MINUTES of a MEETING OF THE HIGHWAYS & PLANNING COMMITTEE OF BOURNE TOWN COUNCIL, held on Tuesday 9th February 2010, at the TOWN HALL, BOURNE (Minuted by Assistant Administrator)

Present: Chairman Cllr Ms J Pauley

Councillors Mrs S Cliffe B Fines Mrs B Johnson Mrs P Moisey

Mrs L Neal Mrs H Powell A Prentice J Smith

Mrs S Wilson

Town Clerk Mrs N Jacobs 1 member of the public


Proposed by Cllr Mrs H Powell, seconded by Cllr Mrs B Johnson and by majority vote

RESOLVED; to approve the reason for apologies for absence from Councillors D Fisher, D Higgs, T Holmes, Mrs K Roche and Mrs J Smith


PERSONAL Mrs S Cliffe Item 8/Minute 1223P/a Trustee of Bourne United Charities

PERSONAL JA Smith Item 8/Minute 1223P/a Trustee of Bourne United Charities

PERSONAL Mrs S Cliffe Item8/Minute 1223p/e Property owner known to member

PERSONAL JA Smith Item8/Minute 1223p/e Property owner known to member

Cllrs Mrs S Cliffe and JA Smith declared that they would not take part in voting on the above items


The member of the public present did not wish to speak on any agenda items


The Town Clerk explained to members that until Minutes are approved they should be referred to as “notes” rather than “minutes”, hence the wording of the agenda item.

Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and by majority vote

RESOLVED; to adopt the above notes as Minutes, being a true record of the meeting and for the Chairman to sign them


No reports were received


There were none


A) Correspondence for information only – to be received en bloc (available for perusal)

a) LCC – Temporary road closure. West Street (Closure for westbound traffic only) for essential drainage & gully works, from Monday 22/02/10 to Monday 01/03/10.

b) LCC – Temporary road closure. A15 South Street (closure in place on southbound carriageway only, north of junction with Church Lane. Reason; cable installation works by Integrated Utility Services from Monday 01/02/10 to Friday 12/02/10. Alt. route – A151 West Road, Raymond Mays Way & A15 (South Rd)

c) S09/2731/FULL D Gray, creation of new agricultural access Land adj South Fen Business Park, South Fen Road Approved

d) S09/2637/HSH Mr Burn, extension to dining kitchen. Plot 4 Charlie’s Yard, Dyke Approved

e) Lincolnshire Police. 6 monthly update

f) S08/1200/MJRF/APP6 Longhurst Homes, erection of 65 affordable dwellings in 2 phases. Land north of Manning Road. Appeal Type; public inquiry Appeal dismissed 12/01/10

g) S09/2807/FULL Pinfold Fabrications, change of use of land for the siting of 52 steel storage containers Pinfold Road Approved

h) S10/0060/DC Ash, approval of details of condition 8 (surface water drainage), 9 (surface water & foul drainage), 10 (landscaping) required by S04/1445/12 Home Farm, Main Rd Dyke Approved

i) S09/1592/HSH Mrs P Johnson, erection of single & 2 storey extension to dwelling & detached double garage. 23 Edwin Gardens Approved

j) Conservation Walks; permissive access. Laminated copy received of a site map showing permissive access to land at Cawthorpe.

Proposed by Cllr Mrs B Johnson, seconded by Cllr Mrs P Moisey and by majority vote

RESOLVED; to receive the above

B) Correspondence for discussion

1) East Midlands Fire and Rescue Control Centre – further to the letter of 2008 re new Centre being set up to provide an emergency call handling facility in Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire as part of a Government initiative to establish nine regional centres across the country, there have been a number of developments in the project. Publication of new dates for its intended launch is now anticipated for the whole region is 2012. Information provided in attached documents can be used in parish publication or website.

Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and unanimously

RESOLVED; to receive the above

2) LCC Highways – Zebra Crossing near Post Office – Response to BTC correspondence of 7.1.10.

Comments have been passed on to auditor who will visit the site shortly regarding the lack of enforcement in respect of the parking.

In the ensuing discussion it was noted that this is a very dangerous area with potential for a serious accident. It was noted that Royal Mail vans also breach the parking regulations. Cllr JA Smith reported that PCSO’s have taken action against people parking but the problem still occurs.

Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr B Fines and unanimously

RESOLVED; to write to LCC and SKDC (carbon copy to the Royal Mail) stating that Bourne Town Council feels that a permanent solution would be to raise the road either side of the crossing to be level with the pavement and until this is completed to install a semi-permanent bollard as a preventative. The correspondence should also point out that Royal Mail vans are in breach of parking regulations in this area

3) SKDC – Principal Democracy Officer - Policy for Deployment of Reactive Sign (following questions raised at the Local Area Forum at Thurlby) (copy of Policy sent to members)

Proposed by Cllr JA Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and by majority vote

RESOLVED; to receive the above

4) State of Footpaths and minor roads over the Christmas Period

a) LCC – Highways - Town Council’s comments will be included later in the debrief. Policy document attached (copy of Policy sent to members)

b) SKDC – Principal Democracy Officer – Winter Maintenance Briefing Note (following questions raised at the Local Area Forum at Thurlby) (copy of Briefing Note sent to members)

Proposed by Cllr JA Smith, seconded by Cllr Mrs B Johnson and unanimously

RESOLVED; to receive items a and b

c) LCC - Cllr C Farquharson – During the recent bad weather the gritters were out two to three times per night because the conditions were prolonged salt and grit had to be used conservatively.

Quote from policy “during periods of severe weather the treatment of certain footways will be considered when resources permit. Footways to be treated will reflect their importance in the county’s footway hierarchy”

Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and unanimously

RESOLVED; to receive the above

5) LALC – Richard Enderby – Inclement weather - Richard held a conference call with a variety of organisations/authorities and has forwarded his notes from the call. (copy of Briefing Note sent to members)

Proposed by Cllr Mrs S Wilson, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and unanimously

RESOLVED; to receive the above

6) Traffic Calming Schemes – Beech Avenue, Mill Drove and Austerby

a) LCC Highways – All three traffic calming schemes have to be reviewed as part of the original planning decision, so a report will be prepared for their consideration and decision in due course.

Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr Mrs B Johnson and unanimously

RESOLVED; to receive the above

b) LCC – Cllr S Woolley – Having spoken to Highways I can inform you that traffic calming measures are due to be reviewed shortly. Once the results from this exercise are known I believe we will be in a better position to make an informed comment.

c) LCC – Cllr C Farquharson - I am in regular contact with Mr Brumfield and have brought the matters outlined to his attention – he is already aware of all of them.

A post installation survey is due to take place in the near future when all the matters which concern residents will be assessed. It is worth noting, however, that Mr Brumfield has had as many votes of thanks as he has had votes of condemnation for the CTZ scheme and that none of it would have been installed without a proper and prior safety assessment.

Proposed by Cllr Mrs H Powell, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Wilson and unanimously

RESOLVED; to receive items b and c


Resolved for the following observations to be forwarded;

Due to their previously declared Personal Interest in the following item, Cllrs Mrs S Cliffe and JA Smith took no part in the vote

a) Ref: S09/2876/FULL/PC1

Applicant Bourne Cricket Club

Proposal Erection of single storey extension to cricket pavilion

Location Bourne CC Cricket Pavilion, Abbey Lawns, Abbey Road

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr Mrs H Powell, seconded by Cllr Mrs B Johnson and by majority vote

OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections

b) Ref: S09/2974/HSH/PC1

Applicant Mr P Taylor, Victus Developments Ltd

Proposal Erection of conservatory

Location 6 Chapel View, Dyke

Application Type Householder Development

Proposed by Cllr Mrs H Powell, seconded by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections

PERSONAL INTEREST was declared in the following item by Cllr Ms J Pauley as she conducts business with the applicant

c) Ref: S09/2975/FULL/PC1

Applicant J H Wand

Proposal Erection of treble garage

Location R/o 48 North Street

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed by Cllr Mrs H Powell, seconded by Cllr JA Smith and unanimously

OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections

d) Ref: S10/0069/MJNF/PC1

Applicant Tesco Stores Ltd

Proposal Erection of foodstore with car parking & associated works

Location Tesco land off South Road

Application Type Major Full (Non-residential)

Proposed by Cllr A Prentice, seconded by Cllr B Fines and by majority vote (Cllr Mrs L Neal took no part in the vote)

OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections to the proposal with the exception of the delivery hours. The Committee wishes to see the delivery hours of the original proposal for this site implemented, namely 6am to 11.30pm Monday to Saturdays, and 8.30am to 8.00pm Sundays

Due to their previously declared Personal Interest in the following item, Cllrs Mrs S Cliffe and JA Smith took no part in the vote

e) Trees in the Conservation Area – Section 211 Notice

Ref: S10/0119/TC/TC2

Proposal Fell Norway spruce

Location Ashbrook House, 23A South Street

Proposed by Cllr Ms J Pauley, seconded by Cllr Mrs H Powell and by majority vote

OBSERVATION; the Committee objects to this proposal

f) Ref: S10/0157/MJRR/PC1

Applicant Allison Homes Eastern Ltd

Proposal Residential development involving a re-plan of affordable housing

Location Zones 1 & 2 (Area 3) Elsea Park

Application Type Major RM (Residential)

Proposed by Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded by Cllr B Fines and unanimously

OBSERVATION; the Committee has no objections to this proposal provided there is no increase in density and house sizes do not change


This agenda item had been requested by Cllr Mrs S Cliffe as she had received many complaints from residents about the internal lighting of the business as 2 West Street. The lights in question continually change colour. Other members have received complaints and it is felt that these lights prove a distraction to motorists as they approach the traffic lights.

Proposed by Cllr Ms J Pauley, seconded by Cllr Mrs B Johnson and unanimously

RESOLVED; to write to the occupants in question, pointing out the complaints that have been received regarding the distraction to drivers causing safety concerns, and to inform them that Bourne Town Council is approaching them before takes this further.


The Town Clerk reported the following:

·  Sustainable Communities Act Amendment Bill. Members have been urged to write to or email the local MP asking him to sign EDM 143 in support of the Bill. A sample letter has been received and should be sent by Friday 12th February 2010

·  Training events – February including an explanation of S106 Agreements 23.02.10 at Wragby Town Hall; no fee will be incurred

·  The funeral of Douglas Reeson will be held on Thursday 18th February 2010 at the Abbey Church at 1pm

·  SKDC Core Strategy Examination Policy H3 (Affordable Housing) Proposed Changes; responses by 26th February 2010. It was not possible to have this item on the agenda due to the timescale. Members felt that the proposed changes were insignificant and therefore no comments were necessary

As there was no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.43pm


Highways and Planning Meeting held on 09.02.10