Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday 23 October 2014

7.30 pm, Heath End Hall

PRESENT: Cllrs S E Terrett (Chairman), C Curtis, C Grenville, J Peatman, P R S Postance (fr4), G Porter

Also present: County Councillor W Lovegrove and 1 member of the public

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs P E Garrett, J E Hewitt, F Langley, E Page and M G Slatford,

In attendance: Mrs P J Waterfield, Clerk

53. Minutes of the last meeting

The Minutes of the meeting of 24 July 2014, copies of which had been circulated, were taken as read and approved, after the amendment of the date of the Service of Commemoration had been amended from 2 August to 2 November 2014.

54. Declarations of interest

Councillors were reminded that for those with any interest to be disclosed in relation to any item included in the agenda for this meeting, it was their duty to do so at the appropriate agenda item (as required to be disclosed by Section 96(1) of the LGA 1972, and in accordance with the Parish Councils Order 2001).

55. Matters arising from the Minutes

(46) Speedwatch

Cllr Slatford had attended a County-led seminar regarding Speedwatch, held with a view to enhancing and encouraging the concept within the County. His claim for mileage was agreed.

(446) World War 1 Tribute events

A Service of Commemoration for WW1, courtesy of St Stephen’s church, will be held at 11.00 am on Sunday 2 November 2014. It is hoped that a muffled half peal of bells will be rung, and The Rt Hon the Worshipful the Mayor of Basingstoke and Deane will be attending. Clerk had undertaken to organise the printing of the service sheets. All Councillors urged to attend.

(46) 105 Long Grove

No further information received.

(46) Police matters

Remembrance Sunday – no Police presence will be available for the safeguarding of the community during the event, and Clerk is seeking volunteers to help. Maintenance contractor will be distributing the relevant signage for the event.

(46) Seat at Pinewood

Has yet to be installed. Approval given to payment of invoice.

(47) Highways and Rights of Way issues

·  Clerk had failed to attend Community Resilience event due to illness, but had submitted a copy of this Council’s Emergency Community Plan for sharing

·  Fingerpost at Axmansford reported

·  Wolverton Road – pinch point missing marker reported for the 3rd time

·  Footways report – for inclusion under the appropriate agenda item

(50) Playing fields and open spaces issues

·  105 Long Grove – no further information

·  Wolverton field lease – no further information

·  BCBC Leisure Needs and Recreation Statement – Clerk had responded to an online survey

·  Land at junction of Heath End Road and B4300 – no investigation as yet undertaken.

·  Map showing areas of land owned by this Council within Baughurst Common had been placed on the website

·  11 Mornington Close – overhanging cherry tree – tree contactor had advised that the tree was not in a dangerous condition, and therefore did not need remedial pruning or felling

56. County, Borough, Police and BDAPTC reports

County Councillor W Lovegrove reported on:

·  HCC Trading Standards information about cold calling

·  Temporary closure of Padworth refuse facility whilst bridge repairs are undertaken (estimated to take about 6 months)

·  Grit ready in bins for the winter

·  The recent Community Resilience meeting in Eastleigh

·  The Tadley Community lunch for all interested local organisations

·  10th Anniversary of Homestart locally

·  Road closure in Stoney Heath/Ramsdell

·  He also reported that HCC have also been trying to identify the ownership of the land at the junction of Heath End Road and the B4300, without success

Borough Councillor M Bound had sent a written report, advising that BDBC’s local plan had been submitted to the Secretary of State (Planning Inspectorate) for examination. It is envisaged the examination will take place in January 2015 with a possible pre-hearing in late 2014. Black Dam roundabout works have begun and will continue through to June 2015. He also notified that the contract for the collection of plastic had been terminated by the contractor, but that apparently the collection banks will not be removed in the short term.

Padworth recycling depot is closed until 30 March 2015. A report from a Tadley resident has indicated that the late bus travelled on has been fairly well used but continued usage is essential, otherwise the service will be withdrawn. He also reported on a recent community Environment & Partnerships committee meeting, where the following was discussed:

·  Debt and the high cost of credit with an interesting report from Basingstoke CAB

·  A report put together by officers and the relevant portfolio holder around work done by Commissioning Outcome Group 1 (COG1) – Arts & Culture Recommendations for Delivering Outcomes

·  The Grants Award Scheme

A report had been received from the Police regarding recent speeding issues, as follows:

08/10/14 Brimpton Road. 11 vehicles stopped - 2 issued with Driver Awareness Training courses (40 & 42 mph), 9 given verbal warnings (36 - 39 mph).

10/10/14 Brimpton Road.7 vehicles stopped -1 issued with a FPN (46 mph), 1 issued with Driver Awareness Training courses (40 mph), 5 given verbal warnings (36 - 39 mph).

That was due to a complaint in relation to the school.

57. Open forum

·  A member of the public gave an overview of her future planning proposals.

·  An invitation had been issued for a member to attend the Women’s World Day of Prayer in March 2015

58. Finance

a) Financial statement

The latest financial statement was received and noted.

b) Bob O’Bee Memorial Prize

Approval was given to the donation of £40 for the memorial prize, Hurst Community College

c) Half yearly precept

Approval given to the reinvestment of the half yearly precept.

d) Seeability – request for grant aid

Agreed that a donation of £100 should be given, under Section 137 of the LGA 1972, for the benefit of the area and its inhabitants.

e) Internal and External Audit

Clerk advised that the Audit Commission had approved the latest audited accounts without comment. Comments had been received from the Internal Auditor and were distributed to Councillors. Approval was given to the continued employment of the Internal Auditor, Mr Terry Marsh, for a further year.

59. Planning

a) to receive and consider the latest planning applications

14/02807/HSE/and 02808/LBC / The Forge, Wolverton Townsend / Installation of 16 x roof mounted solar panels / No objection
14/02864/ROC / 3 Fairoak Way / Variation of condition 7 of 14/00847/FUL to retain existing vehicular access / No objection
14/02817/RET / The Badgers Wood / 3 replacement car park lighting (retrospective) / No objection, but downward diffusers requested
/ Land at Hill Rise / Tree preservation order (1 oak, 1 ash) / Support given for creation of TPO for oak tree

b) decisions by BDBC

14/02126/FUL / 1 Poveys Cottages, Stoney Heath / Creation of wildlife pond / Approved
14/02029/HSE / Well Farm, Baughurst Road / Car port and garage/store / Approved

60. Playing Fields and Open Spaces

a) to receive report of recent works carried out

i) Wolverton field

·  Second ‘springy’ has been removed, and quotations approved for replacement of both @ £300 each

·  Repairs have been effected to the roof of the play tower. Quotation had been accepted, at £1200, for the total refurbishment of the unit

·  Quotation received, of £100 per month, from EJS Services, which would include identification and repair of small necessary problems. To be discussed at next committee meeting.

ii) Long Grove

·  Jetwashing of equipment had been carried out

·  Clerk had asked maintenance employee if he would be prepared to carry out regular cleaning of the equipment in addition to his usual weekly clearance of the site. He has agreed to do this within his hourly rate, until contracts are to be renewed in February 2015.

b) Hedgecutting, Wolverton field

Approval was given to the cost of £175 for hedgecutting, Wolverton field.

60. Highways and Rights of Way

a) Footpaths Walk – to receive report of recent walk, and updated information

Bridleway 15

A volunteer had cleared most of the overhanging vegetation and cleared the path to widen

it. A letter of appreciation had been received from an adjacent resident, and thanks

were also made to the volunteer during the walk.

Still outstanding:

a) two larger fallen trees whose trunks have fallen over the path, and need removing. Maintenance contractor to be asked to clear if possible.

b) despite the improved light through the canopy, three areas of the path are still very boggy - a combination of high water table, poor ditching by adjacent landowners and the lie of the land. Various solutions have been suggested – infilling with hardcore/horse-friendly equivalent; or chalk, or perhaps the fallen timber from the trees which are to be felled

Bridleway 502

From junction with Violet Lane to junction with FP13a, passable.

Footpath 13a

Again, the volunteer was thanked for his work in filling gap (by layering) between the kissing

gate and the hedge, through which horses were passing illegally. The new barrier performs

the task beautifully.

Still outstanding: waymarkers to be added to the kissing gate to show the direction of the path once through the gate. Volunteer offered to do this.

The path follows the outer bank, heavily treed, of an old drovers’ lane, and is passable

except in one place.

Still outstanding: Undergrowth needs to be hacked back in one place to allow passage. Volunteer offered to do this.

Footpath 17 to junction with 19

Accessible all along the path, although the direction over a stile was not clear. Clearance of

the surrounding vegetation made access over the stile easier, and two waymarkers were

found under grime, and cleaned, which will hopefully encourage walkers to use the correct


Still outstanding: New kissing gate at bridge over stream. Landowner known to be against replacement of stiles and V-stiles with kissing gates. Agreed that landowner be asked whether permission would be given, and that Council should be asked to finance the kissing gate.

Footpath 20

This path had not been walked by the Committee in the past. Not waymarked, and

impassable once halfway along to C89.

Still outstanding: clearance of the path by working party. HCC to be asked whether they could provide equipment or helpers.

Footpath 17 from junction with 19

Passable to C101.

Still outstanding: stile step needs strengthening/repairing

Footpath 17 to Browning Hill

Cows and bull in the field. Path passable, although metal five bar gate difficult to open from

field side, entering yard of smallholding.

Still outstanding: metal gate needs waymarker. Owner needs to be asked to remove horse box from in front of the small kissing gate into the lane, and also to ensure that the post to which the gate is affixed is strengthened and re-concreted into the ground.

Footpath 21

Beautifully waymarked at its southern end, and laid out to make the life of walkers easy. Post

still broken at kissing gate at the top of the hill, but maintenance contractor is to purchase

replacement and fit it in the near future.

Still outstanding: Once through the kissing gate and venturing downhill, the path is blocked by electric fencing surrounding the paddock, and the path can only be accessed by climbing beneath the wire. Owner to be asked to ensure that the path is not blocked, and HCC to be informed.

Waymarker needed on log store to identify path, and that, in the other direction, to be moved to the small gate to encourage use of the right route. Volunteer agreed to do this.

b) Footpath 10

Clerk asked to investigate the latest situation, and, if necessary, to resubmit request for action to be taken.

c) Bridleway 5

Recent thefts had taken place in properties backing on to the lane, where a van had been seen illegally using the right of way. A request had been made for bollards to be erected at the Brimpton Road entrance, and HCC had agreed that this should take place, but were unable to carry out or fund the works. Letters are to be sent to all the adjacent residents, asking whether they were in favour of the installation of the bollards, and Cllr Grenville agreed to carry out the works once approval had been made.

c) Footways, Baughurst Common estate

Cllr Curtis had submitted a report on the poor condition of footways within the estate. Agreed that County Councillor Lovegrove should be asked to investigate, and, if necessary, a site visit to be made with HCC.

61. Accounts for payment

Received: £250 Andersons; Premier interest £2.85; Calleva rental £73; half yearly precept £19250

To pay:

Hurst Community College / Memorial Prize / 2648 / 40.00
Seeability / Donation / BACS / 100.00
Clerk / Salary and allowances October / BACS / 795.43
Southern Water / Pavilion / d/d / 2.92
Southern Water / Pavilion / d/d / 2.92
HALC / Councillor training / BACS / 130.00 + 26.00
Audit Commission / Annual external audit / BACS / 200.00 + 40.00
HCC / Pension – October / BACS / 225.20
EJS / Playground repairs / BACS / 615.00 + 123.00
Inland Revenue / Tax and NI – September / BACS / 79.42
Clerk / Postage 3 mos to 30.9.14 / p/c / 47.50
Phone 3 mos to 30.9.14 / p/c / 67.12 + 6.18
M Slatford / 86m @ 61p + 2.38 / BACS / 51.58 + 2.38
Regency/1st Choice / Payroll October / d/d / 12.50 + 2.50
Datasharp / Copier service October / d/d / 25.00 + 5.00
A D Gibbs mowing / Pineapple field / BACS / 58.14
St Catherine’s / BACS / 26.01
Baughurst Common / BACS / 393.48
St Catherine’s / BACS / 26.01
Wolverton field / BACS / 51.26
Pineapple field / BACS / 58.14
Baughurst Common / BACS / 393.48

62. Date of next meeting