701 Ridgewood Road, Township of Washington, NJ 07676 • (201) 664-0880 • Fax (201) 722-1542


Course Information

Course Title: Entrepreneurship
Semester: 2011

Teacher’s Email:

Web address: High School > Staff > Murray, Dina

Course Description

This required course fulfills the state’s financial literacy requirement and isintended to help students develop a framework for their life after high school. Throughout the first part of the course the students will explore career interests and the potential earnings associated with that career. Students will use the economic outlook of their potential career as the backdrop to then balance a household budget. The course will culminate with the students creating a business plan for their potential career.The course requirements and projects meets and/or exceeds all of the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S 1-6).

Course Goals and Objectives

Students will have an understanding of the increasing complexity of our financial system and how strengthening their financial knowledge and skills is critical to their future success and to the future financial stability of our country. Students will be prepared to make smart choices and acquire skills to navigate their financial futures. Students will learn about career selection, industry outlook, earning and spending, saving and investing, using credit wisely, paying for college, and academic and financial planning.

Text, Readings, Materials

The Job Hunting Handbook

The Occupational Outlook Handbook

Financial Literacy Awareness Workbook

How to Do Your Banking Workbook

One (1) 1" 3-ring binder with 3 dividers and loose leaf paper

Two(2) pocket folders

One (1) USB drive

Pencils, Pens

Class Rules

The entrepreneurship class will run ina fashion that is consistent with what is expected in a business environment. Fundamental to success in the course will be preparation and respect.Please consult the guidelines listed below:

  • Come to class prepared and ready to learn.
  • You will be given time in class to finish work. If you do not complete your work you will need to finish for homework,
  • You should use appropriate language. Name-calling and harassment of any form will not be tolerated.
  • Students will be expected to use appropriate language at all times and

allow classmates to exchange ideas in an supportive learning environment.

  • You need to ask the teachers permissions before leaving class.
  • Students are expected to their own work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.Please consult school guidelines on plagiarism as outlined in the student handbook.
  • Business habits will include attendance; punctuality and participation are keys to success.
  • Students will be expected to follow all procedures as set forth by the instructor.

Grading Policy

Tests & Projects = 50%

Students are expected to take all tests in-class on the determined test date. If a student is absent on the day of the test, the student must make arrangements with the teacher to make-up the test the very next day. If a student is absent for more than one-day, that student will have the number of days absent to make-up the test. All students must make arrangements with the teacher to set a time and place to take the make-up test.

Tests will consist of several different forms of assessment including multiple-Choice, True/False, Short-Answer, Essay, and/or Project and Presentation. Tests are given at the conclusion of each learning chapter/unit. Tests may be cumulative (teacher will inform prior to test date).

Each marking period, students will complete a variety of projects that pertain to the specific learning unit. These projects may require students to work collaboratively with their assigned groups or individually. These projects will be assigned to allow students to demonstrate that they can apply the class material previously learned in class. Each project will have a rubric; students will know how the teacher will be evaluating the work. All team projects will be able to allocate points based on effort.

Some in-class research time will be provided and some classes may be held at the Media Center. All papers must be properly typed in MLA-style format. Any projects turned in late will be deducted points (Approx. 10 pts. for each day late). However, it is to the teacher’s discretion based on work ethic and effort.


Both announced and unannounced quizzes could be given at various points throughout each marking period. There may be times when students will be permitted to utilize their notes, to complete a quiz. Therefore, it is essential to keep an organized notebook with class notes from class discussions & lectures. Please note, all material discussed in class is not in the handouts/ textbook, and all students will be responsible for knowing any material discussed in related articles and class discussions.

Homework= 10%

Throughout the course, there will be a variety of homework assignments that students must complete. Students should expect to complete homework assignments daily. Each homework assignment will be checked and graded. Absent students will have 1 day to complete and turn-in the missing homework assignment (unless otherwise noted by the teacher). Late homework will be accepted for partial credit, you must hand your homework in ON TIME.


Class Participation & In class work= 30%

5 / Participates at every opportunity. Offers thoughtful responses to questions.
4 / Participates often in class discussions.
3 / Occasionally participates in class discussions. Answers correctly when called on.
2 / Rarely participates in class discussions. Occasionally answers correctly when called on.
1 / Rarely participates in class discussions. Is inattentive in class.
0 / A disruptive influence during class discussions. Poor attendance and/or lateness

In addition, students will take part in many class activities. Some activities will require students to work in groups. These activities must be completed and turned-in on the due date (no exceptions).

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent Signature:______Date:______