Reg(E)/Pre-Exam/UG-NU/Panel/Aug-Sep-2017 Date: 10/08/2017
All Principals of the respective Nursing Colleges affiliated to RGUHS are requested to go through the TENTATIVE PANEL OF EXAMINERS for forthcoming RGUHS practical examinations given below for their respective college and Report The following within 10 (TEN) DAYS of display of this circular on the RGUHS website without fail. Please Note if no communication is received from the respective institutions within the stipulated date & time it will be taken as confirmed and till December 2018 no requests in this regard will be considered.
1.Any discrepancy related to Institution Address and contact Numbers.
2.Any discrepancy related to Name, Specialty, Date of Birth, & age, year of passing, teaching experience, contact numbers, Institution Address and contact Number etc.
3.Any additions of new eligible faculty joined (Should be supported by Dully filled in and signed New panel of examiner proforma issued in November 2016 and related documents including M. Sc. Nursing marks Lists) in the given panel of examiners
4.Any deletions of faculty who have resigned and are relieved or to be relived in within Nov. 2017 (Should be supported by relieving letter) in the given panel of examiners. 8/10/2017 Gmail - B.Sc Nursing Panel – Updated
5.Any Teacher/ Faculty member on long leave/ or expected to be on leave in the month of October/November 2017 giving the reason for leave (Please obtain letter from the respective faculty member to that effect along with supportive document foe example- Medical Certificate and enclose along with your reply) in order to avoid unnecessary declines/Non acceptance and facilitate conduct exam in time.
PLEASE NOTE: Institutions whose names are not in the panel of examiners list given below should submit their list of eligible faculty members to be included in the panel of examiners (which should be supported by Dully filled in and signed New panel of examiner proforma issued in November 2016 and related documents including M. Sc. Nursing marks Lists) should be submitted to Registrar (Evaluation), RGUHS, Bangalore within 10 days of display of this circular on the RGUHS website without fail and obtain the acknowledgement for submission and preserve it. If no communication is received from the respective institutions within the stipulated date & time it will be taken as confirmed and till December 2018 no requests in this regard will be considered
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Registrar (Evaluation)