South Laurel Middle School Band Handbook
Michael R. Wooley, Director of Bands
Dear Students and Parents,
I would like to first welcome you to our wonderful program enriched with tradition and excellence in music performance. I am honored to hold the position of director of bands at South Laurel Middle School. I look forward to sharing a very special year with all of you! It is my hope that you will not only enjoy your experience in band, but you will be challenged and rewarded. In addition to learning about music and playing a new instrument, students will learn successful life habits, how to be hard-working, responsible and dedicated young people, and have fun doing it! In striving for all students’ success, it is necessary that the environment be conducive to learning. Therefore, it is important to understand the procedures and expectations of the classroom and the structure of the band program at South Laurel Middle School. Parents, please take a moment to read over the handbook with your child to familiarize yourself with the program and the expectations of being a part of our program at South Laurel Middle School.
Thank you!
Mr. Wooley
Entering a Classroom
- Enter the rehearsal room in a quiet, courteous, and orderly manner. Students are to treat fellow studentsand staff members with respect.
- Attitude is everything. Attitudes are contagious……let’s start an epidemic!
- Students are to be on time to class and ready to play at the designated time.
- Most assignments, parent forms, etc. should be turned in the designated location as prescribed in class. This will always be clearly marked in the band room.
- Accessories (reeds, valve oil, etc) may be purchased before/after school or from a local music store. It is important that we do not waste rehearsal time to take care of maintenance issues.
- Instrument cases shall be stored in the equipment room in their designated location during rehearsal and the remainder of the school day.
- Quickly get your instrument and music and take your seat.
- Instruments are stored in CLOSED, LATCHED cases on designated shelves.
- Each student is required to acquire a 1-2 inch three-ring binder and clear sheet protectors for music. You are to take this music folder home to use for PRACTICING!
- Have a sharpened pencil at all rehearsals. Failure to have a pencil (not a pen) will result in loss of dailypoints. Please keep a pencil in your music folder at all times.
Rehearsal Etiquette
- Students will check the dry-erase board for the agenda each day.
- No book bags or instrument cases can be left on the floor at any time. (Book bags can go under your chair)
- On a daily basis, all students must have a pencil, instrument and method book/music.
- Many instrument cases look similar. An identification tag is a requirement!
- The rehearsal begins when the conductor steps on the podium.
- Students will not play other student’s instruments. This includes percussion and school owned instruments. This is for the safety of the students and the care of their instruments.
- No horseplay in the band room AT ANY TIME!
- Good posture is of great importance at all times.Sit up straight, feet flat on the floor.
- Always raise your hand for assistance.
- NO GUM, CANDY, FOOD or DRINKS IN THE BAND ROOM! Take pride in yourband room.
- If your instrument is in the shop, please bring a note from home. Bring your mouthpiece and music, forthere is always likelihood that we will provide a temporary instrument.
- Grades are based on a 100 point scale.
- South Laurel Middle School uses the following grading scale.
- 50% assessment
- Performances, performances, performances. Please read the CONCERT/PERFORMANCE section below!
- Playing exams
- Bell-ringer/Exit slips
- Written homework, listening homework, music technology assignments
- Practice logs
- 50% Daily Participation
- Having all required materials as stated in the hand book
- ACTIVE Participation, 100% of the rehearsal with NO behavioral issues.
- Each student is issued his or her own copy of music to have at EVERY rehearsal. Do NOT lose your music.
- There will be little written homework in band. You are expected to take your instrument home and practice a minimum of 90 minutes per week. This is FUN homework! Practice journalswill be used to monitor this. Some instruments are prohibited from being on a school bus, you will be expected to take your mouthpiece home, practice fingerings/slide positions, clap rhythms, sing your part etc. Students who cannot take their instruments home are welcome to stay after school with parent permission and supervision of the band director, and ONLY under those circumstances.
- Grades will be issued as indicated in the school calendar.
- Extra incentives are given to those who participate in private lessons, district and otherhonor band auditions, solo and ensemble, extra practice time (logged), participation in community band or orchestra, participation in non-mandatory high school band events, playing in church services, etc. All students will be appropriately notified of all extra band related activities. All of the above mentioned must be appropriately documented to receive credit.
- If you fail to have your instrument, music, or a pencil I reserve the right to take away your daily participation points for that day. Each day without your instrument, without a written excuse from the parent/guardian and approval of that written excuse from the band director will result in an automatic 0% for the day. A written excuse is NOT an automatic excuse; i.e. “Jane forgot her trumpet” is not an excuse. “Jane dropped her trumpet after a full hour of practicing resulted in a trip to the shop, please excuse her from not having her trumpet”would be excused. The absence of other required materials, lack of participation, and behavioral disruption will result in point deductions from you daily participation points.
Rehearsals/Performances and your Grade
- Band is a co-curricular activity; this means in addition to school day rehearsals therewill bea need to have extra rehearsals after school. This is a performance-based activity, much like a sport, practice is essential. You will be givenadvance notice and are expected to attend. Unexcused absences will negatively affect your grade. There are a number of excusable circumstances; communication is key in making sure misunderstandings do not occur.
- Band is considered a curricular class and performances outside of the school day are considered an extension of the school day. Therefore, PERFORMANCES ARE MANDATORY! Aperformance is considered a final exam in a unit of study. Our band depends on every student. YOU are important to an outstanding performance. If you should have to miss a performance or special rehearsal, you must present a note from a parent/guardian to the director prior to the performance or rehearsal. Emergency cases will be handled accordingly. An unexcused absence from a performance could result in a nine-week grade being lowered two letter grades from the students’ current average. Two unexcused absences from a performance will result in automatic failure. Please communicate, as accommodations are sometime necessary.
Expected Behaviors
- All students will give whoever is speaking, attention and respect.
- All students will respect each other’s personal space and property.
- All students will come to class each day well prepared. This means practicing at home.
- All students will come to class with a positive attitude.
- All students will participate in performances, class activities and discussions.
- All students will protect their personal property and the property of the school. “IF IT IS NOT YOURS,DON’T TOUCH IT!”
- Simply put…..”DO WHAT’S RIGHT!”
Consequences of Inappropriate Choices
- 1st offense - verbal warning
- 2nd offense-loss of daily participation points/Isolation with alternate assignment
- 3rd offense- above consequences with parent contact
- 4th offense-referral to the principals
Dropping Band Policy
If a student for any reason needs to drop band from their schedule, it must be requested with a signed parent/guardian note and students may be asked to meet with Mr. Wooley in person prior to the class actually being changed.
Concert Attire (All Concerts are REQUIRED)
Please make sure that you have the following for each performance. It is unwise to wait until the night before the performance to tell your parents you need concert attire!
- Concert attire will be decided on a performance-based scenario. There will be scenarios in which students will wear their band t-shirt and khakis, or parade appropriate attire, or formal wear for concert band festival, solo and ensemble, and formal concerts. The students and parents will be notified well in advanced to the appropriate attire.
- Formal Attire:
- Males- Black pants, black shoes, black socks, white button up shirt or polo.
- Females- Black Pants or knee length skirt with a white button up or polo, OR a solid black dress at least knee length.
- The rational for a uniform is so that the whole group looks the same. We don’t want anyoneto stick out and draw the audience’s attention away from the music. Concerts are formal occasions and the performers should be dressed appropriately! Thanks for your cooperation.
South Laurel Middle School Band Website
The middle school website is accessible via the Laurel County Board of Education website. schools” then “South Laurel Middle School”. You will locate “Teacher Websites” on the left hand sideapproximately half way down. Once located click “Teacher Websites” then find my name listed alphabetically. When you click my name you will be on the band website.
School Owned Instruments
Students will need to take a contract from Mr. Wooley during the first week of school to take home for parents to sign and return. Students are responsible for covering damages and repairs to the instrument while under the students care. Students using school-owned instruments will also purchase their own mouthpiece and other accessories (valve oil, reeds, etc) as needed.
All forms and accessories will be available at the Rental Night: August 16, 2011
Required Method Book
The prescribed book(s) MUST be purchased by your student. They are relatively cheap and come with supplemental materials. All method books run under $10.00
6th Grade –Tradition of Excellence Book 1(Available at Rental Night)
7th Grade –Tradition of Excellence Book 1 from last year and Standard of Excellence Book 2. Foundations For Superior Performance.
8th Grade –Tradition of Excellence Book 1. Foundations For Superior Performance.
Instrument Care Kits
It is recommended that students invest in a care kit. Proper maintenance of your instrument is vital to peak performance. Not caring for your instrument properly can cause serious and expensive damages. The items listed below may be purchased separately or as a kit. Graded instrument checks will be done randomly throughout the year to insure the students are properly caring for their instrument. We will go over proper care and maintenance procedures for each instrument during classes and at start night on August 18, 2011 at 6pm(Sixth Grade ONLY).
Flute- Swab, Polishing Cloth,
Oboe/Bassoon-Cork Grease, Reed Case with Name on it, Reeds (Students must have 2 good reeds in their reed case with them at their seat)
Clarinet-Swab, Cork Grease, Polishing Cloth, Reed Guard with Name on it, Reeds (Students must have 3 good reeds in their reed guard with them at their seat) Reeds may be purchased from Mr. Wooley.
Saxophone-Swab, Cork Grease, Polish Cloth, Neck Cleaner, Reed Guard with Name on it, Reeds
(Students must have 3 good reeds in a reed guard with them at their seat)
Trumpet-Valve Oil, Snake, Polishing Cloth, Tuning Slide Grease, Mouthpiece Brush, Valve Casing Brush
French Horn-Cleaning Cloth, Snake, Rotor Oil, Tuning Slide Grease, Mouthpiece Brush
Trombone-Snake, Super slick Crème, Super slick Plus Slide Treatment, Spray Water Bottle, Tuning Slide Grease, Mouthpiece Brush, Polishing Cloth
Low Brass-Snake, Valve Oil, Tuning Slide Grease, Mouthpiece Brush, Valve Casing Brush, Cleaning
Percussion- Percussion kits until further notice.
All instrument cases MUST be labeled with a nametag! Make sure your instrument case has your name, address, etc. on it. Parents: it is suggested to take note of your student’s instrument model and serial number to keep at home.
Additional (optional items)
Wire music stand for home practice
Recording device for individual assessment purposes
In addition to the local music stores, good Websites for instrument supplies include:
Mr. Wooley will assist parents and students in accessing a number of resources to supply their child with required as well as optional materials.
Private Lessons
Though not a requirement, private lessons are the vehicle to make sure your child is getting the most of his/her band experience. The one on one attention is paramount to our success. I will provide you with a list of area teachers. Mr. Wooley is available during after school hours and welcomes students who seek extra help on their instrument to stay after school. If your student wishes to stay after school for additional help they will receive practice log minutes for their 90 minute a week requirement.
Remember, Mr. Wooley serves in the best interest of the students and the success of the South Laurel Middle School Band program. I believe in a student focused learning environment, providing students with the highest quality music education possible. The structure of the program and all decisions made directly reflect this belief.
Band Handbook Parent/Student Signature Sheet:
This signature sheet counts as the first homework grade! Please get it in on or before the due date, August 14, 2011.
Information Form
Student Name:
Parents Names:
Phone #’s (please include all #’s you can be reached at):
E-mail address:
Mailing Address:
Means of Transportation (Circle): Bus Pick-UpMix
If the student has a mixed means of transportation that means they are on the bus part of the week and picked up part of the week.
The above represents a summary of the responsibilities that form the basis of participation in the South Laurel Middle School Bands. It is essential that each student and parent read this together, understand the information, and realize that by signing this contract they agree to uphold that philosophy and carry out those responsibilities to the best of their ability.
Student signature______
Parent signature______