Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Year A
Invitation to Prayer:
My brothers and sisters,
to God who wildly scatters the seeds of faith,
let us lift our prayers with one voice
for the spreading of God’s word,
the good of the Church and the salvation of all people.
Concluding Prayer:
God of heaven and earth,
as all creation awaits your gift of new life,
prepare our hearts
to receive the word of your Son,
that his gospel may grow within us
and yield a harvest that is abundant and rich.
Through Christ our Lord.
With Jesus we give you thanks, Almighty God,
for working unceasingly among us
and caring for the earth of your creation.
Transform our hearts into the good soil you seek,
ready to receive your Word
and open to the working of your Spirit,
that our lives may bear fruit in deeds of justice and peace,
which foreshadow your kingdom,
where you live and reign for ever and ever.
Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time - YEAR A - July 16, 2017
Deacon or Reader:
1.For the Church, fertile soil for the seed of God’s kingdom,
for the members of the Church who are persecuted and suffering;
for ears to hear and understand God’s word;
and for the Church in Egypt, Ethiopia and Mauritania.
We pray to the Lord.
2.For the soldiers recovering from post-traumatic stress;
for the people of the Middle East and their pursuit of a peaceful society;
for the citizens of British Columbia, facing forest fires;
and for countries affected by floods, earthquakes, and poverty.
We pray to the Lord.
3.For those who suffer in this present time;
for the sick, the home-bound and the dying;
and for the safety and renewal of all on vacation.
We pray to the Lord.
4.For all Christians, seeking spiritual nourishment from Jesus, the Bread of Life;
for a new evangelization to water dry souls and produce fertile hearts;
for farmers, gardeners, and all who put food on our tables;
and for an abundant harvest to meet the needs of the world.
We pray to the Lord.
5. For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;
for those who have died recently,
and for those who mourn and suffer loss.
We pray to the Lord.
Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time - YEAR A - July 16, 2017
1.Deacon:Let us pray for the Church, fertile soil for the seed of God’s kingdom:
Reader:For the members of the Church who are persecuted and suffering;
for ears to hear and understand God’s word;
and for the Church in Egypt, Ethiopia and Mauritania.
We pray to the Lord.
2.Deacon:Let us pray for those in British Columbia, facing forest fires and all in need:
Reader:For the soldiers recovering from post-traumatic stress;
for the people of the Middle East and their pursuit of a peaceful society;
for countries affected by floods, earthquakes, and poverty;
for a new evangelization to water dry souls and produce fertile hearts.
We pray to the Lord.
3.Deacon:Let us pray for the needs of our parish and communities:
Reader:For the sick, the home-bound and the dying;
for farmers, gardeners, and all who put food on our tables;
for an abundant harvest to meet the needs of the world;
and for the safety and renewal of all on vacation.
We pray to the Lord.
4.Deacon:Let us pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners:
Reader:For the intentions of each one here;
for those who have died recently,
and for those who mourn and suffer loss.
We pray to the Lord.