The Parishes of Our Lady of Walsingham, London Colney,
St Anthony of Padua, Radlett & the Good Shepherd, Shenley.
Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Moule; Radlett Presbytery, 22, The Crosspath, Radlett, WD7 8HN.
Tel: Radlett Presbytery: 01923 635541; Web: e-mail:
3rdSunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, 17thDecember2017.
St Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham
Haseldine Road, London Colney, AL2 1RR (LC)
*St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
Radlett Presbytery, 22 The Crosspath
Radlett, WD7 8HN* (RA)
*(Postal address for all parishes)*
The Good Shepherd,
Black Lion Hill, Shenley, WD7 9DH (SH)
Please use the envelopes available, Stating RIP or intentions of& which Parish it is to be offered in. Then return to Fr Kevin or put in the collection, or send it to the Radlett address above. (Mass Intentions may change if there is a funeral, & moved to the next available date.)If you want to know the date please write your phone number or e-mail address clearly on the envelope, thank you. Please do not use the envelopes for any other purpose.
MASS TIMES – 17th December
(SH (Sat) 5.00pm: Jose Augusto Saltao
(4.15pm – 4.50pm Exposition and Benediction)
(RA)10.00am: Pro Populo
(LC) 11.30am: Crispin Da Silva
(LC) Mon 10.00am: Tom Maguire
(RA) Tue 10.0am: Margaret & Columba Carr
(SH) Wed *11.00am:* Margaret A Carr
(LC) Thu 10.00am: Mrs Clare Killen
(On Fridays only, Mass is celebrated at St Albans Cathedral, St Albans, AL1 1BY at 12 Noon)
MASS TIMES – 24th December
(SH (Sat) 5.00pm: Algernina Da Silva & Amancio Da Silva
(4.15pm – 4.50pm Exposition and Benediction)
(RA)10.00am: Pro Populo
(LC) 11.30am: Int Michael De Castro
Please pray for the sick, for those who have died, and those whose anniversaries occur at this time.
London Colney: Sunday 11.10 – 11.25am
Radlett: Sunday 9.30 – 9.50am
Shenley: Saturday 4.15 – 4.45pm
In the first instance please e-mail or contact the parish office with your address for an application form. Contact details are above. All parents are to make an appointment to attend a Baptism Preparation Course or discuss the service before the Baptism. Godparents are encouraged to attend as well if possible. The preparation course must be completed before the baptism takes place.
In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you. The chaplain for Watford & St Albans area is Collette Lennon 07801930246.
Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.
Mon/ Thu: Rosary & Divine Mercy after Mass
Tues: 1-2pm Church Cleaning and from 2-3pm
Prayers & Rosary. All are welcome.
Thu: 8pm Choir rehearsal.
Fri:8pm Night Prayer.
Sun: Refreshments available after Mass.
Tue: Refreshments after 10am Mass.
Sat:Refreshments available after Mass.
7 - 9.30pm Carpet Bowls
3RD Sat:Church Cleaning.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thu 9am – 12 Noon
Parish Administrator: Mrs Catherine King
Christmas Services
Christmas Eve
Sunday 24th December
3.45pm-4.15pm Confessions at London Colney
4.30pm Vigil Mass at London Colney
(Mr Raymond Hathaway)
4.15pm-4.45pm Confessions at Radlett
5.00pm Vigil Mass at Radlett
(Int Angela Major)
5.45pm – 6.15pm Confessions at Shenley
6.30pm Mass at Shenley
(Mrs Rena Lewis)
10.45pm-11.15pm Confessions at
London Colney
11.30pm Midnight Mass atLondon Colney (Int Sheila Drewitt)
Christmas Day
Monday 25th December
8.30am Mass at Shenley
(Deceased members of the Da Silva Family)
10.00am Mass at Radlett
(John & Margaret Silva)
11.30am Mass atLondon Colney
(Pro Populo)
Please note: Mass on Wednesday at Shenley is at the later time of 11.00am.
Mass at 5pm on Saturday, 23rd December and the Masses at 10am and 11.30am on 24th December are for the 4th Sunday of Advent. They do not fulfil your obligation to attend Mass at Christmas.
Masses that do fulfil your Christmas obligation are the Masses beginning with the 4.30pm Vigil Mass at London Colney on 24th December and all Masses up to and including the 11.30am Mass on Christmas Day, 25th December.