[Modern Home Inspector]
website design


Thank you for considering Modern Home Inspector for your website development. Below, please find our contract for services. This contract may be updated from time-to-time. For the most recent version, click here.


Website Development Overview client is paying Melissa Johnson $895 for the independent contracted services of Modern Home Inspector: Website Design Services.

Website Package includes:

·  Website design based on 4 template options

·  Up to 6 website pages

·  Custom colors

·  Use your custom images or our stock images

·  Add personal logo

·  Add professional credentials (including badges and logos)

·  Mobile ready / multi-device responsive

·  Built-in SEO foundation (Search Engine Optimization)

·  Set-up of domain (url) + hosting

·  Social media badges

·  Call-to-action buttons

·  *Scheduling link

·  Contact form

·  **Up to 12 hours of development hours

* This is for placing an existing schedule link (set-up by the client through a 3rd party scheduling software like ISN, HomeGauge or Schedulicity) on a site. Additional back-end set-up of scheduling software will be billed additionally at hourly rate. This link may be added to an existing page or a new page with additional information.

** The website package is greatly discounted from other more fully customized websites. We are able to offer this discounted flat rate because of the templated pre-existing website designs and the rapid development features of our hosting service. This package allots for 12 developer hours. Any work exceeding those hours due to additional customizations, will be billed at the current hourly rate.

Monthly Hosting + Maintenance I understand that entering into this website agreement also requires a monthly fee of $25 for hosting and to maintain the site. This is a month-to-month agreement. Client has the ability to move hosting into their own name at any time through written (email) request.

Monthly Hosting + Maintenance Includes:

·  Exceptional Website Hosting

·  100% uptime - rest assured that your site is always live and available to your customers

·  Basic WordPress Core Maintenance

·  Weekly updates of all your website software (including themes and plugins) to make ensure it is operating on the latest versions and is secure

·  Website Backups: daily backups of your website and data files

·  Security Checks: regular security monitoring of any potential threats to the site

·  Broken Link Monitoring: to make sure that no broken links exist on the site (search engines do not like broken links)

Website Access Client will have a website user login upon request. Client will be able to login and update the site as he/she pleases understanding that the Developer will charge hourly rate for undoing mistakes including downed site. Site will be rebuilt at hourly rate. Client is also responsible for ensuring secure passwords to deter hacking for their login. If Client’s website is hacked, we will make our best effort to retrieve and publish the latest back-up. If those files are also corrupt, we will charge the hourly rate for rebuilding the site.


Client has the option to add any of the following. Payment for these items are in addition to the overall price above and paid to the website designer.


·  Additional pages

·  Email set-up + $2-5/month depending on email hosting

·  Blog set-up

·  Additional Area for downloadable forms

·  Pop-ups (for newsletter sign-up or promotions)

·  Set-up Google local listing

·  *Additional SEO work

·  Google Analytics set-up and integration

*hourly rate depending on scope and complexity


Fees are as noted above. The special $895 flat fee is based on a standardized template design. Hours associated with customizations outside of the template’s design or work outside of the scope of the agreed upon deliverables will be billed at $65/hour.

Turn-around-time is approximately 2-6 weeks (or faster) and is dependent on how communicative the client is with providing the information requested by the designer.

If project takes more than 2 months due to slow communication response from client, there may be additional hourly fees associated with re-familiarization with the project after a lapse in time. It is strongly preferred and encouraged that the project take no longer than 4-6 weeks.


Work Flow & Communication Communication between the Developer and the Client is crucial. If we are designing the site on a live server, please keep in mind that as I work, things will be moved around and look messy in some cases until the final design is decided. Client will be asked to login here and there to take a look around and make sure the overall concept is acceptable to move forward. We may also use filler text called “Lorum Ipsum” as a placeholder for text. This will be filled in with your content once it is prepared and sent to us. I will send emails of when you should login for approvals. If the site is being developed on a local server, I will send screenshots of the design to you periodically for approvals. Once the site is complete and we have gone through the official Website Review Phase (see below) sign off approval process, and any additional work or tweaks will be billed at the hourly rate.

Client Responsibility Client agrees to provide all information requested in a timely manner. I understand that I must provide all the requested information in the online “Getting Started Checklist” forms provided to me by the Developer before website design will commence.

I understand that the developer provides some content but not all. We will work as a team to create general information like service descriptions. But each home inspector has a unique business and must have its own individual content to set them apart and for SEO purposes. The Client understands he/she will be responsible for writing some content. (See Text Content below)

If communication from client ceases for more that 30 days, this contract will become void and the Refund Policy will apply (see below).

Website Review Phase This is a very important phase at the end of development. During this time, client will thoroughly explore the site, page-by-page, ensuring that all that was agreed upon in the contract has been accomplish satisfactorily. We suggest you take some time to look through the site and make notes. During this process, you will fill out the Website Sign-off Checklist form. Once this form is submitted, additional changes and edits will be billed at $65/hour. At this time (or 4 weeks into the process, whichever comes first) you will receive the form to subscribe to your monthly maintenance plan.

Browser Availability Not every browser version supports all functions of modern themes and frameworks containing HTML markup and CSS. We do our best to make sure your website works across most browsers but cannot guarantee the older versions (for example Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, 5.5 or 6 for Windows or Mac, previous versions of Apple's Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Opera) will show every feature. We will not test for these older browsers. Although presentation may not identical among browsers, critical elements of each page will be displayed. Client acknowledges that some advanced techniques (e.g., HTML5 and video) may require a more recent browser version, different brand, or additional browser plug-in. Client is also aware that as new browser versions are developed, the new browser versions may not be backward compatible. In the absence of a Maintenance Agreement time spent to redesign a site for compatibility due to the introduction of a new browser version will be separately negotiated and in addition to the base price of our agreement.

Text Content Developer is not responsible for writing text copy (content) unless we specified it in the original estimate.

Photographs Developer will provide up to 4 licensed stock images for the website. Client is responsible for supplying fully licensed photographs either in digital format (via Dropbox) or as email attachments. If you choose to buy stock photographs, we can suggest vendors of stock photography.

Changes + Revisions The package price is based on the scope laid out and number of hours that we estimate will be needed to complete the project. Some revisions and changes will be worked into the initial projected hours. Any additional revisions going over the scope and hours allotted, will be billed at $65/hour. Additionally, any revisions made after the final website checklist is approved and submitted will be billed at the hourly rate.

Graphic Creation I am not a graphic designer. Developer can provide basic Photoshop and Illustrator functions for logo and branding purposes. Any graphic art needs will need to be obtained through a professional graphic designer through one of our resources.

Additional Expenses Client agrees to reimburse for other Client-requested expenses. Examples include: special font request, unique photography request, & client-specific software/plugin requests.

Indemnification Client agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold the Developer harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorney’s fees associated with the Developer’s development of the Client’s web site. This includes Liabilities asserted against the Developer, its subcontractors, its agents, its clients, servants, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by the Client, its agents, employees or assigns.

Client also agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Developer against Liabilities arising out of any injury to person or property caused by any products or services sold or otherwise distributed over the Client’s web site. This includes infringing upon on the proprietary rights of a third party, copyright infringement, and delivering any defective product or misinformation which is detrimental to another person, organization, or business.

Design Credit Client agrees that the Developer may put a byline in the footer of the web page for establishing design and development credit and include completed website in Developers live website portfolio. You must notify the Developer if you do not approve of this.

Nondisclosure The Developer, its subcontractors agree that, except as directed by the Client, it will not at any time during or after the term of this Agreement disclose any confidential information. Likewise, the Client agrees that it will not convey any confidential information obtained about the D

Email This hosting package does not include an email with domain purchase. This must be purchased through an outside source such as Gmail for Business. Developer may help setting up email servers but does not provide on-going technical assistance.

Technical Support Developer will provide some technical assistance with regards to your website and theme, as well as hosting guidance but will not be able to answer every technical question. We will certainly help find the answers with the appropriate person.

Legal Stuff Developer cannot guarantee that the functions contained in any web page theme or that a completed website will always be error-free. Developer is not liable for any third party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate this web site and any other web pages, even if you have advised us of the possibilities of such damages.

If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

Copyrights You guarantee to us that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork that you provide us for inclusion in the web site are either owned by you, or that you have permission to use them.

When we receive your final payment, copyright is automatically assigned as follows:

·  You own the graphics and other visual elements that we create for you for this project. Upon request, we will provide a copy of all files and you should store them safely as we are not required to keep them or provide any native source files that we used in making them.

·  You also own text content, photographs and other data you provided, unless someone else owns them.

·  We reserve the right to display and link to your completed project as part of our portfolio and to write about the project on web sites, in magazine articles and in books about web design.


You, The Client are hiringMelissa Johnson of Simplified Website Design DBA Modern Home Inspector (Developer) located in Boulder, CO 80304 to design and develop a web site at the fees agreed upon and listed above.

Refund Policy client is eligible for a 90% refund in the first 30 days if no design work has been completed. Beyond 30 days, a prorated amount will be issued based on the amount of work and hours the developer has put in to the project. Hourly rate estimate will be calculated at $65/hour.

As our client, you have the power and ability to enter into this contract on behalf of your company or organization. You agree to provide us with everything that we need to complete the project including text, images and other information as and when we need it and in the format that we ask for. You agree to review our work, provide feedback and sign-off approval in a timely manner. You also agree to the payment schedule set out at the end of this contract.

This contract in non-transferable. By purchasing this website package, you are agreeing to the terms and details above.



Melissa Johnson | 904.483.1717