{Insert School Logo}


PREPARED BY:{Insert Name}


REVIEWED:{Insert Date}


To ensure that all workplace employees are aware of what constitutes sexual harassment and that it is against the law to sexually harass another person.


  1. Under the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (*Part 6. Section 92 (1), it is against the law to sexually harass another person.
  2. A person sexually harasses another person if he or she makes an unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favours, or engages in any other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.
  3. Sexual harassment is behaviour of a sexual nature that is unwelcome, unsolicited and unreciprocated. It can consist of: -
  • Comments about a person’s sex life or physical appearance.
  • Suggestive behaviour such as leering and ogling.
  • Unnecessary physical intimacy such as brushing up against a person.
  • Sexual jokes, offensive telephone calls, photographs, reading matter or objects.
  • Sexual contact such as touching or fondling.
  • ‘Flashing’ or sexual gestures.
  • Making promises threats in return for sexual favours.
  • Stalking, indecent assault or rape (which is also criminal offences).
  1. Sexual harassment can be physical, verbal or written. It can include words or statements, which are transmitted by phone, fax, video conference, Facebook or e-mail.
  2. It is against the law for:-
  • Teachers or other staff to sexually harass other students.
  • Students to sexually harass teachers or other staff.
  • Students to sexually harass other students.
  1. If anyone in the workplace believes there has been evidence of sexual harassment, then they should discuss concerns with the School’s Equal Opportunity Representative and /or the Principal / Assistant Principal.
  2. The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, provides a confidential, impartial and free sexual harassment complaints resolution service. The Commission’s enquiries telephone number is‐1300 292 153
  3. For further information on sexual harassment, please refer to the Department'sSexual Harassment Policy:

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