Microsoft® Windows® Server2003
Deployment Kit

Planning, Testing,
and Piloting
Deployment Projects

A Resource Kit Publication

Microsoft Corporation

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Contents at a glance


CHAPTER 1 Planning for Deployment 1

CHAPTER 2 Designing a Test Environment 31

CHAPTER 3 Planning and Testing for Application Deployment 77

CHAPTER 4 Designing a Pilot Project 183






Deployment Kit Compact Disc xiv

Document Conventions xv

Support Policy xix

CHAPTER 1 Planning for Deployment 1

Overview of the Deployment Planning Process 2

Choosing a Deployment Planning Framework 2

MSF Team Model Overview 4

MSF Process Model Overview 5

Defining Project Scope and Objectives 6

Assessing the Current Environment 7

Conducting Hardware and Software Inventories 7

Conducting a Hardware Inventory 8

Conducting a Software Inventory 8

Determining Hardware Requirements 10

Assessing Your Network Infrastructure 11

Assessing Your IT Environment 13

Creating and Testing Functional Designs 14

Testing and Conducting the Pilot 28

Rolling Out the Deployment 28

Additional Resources 29

CHAPTER 2 Designing a Test Environment 31

Overview of Designing a Test Environment 32

Test Environment Design and Testing Process 32

Using the Test Lab Throughout the Project Life Cycle 34

Setting Up a Preliminary Test Lab 35

Creating a Test Plan 35

Defining Testing Scope and Objectives 36

Defining Testing Methodology 37

Identifying Required Resources 37

Identifying the Features and Functions to Test 38

Identifying Risk Factors 39

Establishing a Testing Schedule 39

Planning the Test Lab 39

Evaluating Test Lab Models 41

Upgrading an Existing Test Lab vs. Building a New Test Lab 41

Ad Hoc Test Lab vs. Permanent Test Lab 42

Centralized Test Lab vs. Distributed Test Lab 44

Selecting a Test Lab Location 46

Designing the Test Lab 48

Gathering Information About the Current and Proposed Environments 49

Documenting the Test Lab Configuration 49

Test Lab Description 50

Test Lab Diagrams 52

Simulating the Proposed Server Environment 56

Simulating the Proposed Client Computer Environment 59

Designing Domains for Testing 62

Developing the Test Lab 64

Assigning a Test Lab Manager 65

Building the Test Lab 66

Developing Test Lab Guidelines and Procedures 67

Developing an Escalation Plan 68

Developing an Incident-Tracking System 69

Designing Test Cases 70

Conducting Tests 72

Using the Test Lab After Deployment 75

Additional Resources 76

CHAPTER 3 Planning and Testing for Application Deployment 77

Overview of Testing and Deploying Applications 78

Application Testing and Deployment Process 78

Application Compatibility Testing Within the Project Life Cycle 80

Application Compatibility Fundamentals 81

Common Compatibility Problems 81

Application Compatibility Solutions 83

Application Compatibility Tools 85

Defining Application Deployment Project Scope and Objectives 87

Generating an Application Inventory 89

Using the Application Compatibility Analyzer to Generate
an Application Inventory 90

Organizing and Analyzing Inventory Data 92

Defining Project Constraints and Risks 95

Planning for Server Application Compatibility 96

Inventory Considerations for Server Applications 98

Obtaining ISV Support for Server Applications 98

Special Considerations for Server Applications 99

Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration 102

Testing Applications for Compatibility with the
Enhanced Security Configuration 103

Modifying Enhanced Security Configuration Settings 104

Creating an Application Compatibility Test Plan 107

Defining a Test Methodology 109

Identifying the Applications to Test 109

Preparing for Application Testing 111

Setting Up a Test Lab 113

Determining a Lab Strategy 113

Configuring the Lab 114

Installing Application Testing Tools 115

Installing Debugging Tools 116

Gathering Application Information 118

Developing Test Cases 119

Using Windows Fundamentals Test Methodology 120

Using the Windows Applications Exploratory Test Methodology 125

Testing for and Resolving Compatibility Problems 127

Testing Applications 129

Testing with Windows Application Verifier 130

Applying and Testing Solutions with Compatibility Administrator 133

Strategies for Using Compatibility Administrator 134

Applying and Testing Application Compatibility Fixes 136

Applying and Testing Compatibility Modes 138

Creating Custom Compatibility Modes 140

Creating Custom Application Help Messages 141

Determining the Application Compatibility Fix to Apply 142

Identifying Strategies for Resolving Special Problems 158

Deploying and Distributing Applications and .Sdb Files 161

Reviewing Application Deployment and Distribution Tools 163

Deploying Applications and .Sdb Files 168

Deploying Applications and .Sdb Files During
Unattended Installations 169

Deploying Applications and .Sdb Files During
Image-based Installations 172

Deploying Applications and .Sdb Files During RIS Installations 174

Distributing Applications and .Sdb Files 176

Distributing Applications and .Sdb Files Using Group
Policy Installation 176

Distributing Applications and .Sdb Files Using Logon Scripts 177

Distributing Patches and .Sdb Files Using SUS 178

Distributing Applications and .Sdb Files Using SMS 179

Additional Resources 179

CHAPTER 4 Designing a Pilot Project 183

Overview of Designing a Pilot Project 184

Process for Designing a Pilot Project 184

Pilot Planning and Deployment Within the Project Cycle 186

Creating a Pilot Plan 186

Defining the Pilot Scope and Objectives 188

Defining Pilot Objectives 188

Defining Pilot Scope 189

Defining the Pilot Group 190

Creating Pilot Plan Documents 192

Creating a Pilot Training Plan 192

Creating a Pilot Support Plan 193

Creating a Communication Plan 195

Creating an Evaluation Plan 196

Creating a Risk and Contingency Plan 196

Creating a Backup and Recovery Plan 196

Creating a Pilot Schedule 198

Preparing for the Pilot 199

Preparing Pilot Sites 201

Preparing Pilot Participants 202

Testing the Rollout Process 203

Deploying and Testing the Pilot 204

Evaluating the Pilot 208

Obtaining Feedback 209

Deciding the Next Step 210

Preparing for Production Deployment 211

Additional Resources 212





Microsoft would like to thank the following people for their contributions:

Book Lead: William Gruber

Writers: Jim Bevan, Sandra Faucett, Suzanne Girardot, William Gruber, David Maguire, Joyce Nessif, Ellen Zehr

Book Editor: Ann Becherer

Editors: Nona Allison, Ann Becherer, Bonnie Birger, Dale Callison, Tyler Parris, Dee Teodoro, Scott Turnbull, Jen Witsoe

Documentation Manager: Pilar Ackerman

Writing Lead: Cheryl Jenkins

Editing Leads: Laura Graham, Kate O’Leary, Scott Somohano

Lab Management: Robert Thingwold, David Meyer

Project Managers: Clifton Hall, Paulette McKay, Neil Orint

Online Components Writing Team: Peter Costantini, Eve Gordon, Amy Groncznack, Lola Gunter, Sean Loosier, Irfan Mirza, Gary Moore, Chris Revelle, Kim Simmons, Greg Stemp, Dean Tsaltas, Kelly Vomacka

Online Components Editing Team: Anika Nelson, Kate Robinson, Dee Teodoro

Windows Server Resource Kit Tools Program Managers: Majdi Badarin, Clark Gilder

Resource Kit Tools Software Development and Test Team: Sameer Garde, Sunil Gummalla, Venu Somineni, Kendra Yourtee, Scott Smith, John Turner

Publishing Team: Barbara Arend, Jon Billow, Chris Blanton, Eric Camplin, Yong Ok Chung, Andrea DeGrazia, Julie Geren, Jason Hershey, Michael Howe, Richard Min, Cornel Moiceanu, Rochelle Parry, David Pearlstein, Mark Pengra, Steve Pyron, Ben Rangel, Lee Ross, Tony Ross, Gino Sega, Amy Shear, Karla van der Hoeven, Gabriel Varela, Ken Western, Matt Winberry

Key Technical Reviewers: Linda Apsley, Jim Thatcher

Technical Reviewers: Sawson Alboti, Chuck Archer, Strohm Armstrong, Chris Aschauer, Shala Brandolini, Ross Carter, Eric Deily, Cindy Du, Kelly Gachet, Paul Haynes, Raluca Hera, Mark Hervol, Deborah R. Jay, Ryan Marshall, Shawn McFarland, David Meyer, Bryce Milton, Brunda Nagalingaiah, Sundaram Narayanan, Doug Neal, Paul Pagel, Todd Phillips, Chris Reinhold, Allison Robin, Michael Sciacqua, Bill Shihara, Sharon Slade, Doug Steen, Robert Thingwold, Shawn Webb, Roland Winkler, Jill Zoeller

Special thanks to Martin DelRe for his support and sponsorship. Without his contribution, the publication of this kit would not have been possible.

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