Profile Sheet
Teacher: Miss Canaday
Title: Business consultant addresses possible solutions for failing business
Primary subject Area: Math
Outside Subject Area: Language Arts
Class and Level: Math (only one level)
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Description of student roles:
Students become consultants working for a fictitious pizza parlor named “Perfect Slice Pizza”. The consultants are being brought in to analyze the business strategies and find ways for the company to become more successful. A memo is sent out to the consultant team explaining the current strategies and costs. It also explains the current deficits the company is facing.
Adaptations for Non-Western Culture:
- Research values from the culture so the student will be able to relate.
- Research businesses in their native culture and adapt the project.
Adaptations for ESOL Students:
- Provide them with an English dictionary as well as one from their own language.
- Provide a translator if available
- Allow student to also present in their native language if a translator is avalible.
Title, Learner Characteristics, and Sunshine State Standards for PBL Lesson Plan
Teacher: Miss Canaday
Title: Business consultant addresses possible solutions for failing business
Primary subject Area: Math
Outside Subject Area: Language Arts
Class and Level: Math (only one level)
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Primary Sunshine State Standard:
1. MA.A.4.2.1: The student uses and justifies different estimation strategies in a real-world problem situation and determines the reasonableness of results of calculations in a given problem situation.
2. MA.E.1.2.1: The student solves problems by generating, collecting, organizing,
displaying, and analyzing data using histograms, bar graphs, circle graphs, line graphs,
pictographs and charts.
Outside Subject Area Sunshine State Standard
1. LA.C.3.2.1: The student speaks clearly at an understandable rate and uses appropriate volume.
Learner characteristics for Elementary Grade Students: (Need 5)
Physical: Although small in magnitude, gender differences in motor skill performance are apparent. Justification: According to Snowman and Biehler, “fourth and fifth graders can sit for extended periods and concentrate on the task at hand.” They also “enjoy arts and crafts” (pg 79). This problem will allow the students to work in groups to discuss the possible solutions and also will give the students the opportunity to create charts and graphs.
Social: Friendships will become more selective and gender based.
Justification: Snowman and Biehler state that while children generally choose to interact with students of their own ender, “they rarely refuse to interact with members of the opposite sex when directed to do so by parents and teachers.” (pg 79) This problem will require these students to work in a group with mixed gender and might help them work better with each other.
Emotional: During this period, children develop a more global, integrated and more complex self image.
Justification: According to the authors, “children are not as egocentric as they were and are developing the capability to think in terms of multiple categories. This problem will allow the students to discuss solutions and will force them to listen to others opinions and work together.
Cognitive: The elementary child can think logically, although such thinking is constrained and inconsistent.
Justification: This characteristic is important for this problem because according to the authors, Snowman and Biehler, most students will have mastery of logical schemes and they can understand and solve tasks. They might however need practice with discussing topics using valid arguments and facts. This problem will give them that practice.
Cognitive: On tasks that call for simple memory skills, elementary grade children often perform about as well as adolescents or adults.
Justification: This problem will only require the students to discuss within their group and recite what they have found with the class. According to Snowman and Biehler, fifth grade students have already mastered this behavior.
Learning Outcomes, Student Role & Problem Situation,
Meet the Problem Method
Teacher: Miss Canaday
Title: Business consultant addresses possible solutions for failing business
Primary subject Area: Math
Outside Subject Area: Language Arts
Class and Level: Math (only one level)
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Primary Sunshine State Standard:
3. MA.A.4.2.1: The student uses and justifies different estimation strategies in a real-world problem situation and determines the reasonableness of results of calculations in a given problem situation.
LO: After reading the meet the problem document, students will accurately estimate the amount of money saved by using their new business strategies
4. MA.E.1.2.1: The student solves problems by generating, collecting, organizing,
displaying, and analyzing data using histograms, bar graphs, circle graphs, line graphs,
pictographs and charts.
LO: Using the strategies agreed on by the group, the students will organize and present possible solutions with graphs and charts that receive at least a 3 on the rubric.
Outside Subject Area Sunshine State Standard
2. LA.C.3.2.1: The student speaks clearly at an understandable rate and uses appropriate volume.
LO: Using the display created by the group, the students will justify their strategies to the class with an appropriate rate and volume that receives at least a 2 on the rubric.
Description of student roles:
Students become consultants working for a fictitious pizza parlor named “Perfect Slice Pizza”. The consultants are being brought in to analyze the business strategies and find ways for the company to become more successful. A memo is sent out to the consultant team explaining the current strategies and costs. It also explain the current deficits the company is facing.
v Perfect Slice Pizza is a corporation comprised of eight restaurants. All location are in the Panama City area. There are a total of 150 employees on the payroll. In the month of March, the payroll consumes 25 percent of the total income of the company and the food cost consumes 15 percent of the total income. We lease our buildings and had been looking into buying before this decline in business occurred. Our menu is currently just pizza but we have considered adding some variety to bring in more customers. As of right now we do have a small advertising budget. Our pizzas range from 15-20 dollars and we also sell by the slice for $2.50 a slice. Below is a spread sheet from the past year:
(All of the following were changes: )
Problem Statement, Know/Need to Know Boards, and Possible Resources
· Business has eight restaurants
· Payroll per month
· Food cost per month
· Menu only pizza
· 150 employees
· Lease building
· Do advertise
· Pizza cost averages $17
Need To Know:
· How long have they been open?
· What is the traffic like around the area?
· Where are the stores located?
· Are there any cheaper areas to move?
· Can payroll be reduced?
· What does the advertising budget cover?
· Who is their target market?
· Do they have coupons?
· Are their prices competitive?
· What are the business hours?
Problem Statement
How can we, as business consultants, develop a business plan for Perfect Slice Pizza in a way that
· increases the profit margin
· decreases the food cost
· widens the target market
· but does not sacrifice the product?
“Great Graphing” Martin Lee and Marcia Miller (1/1/99) -Book
“Beginning Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams” Teacher Creative Resources-Book
Lamar Advertising: 1-877-965-2627
Pizza Hut (for comparisons) 1-850-233-8300
Capstone Performance
Teacher: Miss Canaday
Title: Business consultant addresses possible solutions for failing business
Primary subject Area: Math
Outside Subject Area: Language Arts
Class and Level: Math (only one level)
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Primary Sunshine State Standard:
5. MA.A.4.2.1: The student uses and justifies different estimation strategies in a real-world problem situation and determines the reasonableness of results of calculations in a given problem situation.
LO: After reading the meet the problem document, students will accurately estimate the amount of money saved by using their new business strategies
2.MA.E.1.2.1: The student solves problems by generating, collecting, organizing,
displaying, and analyzing data using histograms, bar graphs, circle graphs, line graphs,
pictographs and charts.
LO: Using the strategies agreed on by the group, the students will organize and present possible solutions with graphs and charts that receive at least a 3 on the rubric.
Outside Subject Area Sunshine State Standard
3. LA.C.3.2.1: The student speaks clearly at an understandable rate and uses appropriate volume.
LO: Using the display created by the group, the students will justify their strategies to the class with an appropriate rate and volume that receives at least a 2 on the rubric.
Sample Problem Statement:
How can we, as business consultants, come up with a business plan in such a way that
1. We increases profit
2. We do not increasing cost
3. We finish within the time limit
4. And we do not threaten employees jobs.
Capstone Performance Description
In groups of 4, students will assume their roles as business consultants. They will present their solutions to the class as well as a business owner from the community in an eight to ten minute presentation.The class will be acting on behalf of the business owners as well. The class will be arranged in a way that all desks are faced forward so every student has the same opportunity to see and hear the presentation. Each group will discuss their two solutions to the class. After these options are discussed the “best solution” will be given. Each of the four group members will then explain one justification why their group chose that solution. Each student will also explain one estimation strategy used for the best solution. Each group member will also be responsible for constructing one graph that shows the improvement of their business from the strategy they chose. At the end of the presentation each individual student will submit a summary of their group’s process in research and discussion of the problem. They will also describe each student’s roles in their group, as well as any ideas they contributed to the group project.
Criteria / Superior / Adequate / ResubmitCalculations of results / 8pts
Each student provides at least three correct estimations strategies that they personally used in the process toward finding the best solution that increases profit without increasing cost. / 4pts
Three errors or less in the estimation strategies provided by each student. / 2pts
More than 3 errors in the estimations provided by each student.
Graphs and displays / 6pts
Each student will provide a unique graph or chart showing how the estimation strategy improved the business. The graph must include all necessary components of an accurate graph such as a title, axis labels, and an accurate scale of increments on the axis. / 3pts
Either graphs or estimation strategies are not correct or unique to other group members. 3 or fewer errors in the graph components (title axis labels, scale) / 0ts
No displays are utilized.
Presentation / 4pts
Students’ voice is projected so the rate and volume is understood. / 2pts
Either one of voice or rate is not acceptable so audience can understand. / 0pts
Neither voice nor rate us acceptable
Timeliness / 2pts
Presentation is presented on original day signed up for and with the group and individual paper is turned in after presentation / 1pts
Either presentation or paper is not turned in on assigned day. / 0pts
Neither paper nor presentation is turned in on assigned day.
Rubric for Assessing the Capstone Performance
Grade Scale:
A: 17-20 pts B: 13-16 pts C: 9-12 pts D: 5-8 pts F: 0-4 pts
Project Checklist
Project component: / yes / noEstimation strategy for presentation
Graph for presentation
Summary describing roles of all group members
Display board
Two Alternative Solutions and One “Best” Solution
Lauren Canaday
Solution 1:
One possible solution would be to increase business by adding variety to the menu and adding an arcade for the children.
Pro / ConNew menu will attract more customers. / New menu will require a larger variety of food ordered
Increased business will increase profit / Might be short staffed
Raising prices of items to increase profit / Increase of prices might decrease business
Arcade would increase time and possibly money spent in restaurant. / Maintenance and money for arcade could get expensive at first.
1. As with any other business, when you change the product you risk the customers not liking the change. This is definitely a consequence.
2. When you change the menu there are a variety of costs that are involved such as reprinting the menus, buying the extra ingredients needed and hiring chefs that can cook the food you want to serve.
Solution 2:
The second possible solution could be to close five of the stores to save money on rent.
Pro / ConMoney saved on rent / Jobs lost from closing
Employees could move to other locations / Customers might not want to drive to a store farther away.
Overall food cost decreased / No storage for extra furniture from closed stores
Overall payroll decreased / If business does not increase, firing was for nothing
1. Closing five of the stores would lay off a lot a great number of employees which is not the intention of the company
2. The customers might not be willing to travel to the other stores so the business for the remaining stores may not even improve.
The “Best” Solution:
The best solution to this businesses problem is solution one. This solution is the method that needs to be attempted first because it is the one that affects employees the least. It also has the most potential to make the restaurant a more enjoyable place to eat. It is not the intention of the company to force around 75 people to be unemployed. This way has the least negative consequences. A menu change has a very good chance of increasing the variety of customers because it is not limited to pizza any longer. The arcade is also a good advertising tool to increase business and make Perfect Slice Pizza a family environment. To people that believe these changes will compromise the original framework of the company, it seems that it is either adapt the business plan or be forced to close all the restaurants all together.