HINDU Editorial Wordlist 06 July 2017 and English Vocabulary based on The Hindu daily newspaper. Here we are listed the words used in The HINDU Editorial and providing the usage of words for easy learning. So that it will become very easy to improve vocabulary and learn new words.

English Vocabulary is the deciding factor in many Examinations. It has a major contribution in scoring. Candidate can get more marks with good vocabulary skills in no time. These words may appear in Bank exams (IBPS, SBI), SSC Recruitment Exams (CGL), Railway Recruitment , Entrance Exams (CAT, GRE) and other competitive Exams conducted by state Public service commission.

The Hindu Newspaper Daily Wordlist 06 July 2017 pdf download

1.  Scientists find out why Chennai was deluged in 2015

2.  Arnab sullied my image for ratings: Shashi Tharoor

3.  TV anchor used the “vilest language” to insinuate that he had some dubious role in Pushkar’s death

4.  Ruckus over repatriation of officers to Telangana

5.  UoH develops new ‘resilience’ model

Word / Meaning & Synonyms
verb / Meaning: overwhelm with a flood.
Synonyms: inundate, engulf, submerge, swamp,
verb / Meaning: damage the purity or integrity of.
Synonyms: taint, defile, soil, tarnish, stain
verb / Meaning: suggest or hint (something bad) in an indirect and unpleasant way.
Synonyms: imply, suggest, hint, intimate, whisper,
noun / Meaning: the return of someone to their own country.
Synonyms: the sending of money back to one's own country.
noun / Meaning: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
Synonyms: flexibility, pliability, suppleness, plasticity

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HINDU Editorial Wordlist 06 July 2017 - English Vocabulary pdf

The following words are taken from today’s Paper. The Hindu editorial wordlist, vocabulary, meanings and synonyms are very helpful for the IBPS Bank PO and SSC CGL aspirants. Candidates are requested to memorize some words every day. So that it will be useful to Crack the exam.

1.  India’s prisons has in recent times been related to overcrowding and long spells of incarceration

2.  indigent inmates too poor to obtain bail. On some occasions, such as when the horrific blinding of prisoners in Bhagalpur

3.  The Yerwada Central Prison in Pune as a warder, over some missing rations is indeed startling.

4.  It is said she incurred the wrath of the guards because of her rising popularity

5.  This suggests that until her arrival the inmates may not have been accustomed to even rudimentary care from the jail authorities.

Word / Meaning & Synonyms
noun / Meaning: the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment.
Synonyms: imprisonment, internment, confinement, detention
adjective / Meaning: poor; needy.
Synonyms: poor, impecunious, destitute
adjective / Meaning: very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable.
Synonyms: surprising, astonishing, amazing, unexpected
noun / Meaning: a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.
Synonyms: anger, rage, fury, annoyance, indignation,
adjective / Meaning : involving or limited to basic principles.
Synonyms: basic, elementary, introductory, early, primary