallel was the velvet curtain stained with blood that was covering the heads of the people of the North Viet Nam. In the free ground of the South those idiots were seeking to cause trouble, riots, demonstrations…and made fhe citizens of the South their victims and live a troublesomeand chaotic life.
Until April 30, 1975 their eyes were wide open,they could see the reality but it was too late!
To make an echo in the world the National Front for the Liberation of South Viet Nam, a disguise organization and the puppet ofthe Communists of North Viet Namwas foundedat Chau Thanh (Tay Ninh) on December 20, 1960. The SouthVietnampeople were not able to see the real face of this organization.
The Front was the tail of the North Communists. Itsspecialties were using cunning, deceitful plots, bribery and subornation. They put their men in the RVN government, in the RVNAF, in the religions, in the Schools and college campuses and in the mass of the South Viet Nam. Terrorism was their active application. Theydisturbed the countryside, destroyed the bridges, dug the roads, laid ambush, sniped, set bomb, and performed all kinds of bombarding andkilling.
The peasants were subject to threats and deception.They were compelled to supply food and to dig the trenches to protect and to conceal the VC cadresin order to live a calm life. How many people were forced to work for the Viet Cong and to live amiserable and unfortunate life. The VC constantly disturbed and divided people. They created discord between the Buddhists and Catholics leading to a conflict between them (1963). Taking advantage of that occasion the Viet Cong induced the students to perform uprising, demonstrations in order to make the society more chaotic. The government of the Republic of Viet Nam in the South was meeting with many difficulties. The South Vietnampeople were living in insecure conditions and had no more joy! The liberty, independence and democracypicturesof that time were blackened by the press and media, darker and darker. The people had to face withfurious waves of Communiststorm coming up.
After April 30, 1975 the North Communists dismissed the National Front for Liberation of the South. The Front failed to keep its entity and lost its influence forever; the“victorious” National Front’s flagwent into the Communist dump
quicker than one could imagine! The Front was like rice husk and gone with the wind. How many people were beating their breast and harboring hatred in the heart!
In 1945 (At Dau year) the North Viet Nam had a famine because of the brutal and stern administration of the Japanese.The people starved to death were numbered to millions. The white flag with the red sun in the middle was no longer seen flying in the sky. Givingup to the Allied Powersthe Japenese made off and went home. Anew, the tricolor, blue, white and red flag was flying over. In 1948, the yellow and three red stripes flag was flying over the streets in the cities and towns. “The flag of the nation,” my father said. I asked my father about the signification of the flag. He answered me: “the red and yellow symbolise the blood and skin of the Vietnamese. The three stripes are the emblems of the three regions North, Center and South of Viet Nam.” “Who was that smart and intelligent designer, Dad?” I asked my father one more time. My father shook his head, answered me: “Perhaps the French governed our nation a long time, they understood our customs and habits in every region, they knew that our people didn’t want to sit down together, therefore they designed three parallel stripes.
The parallel lines never meet!”
Asking about the Viet Minh flag, my father explained me: Ho Chi Minh followed the Communism, of course he affliliated himself with the International Communist Party. The red and yellow star flag is the child flag, begotten from the father flag which is the USSR’s, the master flag is the flag of Red China. The red and the yellow star flag had the hammer and the sickle as a camouflage to blind people’s eyes. The hammer stands for the industrial working class and the sickle stands for the agricultural workers. To tell the truth, the hammer is used to pound the heads and the sickle to cut the necks of the innocent people. Later, as his expectations have been met andto show his demagoguery,Ho Chi Minh eliminated the hammer and the sickle. The red and yellow star was flying high over in the cheers of the Communists and in the silent spite of the common people.
Hearing a friend of mine confide in me: “Owing to the Viet Minh winning over the French in the battle of Đien Bien Phu our people have no longer been submissive to theColonialism domination, otherwise, might be today…” I smiled. I took the Bible and read him a verse: the whole world lies in the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19 NASB) and another one: Is it not from the mouth of the MostHigh that both good and ill go forth? (Lam. 3:38 NASB). He understood that I didn’t tell my own idea, he skipped and smiled.
Because of the Chinese overpopulation, they often applied the humanwaveattack in war by using the soldiers as stoppers to shut the loopholes. Vo Nguyen Giáp had a Chinese General named Wei Gouqing as his master and military advisor. As did their masters, the Viet Cong’s war tactics was bombarding first, assault after. The Viet Minh overflowed and assaulted Dien Bien Phu after intensive bombardingsover the heads of their enemies. It is worth to say that both sides were engaging in severe combat but unexpectedly the French soldiers had to put down their arms, nobody knew where the commands came from. The French was defeated, the dream of establishing a Colonialist government was melting like wax touching fire. The French left,the American came and helped the South Viet Nam re-organise the nation just as they helped Israel rebuild the nation in 1948, and …Taiwan in 1949.
Satan got in the way of the French by using Dien Bien Phu as a first testing placeto deprive the French of their influences in Indochina; he re-installed a new deployment of the Armies andmade use of the Geneva Conventions to divide Viet Nam into two, officially and legitimately. The North Viet Nam was awarded to Ho Chi Minh,a capable servant of his, who had full of experiences, skill in ruse and ploy, competence increating separation and mutual antipathy. Ho met Satan’s purposes – wanting people to deny God – and requirements for war and competition.