STEM32 Lesson Plan Template
Teacher’s Name:Zaher Idriss
School: Satellite III/M.S. 103
STEM32 PD Attended: Smart Board
Grade Level / 8-9
NYS Standards
Common Core State Standards / A.A.32 Explain slope as a rate of change between dependent and independent variables
A.A.33 Determine the slope of a line, given the coordinates of two points on the line
Objective(s) / 1) Students will be able to determine the rate of change from the tables and graphs
2) Students will be able to find the slope of any given line
Materials and Websites /
Prentice Hall Mathematics, Integrated Algebra
Smart Start / Activity: Exploring Rate of Change on the Coordinate Plane
Mini-Lesson / Differentiated Instruction
1) Special Needs(tactile): Describe the slope of a model ramp in terms of any measurements they can make. Discuss how these measurements can be used to describe the rate at which vertical dimensions change in relationship with horizontal dimensions
2) Below Level (verbal): for those students that are confused in labeling (x1,y1), give an example and show that the labeling does not affect the value of the slope
3) Advanced Learners (verbal): Draw a horizontal line on the grid, and show how the slope the line changes as it is rotated 360 degrees counterclockwise.
Rate of Change allows you to see the relationship between two quantities that are changing. If one quantity depends on the other, then the following is true.
Rate of Change = change in the dependent variable
Change in the independent variable
The slope of a line is its rate of change
Slope = vertical change = rise
Horizontal change run
Construction An extension ladder has a label that says, “Do not place
base of ladder less than 5 ft from the vertical surface. “What is the greatest
slope possible if the ladder can safely extend to reach a height of 12 ft?
Of 18 ft?
Conclusion / Closure: Write a paragraph explaining two ways to find the slope of a line
Extensions: / Give each student a laminated coordinate plane and a piece of uncooked spaghetti. Instruct students to place the spaghetti on the graph to represent a line, and then to find the slope of the line. Repeat