Carnival Working Group 11th July 2012

Carnival Working Group
11th July 2012 at 7.30pm
Also in
attendance: / Councillors:
Councillor: / RD Hines
E Costello
Mrs R Harris-Small
AL Roberts
R Shimmin
DT Hill
Mrs J Dixon-Wilkinson
Sarah Gelsthorp
Stuart Oliver
Cllr Mrs S Gilchrist / (Vice-Chairman)
(Sub for M Hunting)
(Promotions and Communications Officer)
(ActingTown Clerk)
Apologies were accepted from Cllrs M Hunting, P Williams and co-opted members AS Swain and Mrs LM Walmsley.
Members were informed that Councillor P Williams had resigned from the Carnival Working Group, as he did not feel that the Terms of Reference were appropriate for the Group and would like to see them altered to allow those Councillors who wanted to be members of the Group to be able to participate fully. It was agreed that this matter would be discussed at the end of the published agenda.
Resolved: / To confirm the accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th July 2012.
Members were invited to give their views on the Carnival.
It was agreed that the day had been a success despite the unfortunate weather conditions. There had been some concerns about the PA System in wet weather and members discussed the possibility of hiring in a large marquee to cover the arena area so that performances could still go ahead if there was rain on the day. Members were informed that should be there be a change in structure to the Working Group, Tim Garside who operated the PA System had expressed an interest in joining. It was felt that this should be encouraged and that should Tim join the committee, members could work with him over the next year to avoid any potential concerns about the PA system.
It was suggested that next year arena participants be asked to gather at the arena 5 minutes before their performance time to try and keep the schedule running to time.
It was also commented upon about the success of directing cars and pedestrians to their designated areas after the procession had ended.
Finally, members queried about the whether the roads needed to be closed at 9am (an hour and a half before the procession time) and it was agreed that advice would be taken from the Safety Advisory Group on this matter.
Suggested: / To note the report
Members were reminded that the St Vincent’s Trophy and the Olive Burgess Shield are awarded for the individual and for the organisation that has provided the most assistance on or before the day, respectively.
The list of those who assisted with the day was provided for members to view. Mrs J Dixon-Wilkinson declared a personal interest in this item and took no part in the voting thereon.
It was suggested that the St Vincent’s trophy go to Regis the Lion (Ian Dixon-Wilkinson) for his outstanding performances on the day.
(Councillor AL Roberts arrived at this point)
In addition, Members suggested that the Olive Burgess Shield be awarded to the Dunstable Army Cadets once more, who assisted throughout the whole day and kept the Village Green tidy.
Suggested: / 1)To award the St Vincent’s Trophy to Ian Dixon-Wilkinson
2)To award the Olive Burgess Shield to the Dunstable Army Cadets.
It was suggested that the Carnival be held on Saturday 13th July 2013.
Suggested: / To hold the 2013 Carnival on Saturday 13th July 2013.
CWG301 / PITCH FEES 2013
Members were asked to consider the fees for 2013.
  • Fairground £70.00 per ride
  • Food outlets £100.00 per outlet
  • Ice Cream Vans £80.00 per van
  • Candy Floss £60.00 per outlet
  • Commercial Stalls £35.00 per stall
  • Stall holders (individuals) £12.50 per stall **
  • Registered Charities £8.50 per stall **
** Stall holders received a 50% reduction on the cost of subsequent stalls.**
It was agreed to keep the fees the same for 2013 but to state that prices are being held for this year on the paperwork. It was generally felt that for the 2014 Carnival prices should be increased.
The Acting Town Clerk stated that the costs of running the event in 2012 and 2011 should be checked and a percentage increase for 2014 be calculated. This would be presented to the new committee in February 2013 to allow members time to consider these charges prior to the event.
Suggested: / To keep the fees unchanged for 2013.
Members were requested to consider the Carnival Theme for 2013. Suggestions included:
  • JurassicPark / Prehistoric Era
  • Noah’s Ark
  • Super Heroes
  • Beach Party
  • The Wild West
  • ‘Horrible Histories’
Any other suggestions regarding the Carnival theme were welcomed and the theme of Doctor Who’ was suggested as 2013 will be its 50th Anniversary. This was unanimously agreed by the Working Group.
It was suggested though that permission might need to be sought from the BBC in case of infringing any copyright on using the name or images in advertising the event.
Suggested: / For the 2013 theme of the Carnival to be ‘Doctor Who’ subject to obtaining permission to use this name.
The prizes for the Carnival Procession competition were currently as follows:
  • 1st Prize - £300 cash, a small trophy plus the Yvonne Corkerton Trophy (replica)
  • 2nd Prize - £150 cash plus a small trophy.
  • All other entrants – third prize of a certificate from the Town Mayor.
Members were reminded that this was last reviewed in 2007. Any other suggestions regarding the Carnival Prizes were welcome.
Suggested: / To keep the prize structure unchanged for 2013.
As mentioned earlier in the Minutes, a request had been received to investigate changing the Terms of Reference for this Group in order to allow any Councillor wishing to be involved to be able to do so fully. A similar request had also been received from David Hill. It was emphasised that the nature of the work undertaken by the Group was such that those involved were working together for the good of the community and it should be completely non-political. All agreed that this was a sensible and positive way forward and requested that the Acting Clerk investigate alternative options and prepare new Terms of Reference to be presented to Town Council for consideration.
Suggested: / Acting Clerk to prepare new Terms of Reference for consideration by Town Council.
It was pointed out that the next Town Council meeting was not until the 1st October 2012 and therefore any change to the nature of the Group could not take place until that meeting. In light of this, and the fact that everything Sarah Gelsthorp needed to progress next year’s Carnival had been decided, it was agreed to postpone the next meeting of the Group until after the 1st October 2012.
Suggested: / That the next meeting would take place following the Town Council agenda on 1st October 2012 and members would be advised accordingly.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm
Dated thisday of2012