Texarkana Grant Application Worksheet

Due in class in two weeks.

Find the information requested on the following pages. This kind of information would be needed by a marketing manager when completing grant applications for private foundations and government agencies.

In addition to filling in the blanks, indicate the source of the information with enough detail that someone else could find it from your description; e.g., use an entire URL. Citation of a person is usually worth less than citation of a printed, publicly available source. Citation of a third-party source is worth much less than citation of the original source of the information. Note that third-party sources are often incorrect; use of third-party information could cost your organization funding that is worth thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. With your report, submit a printed copy of each page that you site and highlight the information that you used from that page.

Finding sources, finding specific information, and compiling information is a large task. Collaboration with colleagues is encouraged. Collaboration will not only be helpful in the completion of this assignment, but also will be helpful in assessing the value of potential team members for the course project. The completed submission of this homework assignment, however, must be your own.

A good place to start is at http://census.gov/quickfacts but this will not be the only place you will need to visit for some information,

Texarkana Grant Application Worksheet

Your Name: ______

Name of City Manager, Texarkana TX: ______


Name of City Manager, Texarkana AR: ______


Name of Mayor, Texarkana TX: ______


Name of Mayor, Texarkana AR: ______


Name of State Representative to US Congress, TX: ______


Name of State Senators to US Congress, TX: ______


Name of State Representative to US Congress, AR: ______


Name of State Senators to US Congress, AR: ______


Name of Local City Newspaper: ______



Texarkana City (not MSA)

Population, Texas side:

2010 2010 2016 (est.) percent

Population Percent Population change

White (alone) ______

Asian (alone) ______

Black/ Af. Am. ______


Am. Ind./AK native ______


Other ______

Hispanic ______

Total Pop. ______


Population, Arkansas side:

2010 2010 2016 (est.) percent

Population Percent Population change

White (alone) ______

Asian (alone) ______

Black/ Af. Am. ______


Am. Ind./AK native ______


Other ______

Hispanic ______

Total Pop. ______



Texarkana City (not MSA)

Population, both Texas and Arkansas sides combined:

2010 2010 2016 (est.) percent

Population Percent Population change

White (alone) ______

Asian (alone) ______

Black/ Af. Am. ______


Am. Ind./AK native ______


Other ______

Hispanic ______

Total Pop. ______


Texarkana MSA (not city)

2010 2016 (est.) percent

Population Population change

Bowie, TX ______

Miller, AR ______

Total MSA ______



Median household



Texas side city ______

Arkansas side city ______

Bowie county ______

Miller county ______

State of Texas ______

State of Arkansas ______

USA ______