15 November 2016
Press ReleaseHANNOVER MESSE 2017 (24–28 April, Mon.–Fri.)
Federal Minister Andrea Nahlesto speak atWoMenPowercareers conference
–Further keynote speaker: IBMGeneral Manager Martina Koederitz
Hannover, Germany. TheGerman Minister for Labor and Social Affairs, Andrea Nahles,will be holding the keynote speech on 28 April to open the WoMenPower careers conference in Hannover. A further opening speech will be delivered by Martina Koederitz, General Manager of IBM Germany, where she has been at the helm for nearly four years, successfully leadingthe company into the digital age. IBM staff members for example are all free to decide when and where theyperform their jobs. Even at the workplace, desks are not assigned to any particular individual. Mobile working, sabbaticals and virtual work – all of this is par for the course at IBM – even moreso than is the case at many startups.
Under the slogan of “Work 4.0 – Boundless communication”, the conference’s 1,400 attendees will discuss changes to the future world of workand the opportunities arising from this. TheWoMenPowercareers conference is one of the leading networking and discussion platforms for women interested in career issues, success strategies and innovative forms of work. It is an annual event, running on Friday during the HANNOVER MESSE industrial exhibition.
Available in December, the complete program will consist of presentations, panel discussions and workshops. In addition,the expo zone at WoMenPowerwill provide companies, associations, networks, organizations and trainers with an opportunity to inform visitors about career prospects, studies, coaching and mentoring offerings as well asfurther topics and trends involving work andlabor policy.
The main event sponsors areAudi, Deloitte, the Harting Technology Group and WAGO Kontakttechnik.
HANNOVER MESSE – Get new technology first!
The world’s leading trade fair for industrial technology will next be staged from 24 to 28 April 2017 in Hannover, Germany. Running under the keynote theme of “Integrated Industry – Creating Value”, HANNOVER MESSE is a global hotspot for all the latest developments involving the digitalization of production (Industry 4.0) and energy systems (Integrated Energy). The upcoming HANNOVER MESSE will feature seven parallel shows: Industrial Automation, MDA – Motion, Drive & Automation, Digital Factory, Energy, ComVac, Industrial Supply, and Research & Technology. Poland is thefeatured Partner Country at HANNOVER MESSE 2017.
Deutsche Messe AG
From its headquarters in Hannover, Germany, Deutsche Messe AG plans and stages leading capital goods trade fairs around the globe. The company ranks among the five biggest tradeshow organizers in Germany, with revenue of 329.3 million euros and income of 9.4 million euros in 2015. The company’s event portfolio includes such world-leading events as CeBIT (digital business), HANNOVER MESSE (industrial technology), LABVOLUTION + BIOTECHNICA (lab technology and biotechnology), CeMAT (intralogistics and supply chain management), didacta (education), DOMOTEX (carpets and floor coverings), INTERSCHUTZ (fire prevention, disaster relief, rescue, safety and security), and LIGNA (woodworking, wood processing, forestry). With approx. 1,200 employees and a network of 62 sales partners, Deutsche Messe is represented in more than 100 countries worldwide.
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Your contact for further information:
Brigitte Mahnken
Phone:+49 511 89-31024
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Twitter: @hannover_messe
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