Current Event Application Assignment
**Pay attention to the Current Event Grading Rubric found in the Resources folder in Getting Started section.**
This application assignment requires you to share a business related articlefrom the past 6 monthsthat describes your view ofour assigned course topic(s)for the week. In other words, your view may explain the topic's effect, relevance, importance, non-significance, etc. in workplace behavior. This assignment should consist ofthree distinct paragraphs. In the first paragraph you will summarize the article you chose. In the second paragraph you will clearly identify and discuss the course topic(s) relevant to the article. In the third and final paragraph you should discuss your views about the topic and what the article stated.
It is imperative to choose a concept being coveredin this module. It is also important not to copy material from other related assignments or directly from the article itself--use proper citations and rewrite important components into your own words. Concepts and verbatim material will receive a zero.
Current Event:
- News story must be from acredible sourcewithin the last 6 months with appropriate citation.
- Context must be provided on why the story is immediately relevant to the topics being covered.
- Responses which are purely opinion and anecdotal are not considered to be substantive in nature.
- Original news story from an external source plus one additional external source required.
- Assigned textbook chapters from the coursedo not countas external sources, but you are welcome to use the textbook in addition to the required external resource.
Turnitin Requirements:
- For each application assignment, your similarity score must meet a threshold ofno more than 20%.
- Assignments with greater than 20% similaritymust be revised and resubmittedto Turnitin until the 20% threshold is achieved.
- For resubmissions, it may take up to24 hours for a new similarity score.
- It is your responsibility to allow enough time to receive a Turnitin similarity score report.
- Assignments with more than 20% threshold will receive a zero.