Phillip VanFossen, Interim Head, called the faculty of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction to order at 1:30 p.m. on April 8, 2011 in BRNG3276.
PRESENT: D. Aldridge, L. Bryan, X. Chen, B. Capobianco, S. David, K. Dietz, J. Dimitt, D. Driskill, L. Flagge, W. Fox, J. Gilligan, J. Greenan, G. Haines, C. Hofmeyer, E. Hopper, R. Kenney,
J. Lehman, N. Mentzer, S. Moon, T. Newby, T. Oakes, A. Roychoudhury, S. Schaffer, M. Schmitt, M. Shoffner, P. VanFossen, Y. Wang
04:11.1 / Awards:
Prof. VanFossen recognized award winners:
  • Yuxiang Wang, recipient of theC&I and the COE Outstanding Dissertation Award
  • Xiaojun (June) Chen, recipient of the C&I and the COE Outstanding Graduate Student TeachingAward and the Frank B. DeBruicker Graduate Fellowship
  • Melanie Shoffner, recipient of the C&I Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award
  • Anatoli Rapoport, recipient of the C&I Discovery Award
  • Scott Schaffer, recipient of the C&I Engagement Award
  • Lynn Bryan, recipient of the COE Dean’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Scholarship
  • John Staver, recipient of the COE Outstanding Service Award
  • Ayesha Sadaf, recipient of the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship
  • Kevin Berkopes, recipient of the Mike Keedy Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics and Education
  • Sarah Freemeyer, recipient of the Jane and Michael Wilson Graduate Fellowship in Science Education
  • Alexia Mintos, recipient of the Mike Keedy Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics and Education

04:11.2 / Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutesof the February 11,
2011meeting as submitted. The motion carried.
04:11.3 / Reports of Standing Committees:
  1. Elementary Teacher Education – John Staver, Chair,
Prof. VanFossen reporting
Prof. Staver was unable to attend the meeting and provided the following information:
  • All incoming students will be required to take a test to determine their math proficiency. Their scores will determine what math courses they are eligible to take, as well as what schools they are qualified to enter.
  • Prof. Phillion will visit Australia this summer to gather information on the Global Partner Exchange Program.
  • Three students have registered to student teach at Native American reservations through Indiana University, which will satisfy their student teaching requirement.
  • Assistant Dean David is working to develop a cost summary for international student teaching.

B. Faculty Affairs – Wanda Fox, Chair
  • The committee has finished reviewing portfolios for awards.
  • Approval of the Baseline Criteria for Five-Year Graduate Faculty Review will be voted on in New Business.
  • The survey from the Indiana Department of Health should be distributed to everyone in Beering Hall within the next few days. Please take time to answer the questions and remember that the survey is completely anonymous.

C. Graduate – JoAnn Phillion, Chair, Melanie Shoffner reporting
  • The committee completed their review of award portfolios
  • Guidelines for the awards subcommittee have been written and approved by the committee.
  • The committee wants to reiterate that award submissions will not be accepted after the deadlines.
  • Prof. Greenan will chair the committee next year. Jennifer Richardson will represent both Learning, Design and Technology and Stem Goes Rural, Erik Malewski will represent Curriculum Studies and Lynn Bryan will represent Science Education.

D. Primary – Phillip VanFossen, Chair
  • Annual review meetings are currently being scheduled for all nontenured faculty with the department head and a member of the Primary Committee.
  • Candidates nominated for promotion/promotion and tenure have been notified. Names for external reviewers are being compiled.
  • Committee policies were changed and unanimously approved.

04:11.4 / A motion was made and seconded to accept all reports. The motion carried.
04:11.5 / Old Business
  • Prof. VanFossen asked for approval of the new major, BA in Curriculum and Instruction. A motion was made and seconded. After a brief discussion, the motion carried.
  • Prof. Fox asked for approval of the Baseline Criteria for Five-Year Graduate Faculty Review. A motion was made and seconded. The motion carried.

04:11.6 / New Business
Prof. Vanfossen asked for approval of the following Form 40’s:
  • EDCI 50000, Foundations of Literacy
  • EDCI 51900, Teaching Learners of English As A New Language
  • EDCI 52600, Language Study for Educators
  • EDCI 53300, Teaching and Learning Numbers and Operations
  • EDCI 53400, Teaching and Learning Geometry and Measurement
  • EDCI 53500, Teaching and Learning Algebra and Functions
  • EDCI 53600, Teaching and Learning Data Analysis and Probability
  • EDCI 54800, Teaching Mathematics to Diverse Learners
  • EDCI 54900, Assessment in Mathematics Education
A motion was made and second, the motion carried.
04:11.7 / Other Announcements
  • Elizabeth Hopper, CLEAR’s Director of Target Professional Development distributed the Center’s Professional Development Catalog.

04:11.8 / Department Head’s Comments and Announcements
  • Judith Lysaker, Associate Professor at Butler University, has accepted the position in Literacy and Language Education.
  • An offer has been extended for the Social Studies Education position.
  • We are currently searching to fill clinical positions in Family and Consumer Science Education and a half-time position inWorld Languages. We’re also seeking to fill a 50/50 visiting instructor position in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and C&I and an Interim Director for the Center for Literacy Education and Research (CLEAR).
  • A reception will be held on Wednesday, April 20th from 3:00-5:30 pm in STEW 313 for our faculty who are retiring.
  • Please remember that registration begins with the academic advisor or major professor. The advisor assists students in planning their course schedule and will supply them with their PIN number which will allow them to register online through MyPurdue. Advisors are responsible to meet with students each semester to plan their course schedule and to complete and sign any forms (23 or 23V) that are necessary.This is not the responsibility of the clerical staff and they should not be the conduit for this process.
  • Several people from the COE and other colleges across campus recently toured the Home Hospital building to see if it would be beneficial for Purdue to consider buying or leasing it. Suggestions on possible uses are welcome.
  • There is no news to report on the budget.
  • New copying costs are now in effect.
  • Our enrollment is still down over previous years but has increased somewhat since our last meeting.

04:11:9 / Adjournment
  • The business meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.