El Colegio

Board Minutes

May16, 2013

Board member roster and attendance (term expiration)

Norma Garces (ex oficio) / Dan Ittner (2014) / George Sand (2015)
Ana Vasquez (2012) / Jennifer Godinez (2014) / Anne Zukoski (2015)
Alli Shurilla (2013) / Nareida Flores (2014) / Krysti Snyder (2015)

Others present: David Claur, Amanda Sanchez, La Raza Fund; Sheryl McClellan, Augsburg; Joel Arson, ELL teacher

Meeting called to order:4:39pm

Next Board Meeting: Thursday May16th4:30-6:00

Topic / Discussion/Actions / Next Steps (If Any)
Minutes / -Ana motions to approve minutes from 3/21
  • Dan seconds
  • All approve
  • Motion carries

Approvals / EdVisions Contract
-Approval for current year’s contract
-Next year Norma will request contract for more than 1 year
  • Need to think about termination agreement
-Are we happy with them?
  • Yes- provide valuable services (e.g. lawyer)
-Annemotions to approve EdVisions Contract
  • Alli seconds
  • All approve
  • Motion carries
Policy Handbook Addition
-Draft policy to use until policy handbook
-Discussion of edits
-George motions to editpolicy handbook addition: add “even” before “voluntary” in paragraph 2; Add “of any age” at the end of the first paragraph.
  • Dan seconds
  • All approve
  • Motion carries
-Dan motions to approve policy handbook addition with edits
  • George seconds
  • All approve
  • Motion carries
/ -HR Committee to meet with Norma to discuss next year’s contract
Finance Committee / -Budget revised to 69 ADM
  • Principal salary adjusted (position vacant for part of year); office manager moved to .5 time
  • Advertising budget
  • Field trips
  • El Patio grant budget error
-Jennifer thanks for having budget previously reviewed and presented
-Alli motions to approve revised budget
  • Ann seconds
  • All approve
  • Motion carries
-Jennifer recommends to have teacher representative on finance committee
-Last year at this time we had 6 less kids / -Draft of next year’s budget to be presented at May board meeting
Authorizer Contract / -Krysti met with teachers on Monday
  • Currently insufficient data- talked about data collection
  • Partially because we don’t have a consistent academic dean
  • Teachers doing a good job on their own
  • What data sources do they need?
  • English acquisition
  • NWEA
  • Challenges
  • Consistent dean
  • Computers/technology
  • Grade level instruction
  • Recs
  • Goals for academic dean- data markers
  • Data retreats
  • Track Spanish literacy
  • Language arts teacher
  • Academic focus for the year
  • Address attendance
  • *Data driven goals that link with prof. development for teachers
-Need to have specific goals to Augsburg board to approve by mid-May- week before board meeting
-Concern that timeline doesn’t allow sufficient board input
  • Jennifer recommends additional meeting May 9th
-Krysti reinforces goals need to be connected to professional development
-Q-Comp overview- presentation
  • Need to clarify academic director roles compared to QComp instructional leaders
-Kyrsti motions to approve goals
  • Rodolfo seconds
  • All approve
  • Motion carries
/ -Additional meeting May 9
La Raza Fund / -Productive meeting with Jennifer
-22 schools in portfolio
  • Provide support to schools
  • Credit quality (= academic performance)
  • EC struggling
  • Hearing positive feedback with new ED
-Focused on building strong relationship with Norma
-Clarity on lease
-Recommendations for strategic planning consultants
-What’s working in successful schools?
  • High expectations- our job to convince kids
-Need to be tough
Eval Committee / -Committee met and came up with a process
-Will have info by June board meeting
-Info in memo
-Tool based on research on leadership in schools
  • National Association of School Principals
  • Modified standards + financial
-Self, direct reports, staff, community partners
-Committee will distribute survey (update in May), compile results, meet with ED, present findings/recs to board-- develop goals / -Will have results at June 20 meeting
Board Training / -Norma recommends board do training together
-3 hour training
  • Focus on board specific issues, strategic planning
/ George will work with Jennifer to figure out days and times
Adjournment / -Alli motions to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 pm
  • Dan seconds
  • All approve
  • Motion carries

NEXT MEETING: May16th, 2013 4:30pm