Los Angeles City College
Emergency Faculty Hire Request
To request an emergency faculty hire, please answer the questions below in the spaces provided.
The need for at least one or two full time faculty members in English/ESL as a result of the loss of four full-time members of the department over the past two years.
1. How would loss of this position threaten the health and safety of students, faculty, or staff?
The current fulltime faculty is completely stressed due to the amount of work necessary for our department to meet the updates and keep abreast with the continuous progress of the academic program and expanding facilities of the college. We also serve about 40% of the college’s student population, so the need for continuity and efficiency is of the utmost importance.
2. How would loss of this position result in the discontinuance of a program?
It is now necessary to hire more full time members because of the increased amount of work and fewer full time faculty in the department. The program would not be discontinued, but the progress that it needs to make cannot be assured.
3. How would loss of this position result in the loss of accreditation, state licensing, or certification?
Our department is completely and egregiously out of compliance with the 75/25 rule and without replacement we are a shrinking department attempting to serve an increasing number of students. We have lost several fulltime members of our department over the last couple of years due to retirement or death. We have not had a replacement in almost three years since the death of Charles Davis and the retirement of Donald Lipman. A year later both Penelope Choy and Horacio Martinez retired. This year James Charness retired after serving the campus for 44 years. We have several older faculty who may also be looking to retire very soon. Currently, we have 19 fulltime and over 100 part-time faculty serving almost 7,000 students on campus each semester.
Staffing History
4. What has been your department’s total FTEF by discipline over the past three years?
Discipline / Fall 03 / Spring 04 / Fall 04 / Spring 05 / Fall 05 / Spring 06 / Fall 06 / Spring 07ESL / 485.68 / 481.96 / 497.01 / 511.95 / 468.07 / 455.96 / 447.63
English / 426.68 / 491.80 / 472.56 / 507.79 / 466.15 / 476.72 / 456.76
Linguistics / 4.27 / 2.99 / 3.63 / 3.42 / 3.1 / 2.56 / 3.63
Please find attached the data for these questions.
5. What has been your department’s total full-time FTEF by discipline over the past six years? (total full-time FTEF includes faculty on position and sabbatical leave).
Discipline / Fall 03 / Spring 04 / Fall 04 / Spring 05 / Fall 05 / Spring 06 / Fall 06 / Spring 07ESL / 8.80 / 7.9 / 7.55 / 8 / 8 / 7.95 / 8.9 / 6.65
English / 10.83 / 9.84 / 10.17 / 8.25 / 11.58 / 11.83 / 11.82 / 12
Linguistics / 0 / .2 / 0 / .2 / .2 / 0 / .2 / 0
Please find the attached data for these questions.
6. What percentage of the total hours of instruction in this discipline is currently taught by non-contract faculty? _____0____%
7. Which faculty members in your department, by name and discipline, are currently on leave or assigned to non-teaching positions? (indicate the % release for each assignment). Carl Friedlander- 100% release, Gary Colombo-100% release, Daryl Kinney-100% release , Freddie Harris, leave, Flavia Tamayo, leave .
8. Which faculty members, by name and discipline, are expected to retire by the end of this Semester? James Charness, English/ESL