ECE 477 Digital Systems Senior Design Project Spring 2006

Homework 2: Design Project Proposal

Due: Friday, January 27, at NOON

Team Code Name: The Soviet Challenge Group No. 6

Team Members (#1 is Team Leader):

#1: Joseph Davidson Areas of Expertise: Network programming

Hardware Implementation

#2: Kyle McGhee Areas of Expertise: Software Design

Graphics Implementation

#3: Allan Patterson Areas of Expertise: Hardware Design

Network programming

#4: Greg Snow Areas of Expertise: Software Implementation

Graphics Implementation

Project Abstract:

The proposed project is to design and create a wireless, portable, handheld, Internet-enabled, battery-powered device that implements the popular Tetris puzzle game and the published TetriNET protocol. The user can interact with the device through a graphical LCD and several buttons through an intuitive on-screen interface. The proposed device supports IEEE 802.11 wireless Ethernet and several of the popular encryption protocols associated with that standard.

Design/Functionality Overview:

The proposed project is a handheld device which will implement a client of the TetriNET game, which is essentially a networked version of the popular computer-/video-game Tetris. Additional features of TetriNET include playing online versus up to 5 other players on a server, and an ability to acquire and use special items during the game to help or hinder the player or his opponents. A major appeal of this project is that no such portable client currently exists for the game.

The game itself and its supporting interface will be displayed on an illuminated graphical LCD. Using a four-direction pad and several buttons, the user can navigate through the game’s menus and configure it to his or her liking. An on-screen keyboard will allow the user to input an alias and select a supported server, or type in their own. The device will connect from the microcontroller’s Ethernet capability to a wireless transmitter, and use 802.11b to connect to a specified server hosting the game, using the documented TetriNET protocol. Once connected to the server, the user will be able to play the game with a directional pad and several additional buttons. The graphical appearance of the game will be modifiable by the user through the device’s USB port. The device will be battery powered and will have an onboard battery recharging circuit.

It is anticipated that the major components in the device’s design will be the microcontroller “brain”, graphical LCD with accompanying interface circuitry, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet interface with 802.11 bridge, and batteries and associated charging circuitry. Also, we are allotting room in the estimate for casing materials, and additional small components, such as buttons, resistors, and programmable logic devices. It is expected that these components will cost approximately $220, as summarized in Table 1.

Component / Expected Cost
Graphical LCD & Controller / $130
Microcontroller / $50
Battery and charging circuit / $50
Ethernet interface and 802.11 bridge / $30
Additional Components / $40
Total / $300

Table 1: Expected Cost of Design Components.

Allan will be primarily responsible for the design of the overall hardware, and creating the PCB layout. Joe will be primarily responsible for selecting components and interfacing them with the microcontroller. Additionally, Allan and Joe will write the networking code for connecting to TetriNET servers, due to previous TCP/IP experience. Kyle will be responsible for coming up with the initial circuit schematic, and designing the application software, and coding the main menus and the layout. Greg will be responsible for the coding of the actual game component of TetriNET itself, as he has previous experience with programming a Tetris game.

Project-Specific Success Criteria:


1.  An ability to connect to TetriNET servers via 802.11b and communicate with them using the TetriNET protocol.

2.  An ability to display game/status information on a graphics LCD.

3.  An ability to control game action using a Directional-Pad and pushbuttons.

4.  An ability to download and save (in non-volatile memory) game configuration (e.g., game appearance and preferences).

5.  An ability to display battery "fuel gauge" (on LCD) and recharge battery when connected to an "A.C. adapter".
Block Diagram:

Figure 1: Overall block diagram of the handheld TetriNET client.

Division of Labor:

Design Component Homework / Professional Component Homework
Packaging Design and Specs / Joseph Davidson / Design Constraint Analysis/Parts List / Kyle McGhee
Circuit Schematic and Narrative / Kyle McGhee / Patent Liability Analysis / Joseph Davidson
Printed Circuit Board Layout / Allan Patterson / Reliability and Safety Analysis / Allan Patterson
Software Narrative and Listing / Greg Snow / Social/Political/Environmental Analysis / Greg Snow

Table 2: Individual homework breakdown for the team.