Mrs. Daltorio, Language Arts Phone - 724-378-8565, ext. 2201

Room 201 E-mail –

Syllabus –Academic English 10

Requirements – Maintain a folder of your work. Bring a notebook, pen or pencil, and required text to class daily.

General Objectives – reading and studying literature, identifying literary devices, studying genres and literary trends, building vocabulary, developing writing skills, practicing grammar

Specific Objectives – students will

Analyze and read author’s background, culture, and works of literature.

Discuss and analyze literature and other related topics.

Interprettheme and content of literary texts.

Create examples of literary devices.

Develop and defend a thesis within various types of essays.

Organize details into logical pattern for all writing assignments.

Use correct grammar and spelling in all written assignments.

Edit writing assignments.

Write in a variety of styles.

Effectively gather and incorporate material for research topics.

Locate material through various reference systems.

Develop proper documentation in writing skills.

Use computer lab and improve computer skills.

Expand vocabulary.

Develop and display speaking and listening skills.

Writing types

Essay, analysis, research, creative

Film and Literature Topics

Poetry, fiction and nonfiction;short stories; American literature, film and culture; To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee, Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck; Elizabethan times - Julius Caesar -Shakespeare

Grammar Topics

Grammar review, parts of speech, sentence patterns, verb types, tense, active/passive voice, phrases, clauses, commas, commonly made mistakes, sentence completeness, run on sentences, sentence fragments, sentence variety, subject verb agreement


Writing and reading prompts, individual and group projects, speaking and listening skills

**Vocabulary Cycle

Vocabulary will be done routinely in class in the following cycle. However, vocabulary can also be assigned for literature units.

1st Friday (Beginning of cycle) 20 new words will be copied from the Vocabulary workbook starting with Unit 1.

Directions:You will be required to copy the vocabulary word, part of speech, definition, synonyms and antonyms for the word. You will not have to copy the sample sentence though you may if it will help you.

Note: If extra time is needed, you may come to my classroom during lunch, studyhall, or after school to use the books.Value: 10 points

The following Wednesday - Work will be checked. We will go over exercises and complete a review activity.

2nd Friday – Vocabulary quiz. Expect a grammar, discussion, or writing activity to follow the quiz.

3rd Friday – Skip vocab for a week.

4th Friday - Start cycle again.