Please complete this form and send it with supporting material to the Secretary of your Board of Studies. For Sabbatical Leave, the Board of Studies approves the academic case and the Dean, advised by the School ExCo approves resources. Following approval, the Board of Studies Secretary should send this completed form to HR Business Services.

SECTION A: To be completed by applicant

Appointment and Grade
Length of Service within CityUniversity
Details of previous Sabbaticals/Secondments
including duration and dates
Nature of proposed absence – Summary(please give full details overleaf)
Proposed dates of Absence
Organisation(s) at which you would be based

Signed: ...... Date: ......

NOTE: On completion of the period of sabbatical leave, a report is required for submission to your Board of Studies. A further updated report is submitted one year after return to service.

For Office Use:
Approved by Board of Studies: ...... …………………………...... (date)
Signed Chair of Board of Studies ……...... …………………………
Resources approved (Dean): ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Print Name (s): ....……………………………………………...... …………………………………………….
Received by HR Business Services:...... …...... ………………... (date)

SECTION B: Detailed information and resources

Please provide full details and information under the following headings.

B1.Purpose of absence

Please give full details of the objectives of the leave and planned outputs. These should relate to University and School criteria for leave


Planned outputs:


Please provide details of the proposed cover arrangements for the leave:


Assessment responsibilities:

Personal tutoring arrangements:

Research student supervision:

Administrative responsibilities and committee attendance requirements:

Statement of costs of cover:

Additional resources required to support the leave:

B3.Supporting statement from line manager and/or head of department

Signed ...... (Line manager and/or HOD)

Date ......

Extract from: Terms and Conditions of Employment relating to Academic Staff

Sabbatical and Study Leave

In order to fulfil the obligations under paragraph 3.4 a member of staff may apply for Sabbatical orStudy Leave for a period of up to a maximum of one-seventh of service at this University. Theprogramme of activity shall require the approval of Senate which will take into consideration thestaff situation in the member of staff's teaching unit.

A recommendation to Council for the payment of salary during such leave shall be accompanied bythe formal approval by Senate of the programme to be undertaken.


Secondment will normally be granted to a member of staff subject to the approval of Senate.

A recommendation to Council for any payment of salary during the secondment shall beaccompanied by the formal approval of Senate for such secondment.

Extract from Sabbatical Leave Policy

Criteria for sabbatical leave

The criteria for sabbatical leave are deliberately broad to enable its use for a range of activities. Additional local criteria may be developed and agreed by the relevant delegated authority. In all cases, an application for sabbatical leave must meet the following criteria:

  • Contain objectives that are in support of University and School strategic goals.
  • Present a plan for the proposed use of time and other resources, which identifies inputs to the sabbatical leave.
  • Identify the anticipated outcomes of the sabbatical leave; these need to be measurable and to relate to the objectives of the leave.
  • Support the professional development of the individual member of academic staff.

The full policy was agreed by Senate on 3 May 2006 and can be accessed through the HR web site or via the academic handbook.

Senate delegates to Boards of Studies the authority to approve local level operating mechanisms for sabbatical leave and to set criteria appropriate to the Board of Studies area to supplement University-level criteria.

Approval of resources to enable release from duties for sabbatical leave is delegated to the relevant Dean, advised by the School Executive Committee. In doing this, the Dean, advised by the School Executive Committee, sets the resource limits for the overall operation of sabbatical leave in the school.