Warren County Conservation District
300 Hospital Drive, Warren, PA 16365
814-746-1441 ¨ (FAX) 814-406-0005
July 06, 2009
Julie Kollar
Program Director
Water Resources Education Network
116 Chestnut Lane
North Wales, PA 19454
Dear Ms. Kollar,
Since the WREN grant was awarded to the Warren County Conservation District in May 2007 the project has been progressing nicely. Mary Munch of PA American Water met on January 8th to review the Enviroscape and discuss information specific to Warren County so I can specialize the presentation to this area. I also met with Rex Slocum of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Warren on January 13th to discus that portion of the demonstration.
A letter offering this new program to fifth grade teachers of the Warren County School District was sent out via e-mail and I contacted a 7th grade teacher who I knew was covering this topic in his science class, even though this presentation was geared toward 5th graders. I presented to the 7th grade class on January 14th to a total of 96 students. I next presented to the Youngsville Elementary/Middle School on January 29th to a total of 67 5th grade students. My next presentation took place on April 9th at Warren Area Elementary School to 86 5th grade students. On May 8th I presented to Sugar Grove Elementary-Middle School students, grades 4th – 6th to approximately 110 students. My only adult presentation took place on May 4th at the Warren Area Senior Center to seven participants (not all of them stuck around for the evaluation form however).
This program is now part of the educational curriculum made available by the Warren County Conservation District and will be offered annually to 5th grade classes and other interested organizations.
One press clipping announcing the availability of the presentation to adult groups / clubs will be mailed promptly to the address above. A few thank you notes from the students of Sugar Grove Elementary will also be included along with the evaluation forms filled out by teachers and adult participants.
In evaluation of this program it is my view that citizen and public awareness for the need to protect the watershed and/or the drinking water source water on a local basis increased since necessary information and technical tools have been made available, but extending the idea to a regional level is still a task for the future; as is collaboration between citizen organizations and government agencies. Local officials have also yet to be a target audience for this program.
Jean L. Gomory
Jean L. Gomory
Watershed Specialist
Encl: Budget Report
The mission of the Warren County Conservation District is to improve the environmental quality of Warren County
by promoting the wise use, enhancement, and understanding of natural resources.