SCRPA Board Retreat

December 1 & December 2, 2011

James Island County Park


In Attendance:

Joe Ross, Don Shuman, Mark Sexton, Eric Stewart, Jessica Campbell, David Linder, Justin Mills, John Luton, Will Risovd, Tom O’Rourke, Paul McCullough, Julie Edmond, Jim Headley

December 1

I.  Welcome from Phil and staff of James Island County Park.

1:15 – 2:30 pm Group team building, getting to know each other icebreakers and activities.

4:30 – 5:30 pm Jim Headley did an SCRPA overview, discussed everyone’s role and expectations, and showed how to use the website as a board member.

5:30 pm Adjourned for the evening to view the light tour, shop and dinner

December 2

I.  Welcome:

Joe Ross and Jim Headley called the meeting to order at 8:15 am and welcomed everyone. Jim reviewed the 2012 Committee Assignments and explained the roles of the District Vice Presidents and the appointment of members to five standing committees. Noted that there is 1 space on the Awards and Citations Committee, 4 on the Conference Committee, and Jim would like to see 2 per district appointed to the Marketing Committee. The Marketing Committee must conduct surveys every 3 years, a magazine 4 times a year. One magazine includes Conference information, and one will include a member directory and buyers guide. He asked for Mark and Don to think of names to populate the positions of Chair. Jim suggested the possibility of combining the scholarship and student branch since they should work hand-in-hand together. It was noted that NRPA offers certifications and approve all SCRPA’s CEU’s. Jim questioned if SCRPA should be the professional development clearinghouse for its members and how to develop marketing to each district as it has been unsuccessful in the past. He would like to discuss if we continue in that direction.

II.  Discussion:

Joe Ross suggested a Professional Development PowerPoint presentation that would talk about why it is important to join SCRPA. This would be presented at district meetings and Directors would encourage agencies to invite new staff. Mark Sexton inquired about an outreach membership drive and would like to collect data on why individuals are not joining. Don Shuman felt the PowerPoint presentation would be educational for current members as well. Paul McCullough feels there needs to be better quality control at district and branch events, as many SCAP members are not SCRPA members and they should be. Joe recommends that at each District meeting they begin with a report from SCRPA, then provide an educational session, then break out into separate branches. Julie Edmond agrees and feels each District should share educational speakers and topics to bring consistency between the district meetings, and that the education should be generic so that everyone is interested. Joes notes that educational opportunities are known annual for institutes such as TRENDS, Sports Management, LEAD, and Conference. He recommends an annual education opportunity for Recreation. He would like to see the educational opportunities promoted within each district. He would like for the board to offer suggestions to the Professional Development Committee. Mark asks what the group would like to see and Jim states they are asking for direction from the Board.

Justin Mills recommends placing a link on the website to list all certified members. Jim states that NRPA lists this already and they will provide a link to it.

Mark has a concern on how to reach folks without memberships. He would like for the Past Presidents and ELM Branch to encourage them to get the work out to their staff. Jim would like to see better buy in from Directors across the state. Times have changed and opportunities are there.

Jim addressed the need of the District VP’s to make appointments for the 5 committees as soon as possible. He asked that they work with the branches to identify people within the 4 districts that would attend the district meetings and represent each branch. Joe would like for the branch chair to communicate with the district VP’s who that person is so that they are able to recognize that person at the meetings.

Joe proceeded with giving dates for upcoming meetings, with the group agreeing that Wednesday be the preferred meeting date. Tentatively the schedule is as follows:

·  January 4th (Budget Meeting)

·  April 18th

·  July 11th

·  November 7th (Joe noted importance of end of year meeting to wrap up important business)

Location is in Lexington, 10:00 am. The executive board meets first with branches following.

Conference Dates for 2012 is September 7 – 22 in Greenville. The SCRPA Fundraiser/Golf Tournament is October 3rd in Orangeburg. The NRPA conference is October 16 – 18 in Anaheim, CA.

Joe dismisses himself at 9:08 am due to a family emergency.

III.  Budget:

Jim begins the budget review by stating we did not meet the goal of $14,500 to be transferred to investments, but will still be able to transfer $10,000. He explained the accounts in detail, reviewing the 3 areas (Branches, Committees and General) and the 3 columns detailing Revenue, Expense, and Profit/Loss. Jim’s goal is for the bottom line to stay in the positive. Jim noted the conference was a success with coming in $10,000 over the projected budget. However, Jim would like for the conference to not be relied upon as the backbone of the association’s revenue. He encourages the branches to let him know what he needs and he will work with you. It’s okay to spend if you are able to bring in the revenue to cover its cost.

Tom asked Jim how much was in the reserve. Currently there is sixty-two thousand with the goal being sixty thousand. Tom proposes the association look into purchasing a building to operate from and utilize it as a revenue source. Jim would like to create a committee to put a plan together and bring a recommendation to the board. He feels it could create opportunities for jobs, partnerships, etc. and will be sure to look at maintenance, staffing and other costs. Mark agreed that there is no harm in going out and looking at property and would like to increase the budget’s revenue by 20% to take off of relying on conference. He wants research to be done once partners are at the table.

Tom discussed the ELM Branch, that it’s new and important. He feels the participation is high and the foundation is good. Previously they had 3 separate meetings that catered to the Special Purpose districts, the County, and the Municipal. He wants to bring all to the table together and keep it a low key idea of sharing with peers. His goal is to establish an overnight retreat with breakout sessions to discuss how to move forward. This retreat will be approximately 6 months pas TRENDS. The agenda will have a laid back feel.

Don wants to ensure that ELM Directors know that the branches need support and to send staff to the fundraisers, meetings, etc… and ensure representation and buy-in. Toms states the link needs to be there from the past and now it is.

Will suggested the group break out into groups for individual discussion. Mark called for a 10 minute break and said on return the District VP’s will meet, the Branches will meet, and the Executive Board will meet. He wants them to brainstorm the layout of their meetings and communicate to each other on what works and what doesn’t.

IV.  Executive Board Discussion:

Explored ideas on the golf fundraiser and ways to increase attendance and draw in more participation on those that do not golf. Suggestion to add Disc Golf, and possibly an event at Conference.

Jim will work on bringing together an “Exploratory Committee” to look into the purchasing of a building for SCRPA. He will recommend names to the board at the January meeting


Jim reminded the board that there needs to be a follow up with Jan on his evaluation.

Jim noted that the job responsibilities of the Treasurer needed to be changed and it was discussed to change the term from 1 year to 2.

Student and Scholarship Committee ideas were discussed, with the possibility of changing the bonus points of serving as a member of SCRPA to become a requirement of the scholarship instead. Would like to continue to speak to freshman classes on what SCRPA is and how they can become involved.

V.  Wrap Up:

Julie inquired on how often the districts meet.

East – February & October

South – January, April, July & October

West – usually only 1 per year – February and/or October

Central – February/March – usually 3 or 4 times per year

Jim noted joint meetings are okay, and it was recommended to offer CEU classes to build participation. Jim stressed the importance of sending him and Melissa the meeting dates for approval!

Will recommended a 5th district be added. To possibly divide central distract and offer a midlands district. Jim stated the map was created in 1945 and has not changed. It was asked by Jim to have SCAP look into it based on where the departments are in each district. Paul stated the SCAP Branch Board Retreat is Dec. 5th and he will bring it up at that time.

Mark discussed fundraising and revenue to reduce the burden of relying on conference. The golf tournament revenue was $13,400 and he set the goal to $15,000. Would like to increase team participation as well as those that do not play golf. Proposed a date of October 3rd. May include a disc golf tournament at conference. Tom mentioned the success of a bocce ball tournament a district had.

Julie shared her idea of a RAP branch fundraiser. Would like for each agency to hold a “Mad Hatters Run”

Jim shared that tournaments could add $1 at the gate or programs could add $1 extra in fees which in turn could be designated to go to SCRPA.

Tom selected a date of October 10th and 11th for the ELM Branch Institute to be held in Charleston. He is going to email personal letters to those invited and get ideas on what they want to see at the retreat.

Don mentioned the need of the website and board information to be updated.

Mark closed out with thanking everyone and invited all to stay and eat lunch.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jessica Campbell, Secretary