A crèche is available for any children who wish to join them during the service.
TRINITY NOTICES – Please let Tracey have any items for Sunday 24thSeptemberby Tuesday 19th September. She can be contacted on ****** or by e-mail at **** Please note: notices are on the website each week. Please email with amends or additions. TRINITY IS ON FACEBOOK Search for Trinity Methodist Church, Harrogate.
HARVEST FESTIVAL FAITH LUNCHon Sunday 24th September. There will be a bring food to share lunch following the morning service. Please sign on the notice board, indicating sweet or savoury, so we have an idea of what is needed. We look forward to everyone enjoying a time of fellowship together. Thank you.
YOUTH CLUB The Church is pleased to announce the launch of a youth club for young people from Year 5 upwards. This will be held on the last Tuesday of each month 6.30-8pm starting on the 26thSeptember 2017. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to work with our young people in this new branch of our church life. If anyone would like any further information or would like to volunteer, please contact Hannah (07843378115) or Jane (07532062924).
PASTORAL CARE TEAM meeting will now be held on Tuesday 3rd October at 1.45pm. Please note the date change.
LEEDS METHODIST DISTRICT CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Thank youvery much to everybody who supported this year’s holiday at Ashville College, whether it be through contributing baking and toiletries, collecting clothing and toys or making a financial contribution. There was a strong level of support this year which ensured that the twenty children involved had a wonderful holiday. For many of the children it was their first time away from home and many of the activities were new experiences for them During the week the children went on visits to Scarborough, Lightwater Valley, Harewood House and Monk Park Farm. They visited Woodlands Methodist Church for Sunday School, the riding school at Follifoot and Harrogate Climbing Wall. They also enjoyed activities such as swimming, outdoor games and art and craft back on site at Ashville College..
* SPRING HARVEST FESTIVAL on Tuesday 19th September at Mowbray Community Church – see further information. This will be in Harrogate after Easter again, next year.
* ALPHA COURSE at Gracious Street Methodist Church on Wednesday 27th September 7-8:30pm For further details please contact Sue on 862252 or
A crèche is available for any children who wish to join them during the service.
TRINITY NOTICES – Please let Tracey have any items for Sunday 24th September by Tuesday 19th September. She can be contacted on ****** or by e-mail at **** Please note: notices are on the website each week. Please email with amends or additions. TRINITY IS ON FACEBOOK Search for Trinity Methodist Church, Harrogate.
HARVEST FESTIVAL FAITH LUNCHon Sunday 24th September. There will be a bring food to share lunch following the morning service. Please sign on the notice board, indicating sweet or savoury, so we have an idea of what is needed. We look forward to everyone enjoying a time of fellowship together. Thank you.
YOUTH CLUB The Church is pleased to announce the launch of a youth club for young people from Year 5 upwards. This will be held on the last Tuesday of each month 6.30-8pm starting on the 26thSeptember 2017. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to work with our young people in this new branch of our church life. If anyone would like any further information or would like to volunteer, please contact Hannah (07843378115) or Jane (07532062924).
PASTORAL CARE TEAM meeting will now be held on Tuesday 3rd October at 1.45pm. Please note the date change.
LEEDS METHODIST DISTRICT CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL Thank youvery much to everybody who supported this year’s holiday at Ashville College, whether it be through contributing baking and toiletries, collecting clothing and toys or making a financial contribution. There was a strong level of support this year which ensured that the twenty children involved had a wonderful holiday. For many of the children it was their first time away from home and many of the activities were new experiences for them During the week the children went on visits to Scarborough, Lightwater Valley, Harewood House and Monk Park Farm. They visited Woodlands Methodist Church for Sunday School, the riding school at Follifoot and Harrogate Climbing Wall. They also enjoyed activities such as swimming, outdoor games and art and craft back on site at Ashville College..
* SPRING HARVEST FESTIVAL on Tuesday 19th September at Mowbray Community Church – see for further information. This will be in Harrogate after Easter again, next year.
* ALPHA COURSE at Gracious Street Methodist Church on Wednesday 27th September 7-8:30pm For further details please contact Sue on 862252 or