_ _ /_ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _ / _ _
Address:Suburb: / State: / ______ACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWA
Postcode: / Fax:
1st Contact
Name: / Position:
Phone Number: / E-Mail:
2nd Contact
Name: / Position:
Phone Number: / E-Mail:
Will Alcohol be Consumed? Number of People:
Venue Required / No. of courts required / Day / FirstDate
(dd/mm/yy) / Last
(dd/mm/yy) / From – To
(HH:mm AM/PM) / Office use only
______MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun / - / _ _ / _ _
______MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun / - / _ _ / _ _
______MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun / - / _ _ / _ _
______MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun / - / _ _ / _ _
*If additional space is required for “booking information” please complete this section of an additional form.
Purpose of Booking:
Will you require on campus parking? Limited parking is available at additional cost.
Privacy Policy: unimelb.edu.au/unisec/privacyConditions of Use: sport.unimelb.edu.au/VenueHire
I / on behalf ofhave read, understand and take full responsibilityto ensure that the conditions of use are adhered to.
Signed / DateOffice Use Only
Confirmation Sent On ______Forwarded To Finance for Invoicing On______
Paid At Desk Receipt #______Processed by ______Date ______
Equipment Hire
Equipment for Hire (please tick any equipment needed and state the number of each item)
Tables ___ / Sporting Equipment ___ / Chairs ___ / Data Projector ___ / PA System ___Microphone ___ / Whiteboard ___ / Umpires ___ / Staff Member: ___
Conditions of Hire
- All applicants must be current, active members of a Melbourne University Sports Club.
- All equipment must be returned to MUS in the same condition it was in prior to hire.
- All Damage must be reported to Venue & Events Coordinator Jennifer Eslick (83448575).
This authority shall stand, in respect of the Specified Card, and in respect to any Card Issued to me in renewal or replacement thereof, until I notify Melbourne University Sport in writing of its cancellation.
Card Holder’s Name:Card Number: / Card Expiry Date: /
Card Type: Visa ___Mastercard ___
Cardholders Signature: / Date: /
This authorisation is to be used in conjunction with the Environment Health
and Safety Manual Section 8.2.5 Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace.
This authorisation must be completed by the person nominated as the Event Manager two weeks prior to the date of the event. For events held outside on University grounds the form must be signed by Property & Buildings Asset Management (Parkville Campus) or the local Campus Manager (all other University Campuses). For all events involving the serving or selling of alcohol, a copy of the
authorisation must be retained on file.
To be signed by the Event Manager:
I ______representing (club) ______
agree to the requirements in relation to serving and selling of alcohol at the designated event. The Terms and Conditions of serving alcohol are under the Melbourne University Sport Guidelines.
Contact Number at the Event: ______
RSA holder at our event is: ______
Date: ______Signature: ______
To be authorised by the Head of Department or Manager or appropriate authorised officer for Student Union or Melbourne University Sports
Name: ______Department: ______
Date: ______