We want to start with a short definition of the terms complementary and alternative medicine:
Complementary and alternative medicine is a broad field of different methods and drugs.
They share that mostly scientific proofs and consequently appraisal by conventional medicine is lacking.
There is a difference between complementary and alternative therapy. The former accompanies conventional therapy and is in accordance with it, while the latter is given as an alternative instead of conventional therapy or in parallel with it but without coordinationf.ex. considering interactions.
In which field do you work?
Stationary hospice
Palliative ward
Palliative counseling service
Specialized ambulatory palliative care (SAPV)
General ambulatory palliative care (AAPV)
Hospice service for outpatients
Others: ….
What is your profession?
Physical therapy
Spiritual care
Others: …..
In which state of Germany do you work (drop down menu)
What is your personalopinion towards alternative medicine?
(As a reminder: alternative means either really instead of or in parallel but without adaptation to conventional therapy)
I refuse it
I’m undecided
I fully accept it
What is your personal opinion towards complementary medicine? (to memorize: complementary means accompanyingand in accordance with conventional therapy.)
I refuse it
I’m undecided
I fully accept it
Do you use alternative or complementary therapies yourself?
Alternative therapies
I do not use them at all
I use them from time to time
I use them on a regular base
Complementary therapies
I do not use them at all
I use them from time to time
Iuse them on a regular base
Do you have experiences with complementary and/or alternative therapy with your family or close friends?
From time to time
On a regular basis
You have previously stated thatyou have experience with complementary and/or alternative therapies either personally or with relatives or close friends. How would you rate your experience on a scale from 1to 5? (1= very negative, 5= very positive)
1 2 3 4 5
With the following methods I have hadpositive or negative experiences personally or with relatives or close friends respectively (Please list the methods):
Positive experiences: …..
Negative experiences: …..
Would you use complementary and/or alternative therapies with a relative or near friend or yourself in case of advanced cancer, if there is no other active therapy against the tumor?
Yes, I would
No, neither for myself nor for a relative
I’m undecided
Are you interested in complementary and alternative methods from a professional point of view?
Do you use a source of information on complementary and alternative medicine?
If yes, which ones (Several answers allowed):
Scientific print media
Professional training (courses etc.)
Experienced physicians
Lay media
Would you like to have more information on complementary and alternative therapies for your work?
Yes, I would like to have more information
No, I think I am adequately informed
No, I am not interested in the topic
Have you ever been asked by a patient on complementary and alternative medicine?
Never before
On a regular base
Have you ever been asked by a relative of a patient on complementary and alternative medicine?
Never before
On a regular base
Have you already used complementary and alternative methods in your patients?
I have already used complementary therapies.
I have already used alternative therapies.
I have already used complementary as well as alternative therapies.
So far, I did neither use complementary nor alternative therapies.
Who should be responsible mainly for counseling on and applying complementary and alternative methods for patients with cancer in a palliative setting?
The oncologist
The general practitioner
A qualified naturopath
A non-medical practitioner
Nurses with specialized training
Everybody who offers the method
Nobody, the patient has to be proactive and responsible for him
I do not know
Should complementary therapy be paid for by statutory health insurance?
Yes, in any case
Yes, to an amount of …..per month
Yes, if the physician gave a prescription
No, not in any case
I do not know
Should alternative therapy be paid for by statutory health insurance?
Yes, in any case
Yes, to an amount of …..per month
Yes, if the physician gave a prescription
No, not in any case
I do not know
Please tell us, if you would consent tothe following statements. (Participants had to mark their attitude on a 4 point Likertscale between “I fully consent” to “I do not consent at all”
I would use alternative therapies in a patient with advanced cancer unlimited
I would use alternative treatments if there is no other therapy against cancer and the patient has a desire to be treated
I would use complementary therapy additionally to conventional therapy in a patient with advanced tumor without limitations.
You have accepted one or more of the previous statements. Which criteria would you accept for a choice on complementary and alternative therapy?
I would accept any recommendation, as long as the patient feels, that this will alleviate his symptoms.
I would fully inform myself on the therapy chosen by the patient and then make a decision.
In your opinion, what speaks for or against using complementary and alternative therapy in palliative patients with cancer?
These methods maybe do not help but they neither can do any harm
This is not true at allThis is rather not true This is rather true This is fully true
These methods have positive effects on palliative patients with cancer
This is not true at allThis is rather not true This is rather true This is fully true
These methods can make the patient less compliant with important recommendations regarding therapy.
This is not true at allThis is rather not true This is rather true This is fully true
These methods may help the patient to better cope with his disease.
This is not true at allThis is rather not true This is rather true This is fully true
As science does not know much on these methods, I do not recommend them.
This is not true at allThis is rather not true This is rather true This is fully true
These methods can have negative interactions with drugs from palliative care.
This is not true at allThis is rather not true This is rather true This is fully true
In the following list of different methods from CAM, please mark what you think of each one.
Method / I recommend the method as complement / I recommend the method as an alternative / I recommend the method in part as complement and in part as alternative / I do not recommend the method actively but I also do not recommend against it / I recommend against this method / I do not know the methodVitamins (Including infusions with vitamin C)
Selenium and other trace elements
Other supplements
Medical mushrooms
Massage and reflexology
Physical activity and physiotherapy (including Pilates,
Bioresonance therapy
Basal stimulation
Relaxation techniques
Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong
Spiritual care, prayer
Immune therapy
Light therapy
Sound and music therapy
Art therapy
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Finally we would like to ask for some personal data:
How old are you? ……….years
Your sex:
In which country have you been born?
Inanother country, namely: ………