Mr. Vasquez



Barbaric: Crude, has a lack of restraint in taste, style, or manner.

Progressiveness: Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods.

Florid: Very ornate, flashy, or showy.

Untrammeled: Not limited or restricted, unrestrained.

Exuberant: Lavish; extravagant.

Withal: In addition; besides.

Self-communing: Communion with one's self; thoughts about one's self.

Genial: Having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner.

Semified: To become reduced to a half of what it used to be.

Valor: Courage and boldness.

Rhapsodies: Enthusiastic expression of feeling in speech or writing.

Inevitable: Impossible to avoid or prevent.

Amphitheater: An oval or round structure having tiers of seats rising gradually outward from a central open space or arena.

Impartial: Not partial or biased.

Incorruptible: Incapable of being morally corrupted or ruined.

Emanated: To come or send forth, as from a source.

Engrafted: To plant firmly; establish.

Idealism: The act or practice of envisioning things in an ideal form, something that is regarded as a standard or model of perfection or excellence.

Aforementioned: Mentioned previously.

Impartial: Not partial or biased; unprejudiced.

Procured: To get by special effort; obtain or acquire.

Doleful: Filled with or expressing grief or sadness.

Wended: To proceed on or along; go.

Subordinate: Belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary.

Retribution: Something given or demanded in repayment, especially punishment.

Choristers: Singers in a choir.

Epithalamia: A lyric ode or song in honor of a bride and bridegroom.

Solemnized: Celebrated or observed with dignity and gravity or seriousness.

Tribunal: A committee or board appointed to adjudicate (judge) in a particular matter.

Fervent: Having or showing great emotion.

Imperious: Arrogantly domineering or overbearing.

Courtiers: An attendant at a sovereign's (king’s) court.

Unsurpassed: Not capable of being improved on.

Ardor: Fiery intensity of feeling.

Waver: To become unsteady or unsure; falter.

Aesthetic: Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste.

Thronged: To crowd into; fill.

Personage: A person of distinction or importance.

Moiety: A part, portion, or share.

Fervid: Marked by great passion or zeal.

Parapet: A low protective wall or railing along the edge of a raised structure such as a roof or balcony.