6th Grade Rituals & Routines
Entering the class: Students should enter SILENTLY into class, find their assigned seats, and copy down homework in their agenda.Daily Routine:
Opening Question: (5 minutes) The opening question will be displayed on the overhead projector. Complete this problem on the given worksheet, showing all you work. (This is part of your class participation grade.)
Launch: (10 minutes) Each investigation will begin with teacher instruction, presentation of the problem, and summary of expectations for the outcome and reporting out. There is no talking during this time.
Think Time: (5 minutes) Think time is for SILIENT individual work, during this time students may reread the problem, organize their thoughts, identify possible confusion, or simply begin working individually.
Work period: (15-20 minutes) The work period begins when the timer rings ending think time, students may begin working together within their pair, or group. During this time students MUST WHISPER AT ALL TIMES, as a classroom of 20 students may easily become loud. The work process consumes approximately 20 minutes.
Report: (15-20 minutes) In this phase, students discuss their solutions as well as the strategies they used to approach the problem, organize the data, and find the solution. Although the teacher leads the summary discussion, students report all answers and help to respectfully correct and guide one another. Students are encouraged to question each other, offer alternatives, provide reasons, refine strategies, and make connections.
Revise: During the report section of the class all students are expected to make corrections and revisions within their own notebooks. Your notebook should be a record of all of your thoughts, not simply the correct answer.
Skills Section Mini Lesson and work period: (when time is available) Skills sections will center on core math concepts and prior knowledge. The mini lesson is a brief review of the math objective. Students will then have an independent work period revolving around the concept as presented in the mini lesson.
Clean Up and Dismissal: Every period we will use many materials and manipulatives. Students will only be dismissed once all materials have been collected. The class will be dismissed once the room is in its original, clean state and students are seated and quiet.