Outline of the Program for 2009-10
1. District Simplified Grants (DSG) were created as a vehicle for districts to allocate a portion of their District Designated Funds (DDF) to individual clubs for local community projects and small international projects.
2. DSGs are separate from the Matching Grant program of The Rotary Foundation. While the district can and does allocate a portion of its DDF to Matching Grants, DSG funds cannot be used as club contributions to Matching Grants.
3. Expenditures of DSG funds are at the discretion of District 6540, within the terms and conditions established by The Rotary Foundation (TRF). Application forms can be obtained from the district office or Missy Houghtaling, DSG Grants Chair.
Attention: Barbara Mort Phone: (219) 926-1789
1065 N 350 E Toll-Free: (866) 926-1789
Chesterton IN 46304 E-Mail:
Missy Houghtaling Phone (H): (765) 869-5295
201 W. South St. Phone (C): (765) 404-2566
Boswell IN 47921 E-mail:
Questions on grant applications and related matters can be addressed to:
· Missy Houghtaling (765) 869-5295 (H) / (765) 404-2566 (C)
• Connie Saltzgaber, (574) 295-2704 (W) / (574) 256-0688 (H)
• David Mann, (260) 563-6881 (W) / (260) 563-4877 (H)
• Dan Ryan, (219) 987-4141 X101240 (W) / (219) 956-2557 (H)
4. TRF has allocated $25,000 for DSGs for District 6540 for the 2009-10 year. DSG funds are segregated in a special bank account and paid according to terms and conditions established by TRF. Key terms and conditions are highlighted in paragraph #7. The district has the responsibility of reporting to TRF that DSGs were administered in accordance with TRF policy.
5. The targeted maximum DSG will be $2000. The District Foundation Committee retains the discretion to award larger grants based on fund availability and demand. It is expected that clubs will participate both financially and non-financially in projects awarded DSG funding.
6. Send applications to Missy Houghtaling, at the address listed above.
7. Applications will be reviewed by the District Foundation Committee and should be received by the District 6540 no later than December 31, 2009, with notification of approval expected no later than January 31, 2010. Please contact one of the individuals listed above if your club has special circumstances.
8. Key requirements of the program include:
· At least two Rotarians from District 6540 must oversee the project and be responsible for completing the project as planned, involving people in the community, publicizing Rotary’s involvement and completing the required reports.
· If the project is international, it must involve the participation of a Rotary Club in that country.
· The project may not directly benefit a Rotary member or related person or entity.
· The project must not duplicate any existing Rotary-sponsored program or prior grant.
· The project cannot be used to reimburse clubs/districts for projects already undertaken and in progress, or for an existing project or activity primarily sponsored by a non-Rotary organization. THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED PRIOR TO INITIATION.
· With the exception of low-cost shelters for the extremely underprivileged, the grant cannot be used for the purchase of land and buildings, the construction of any structure where people live or work, or for the renovation of structures (this includes adding or upgrading service utilities) in which people live or work.
· DSG funds cannot be used to fund individual salaries for persons in a cooperating organization, to support the operating/administrative expense of any organization, post-secondary education, or for international travel expenses.
· The project (or the segment for which the grant is submitted) must be completed within 12 months.
· Interim reports must be submitted during the course of the project and should include receipts for expenditures.
· Compliance with published Humanitarian Grant Policies and Guidelines is mandatory.
Detailed information can be found at the website of The Rotary Foundation: http://www.rotary.org/foundation/grants/index.html