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Date: ______


Worth 10 Points

ü  Earth’s Interior & Plate Tectonics Quiz

ü  Earthquake & Waves Quiz

ü  Volcano Notes

ü  Evolution Notes (Natural Selection)

ü  BioGeo Chemical Cycles Questions Notes & Review

Ecology Notes: Fill in Ecological Pyramid with notes from our SAMPLE

1. Each level on the ecological pyramid below is called a ______level and only retains ____% of the energy from below it, therefore calling this the ______LAW.

2. What is an example of an animal that would be at the top of an ecological pyramid? ______

3. What is the difference between Abiotic and Biotic factors? Give an example of each.

Using the ecological pyramid, answer the questions.

4. What is the tertiary consumer? ______

5. Where does 100% of the sun’s energy go? ______

6. What is the secondary consumer? ______

7. What are the producers? ______

8. What are the primary consumers? ______

9. As you move up the pyramid what happens to the energy levels? ______

10. What are the 4 main parts to Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

11. What is the difference between O2 and O3 ? ______

12. What are 4 things scientists claim to have discovered that support Global Warming?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

13. Polar Bears and Brown Bears being separated by geographic conditions is an example of what? ______.

14. What is the green pigment in plants that makes photosynthesis possible? ______

15. What greatly depletes ozone gas? ______

16. What is Nitrogen Fixation? ______

17. What are 2 things humans do that interfere with the global nitrogen cycle?

  1. ______(Pro / Good thing)
  2. ______(Bad)
  3. ______(Bad)

18. Why is Nitrogen important to plants and humans? ______

19. What organism is a fungus / algae that grows on bare rock and produces acids that break it down and produce soil? ______

20. What is the movement of substances such as water, carbon, and nitrogen between the tissues of living organisms and the abiotic world? ______

21. What is a caldera? ______

22. What is a guyot? ______

23. List 3 ways scientists have been able to prove that the Theory of Plate Tectonics is true.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

24. The Ring of Fire is one big ______zone.

25. What major category of rock is formed from ‘weathering’ of other rocks? ______

26. The process by which gravity separates materials of different densities in the Earth is called ______.

27. Where are the heavier elements located? ______

28. What are tiny gas valves in the ocean floor that release heat and other chemicals from the Earth’s interior that makes life deep down possible? ______

29. What is the greatest unanswered question in the geological sciences? ______

30. Assuming no change in the position of the rock layers, the oldest rock will be located where? ______.

31. What type of rocks are likely to contain fossils and recycled rocks? ______

32. What type of rock is formed by rocks that undergo pressure and heating without melting to make a new rock? ______

33. What is the change in the physical form or chemical composition of rock materials from natural circumstances (wind, rain, erosion). ______

34. What is the difference between Diffraction and Refraction?

35. The Earth’s Outer Core is ______

36. What type of rock is otherwise known as volcanic rock? ______

37. What type of igneous rocks form the largest crystals? ______

38. What is the most common rock in the Earth’s crust? ______

39. What particles are in a repeating pattern they form a ______structure.

40. Diverging plates form what things? ______

41. What is the term for the role an organism plays in an environment? ______

42. Granite is an example of ______rock.

43. What is the name of the scientist that came up with a detailed hypothesis for continental drift? ______

44. In the 1960’s seafloor exploration used a fathometer to map the ______or terrain of the seafloor.

45. The ______Ridge is 19, 312 Km long. Its peaks are Iceland and the Azores.

46. The deepest earthquakes are where ______occurs. As deep as ______mi.

47. What is the difference between the Lithosphere and the Asthenosphere?

48. What type of volcano would form large gently sloping mountains? ______

49. What actually converts nitrogen gas into a usable form for us? ______

50. Where is the Earth’s internal energy from? ______

51. What are 3 main sources of heat in the inner core?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

52. How are Mid Ocean Ridges formed? ______

53. What two places can ocean trenches form? ______

54. Where is the deepest ocean trench? ______

55. What are the tallest mountains in the world formed from colliding plates? ______

56. The San Andreas fault runs where? ______

57. The first layer of the atmosphere that contains all the weather is called the ______

58. What is a folded mountain and how is it formed? ______

59. The ocean floor is the deepest at the ______in the ______Ocean.

60. What is a rift valley? ______

61. How far have scientists been able to drill into the Earth’s Interior? ______

62. What is denser…oceanic or continental crust? ______which is thicker? ______

63. Longitudinal waves move ______to the direction a wave travels and Transverse waves move ______to the direction a wave travels.

64. The ozone layer is located in what ‘sphere’? ______

65. The change in frequency and pitch of a sound as an object is moving is known as ______.

66. What are 3 examples of mediums? ______

67. What evidence shows us that the Earth is made of different types of mediums? ______

68. What waves are the first to reach shock recording stations? ______

69. What are the two parts to a longitudinal wave? ______

70. Longitudinal waves move ______to the direction the wave travels.

71. Transverse waves move ______to the direction the wave travels.

72. Waves move what? ______

73. How many seismographs are there around the world? ______

74. How many readings do seismologists need to confirm the magnitude? ______

75. Earthquakes occur at all plate boundaries…briefly write what happens at these:

ü  DPB ______

ü  TFB ______

ü  CPB ______

76. Earthquakes can cause huge seismic sea waves called ______.