Adults' Health and Wellbeing Partnership
A meeting of Adults' Health and Wellbeing Partnership was held on Tuesday, 4th April, 2017.
Present: Ann Workman (Chair),
Councillor Jim Beall, Emma Champley, Liz Hanley, Sarah Bowman Abouna, Reuben Kench (SBC),Dave Turton (Fire and Rescue), Jane Wilson (Cleveland Police), Allan McDermott, Dominic Gardner (TEWV), Steve Rose Catalyst), Paula Swindale (CCG) Simon Forrest (Durham University), Jane King (TEWV) (substitute for Dominic Gardner)
Officers: Nigel Hart
Apologies: Natasha Judge (Healthwatch), Margaret Waggott, Steven Hume, Steven Chaytor, Graham Clinghan (SBC), Philip Morris (Cleveland Police), Mick Hickey (SRC), Lesley Gibson (Harbour), Jane Edmends
Declarations of InterestThere were no declarations of interest.
JHWS/JSNA – Role of the Partnership
Members were provided with a report that provided:
-an update on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) process for discussion.
-proposed a process for reviewing the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS)
Members noted that the process relating to updating the JSNA included a role for the Adults' Partnership, in terms of identifying leads to progress work on topics and develop data. The Partnership would also be involved in quality control of topics and identifying links and synergies across topics.
The Partnership noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board had agreed the process and indicative timescales for the development of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. This included the establishment of a task and finish group, reporting to the Board, to lead on and coordinate the work of refreshing the JHWS. It was envisaged that the Strategy would be available for approval around April 2018.
It was noted that the JNSA was a constantly changing document and members felt that its emphasis should be on wellbeing and the wider detriments of health. The JSNA should give an evidence base that informed the strategy and commissioning but should not be used in isolation of other factors/drivers.
It was suggested a list of topics be provided and names start to be identified for each topic. It was also suggested that a couple of topics be worked through at the Partnerships next meeting to provide an overview of the process.
Member were informed that discussions were ongoing to identify the adults services representative on the task and finish group and how they would link to the Partnership.
It would be important to utilise any other groups that could feed into the group around the JSNA, to maximise resources available.
RESOLVED that the report and discussion be noted/actioned, as appropriate.
Autism Self-Assessment Framework and Joint Health and Social Care Self-Assessment
Members received a report that provided a summary of the 2016 Autism Self-Assessment Framework (SAF) and the 2014 Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disabilities self-assessment.
It was explained that the latest Autism SAF template was completed and returned in October 2016 but no response had been received from the Department of Health.
Members were provided with details of the areas where the framework suggested that development work was needed and it was noted that this was being progressed by officers.
It was noted that the Autism Action Plan would be provided to a future meeting of this group.
RESOLVED that the report and discussion be noted and actioned as appropriate
Forward Plan
Members considered the Partnership's Forward Plan.
Dual Diagnosis update – October
Dementia - to be scheduled
BCF – July
STEPS – to be scheduled
Over 50s’Update – to be scheduled.
Loneliness and Isolation – June.
Sport England Bid – September
Any other Business
Members were reminded that, for a number of years, Catalyst had been working with the CCG around social prescribing projects that involved health initiatives. Members were encouraged to advise Catalyst of any community sector groups that were achieving health outcomes. There was £500k of funding and closing date for bids was May.